JOHNNY BAZOOKATONE 2050 AD, and the planet is united in love and peace by the cool 'n' groovy toons of Johnny Bazookatone, the ultimate 21st century boy. Spreading love-vibes and funking-electric- bazooka-grooves, Johnny's unbeatable run of number one hits around the world has established him in rock 'n' roll annals as bigger than The Beatles, bigger than Elvis, even bigger than Gary Glitter. Hey, but he doesn't let it go to his quiff. But, you guessed it, it's not all 100% good vibrations... Festering within the blazing sulphurous chasms of Hell, Inc. Mr L Diablo and his associated Hordes of Hades are getting real hacked off with Johnny's rip-roaring success. Deep in the blackened core of his non-existent soul, L Diablo wants Johnny right out of the Billboard Top 100 and straight onto the rock 'n' roll scrapheap. He scratches his horn and stares at the huge array of Trinitron monitors that adorn his infernally damned penthouse. "I am the God of Hellfire," bellows L Diablo, "and I should have the greatest tunes in history". "Bring me every single recording of Johnny B! And bring me Anita, his putrid perfectly pitched guitar!..." "The world is going to dance with me to my discordant tune!!!" With that L Diablo sends forth the Four to do the dirty deed... Kung-Fu, Western, War and Sci-Fi (they just lurve the movies). They reek complete and utter havoc throughout the record stores of the world before thieving Johnny's pride and joy, Anita the guitar. L Diablo snatches Anita from them their sweaty claws and tries to spank out a couple of hot licks but the resulting cacophony sends the Impmen cowering for cover. He tries in vain but hell, he just ain't got no soul. "Well if I can't play, then the world will have no music!!!" Diablo smashes his fist down onto his brimstone desk-tidy in one hell of a bad mood. "Bring me Johnny" - he screams! The world goes quiet.... The planet's rock fans slump into doom, gloom and despondency, records rot in their poor sleeves and a dejected Dr Pop slumps over his cobweb-encrusted Pop Desk. Johnny is equally gutted and no amount of Stiff Quiff or Boner-Hold Hairspray can put the bounce back in his bonce. But alas, there's no rest for our heavy-metal guru. Johnny realises that the bad guys responsible for the missing musicians are probably the same bad guys who kidnapped Anita. He follows a trail of clues across the world until he comes to the outer reaches of L Diablo's domain, a crumbling disused prison. Diablo appears before Johnny via a live satellite link up from beyond the fiery Abyss. "Good evening Mr Bazookatone, I've been expecting you..." slimes Diablo... "as you know, your precious guitar, Anti, is forever in my possession... and the world's greatest chart- toppers will never sing or play again, EVER!!!" He cackles like only a true maniac can... "And as for you, Bazookatone, you my boy, you will become a barbecued prisoner of my fiery dungeons from now until eternity and beyond!" Johnny is far from impressed by these demonic threats. He nonchalantly grabs his guitar gun, checks his hair and threads in the mirror, and gets ready to battle thru the brimstone and treacle world of L Diablo, rescue Anti and teach the world to sing in perfect harmony once more. Johnny Bazookatone. An awesome, totally Silicon Graphics rendered rock 'n' roll arcade adventure starring the ultimate hard-rock guitar hero, pitting his power-chords against L Diablo, the suave and sweet talking, handsome devil-king President of Underworld Incorporated. Johnny's ready for some groovin'-an-a movin' and struttin' his funky stuff thru the ghastly worlds of Hell - The Prison, The Hotel Demonique with its Dirty Old Man in the attic and huge Bouncer, The Ballroom complete with Concierge and devilish `70's Disco Dancers... next comes the Restaurant with Hell's Kitchen and a bad dose of food poisoning not far behind... the Hospital and some well dodgy back street surgery follows with the final battle taking place in L Diablo's fiery Penthouse. Step into Johnny's blue suede shoes, uh-hu-hah, pick up your plectrum, strap on your battle-axe and prepare to rock `n' roll, riff `n' lick, wap-bam and boogie thru Johnny Bazookatone and the Gig In Hell!!! Available fourth quarter 1995 for the Sony PlayStation, Sega Saturn, 3DO and PC CD-ROM.