Sega Interactive (Japan)

From Sega Retro

good god there's more

it wasn't just R&D3 and 4 - according to the last few captures of its recruitment page from 2019, not just one but two more R&D departments existed towards the end of Interactive's life. "R&D5" appears to have been the former console-focused second AM2 dept. (Border Break PS4 etc), and as Starhorse is mentioned "R&D6" is likely the old "ME Works" dept. from R&D1 that made all the medal games?

R&D5 also has several more listings that aren't for any specific titles - just particular development areas like web design, effects, game UI etc, so it may have had teams specializing in these. And according to another Initial D was still around at R&D1 alongside Sega World Drivers Championship around this time even though we know that Kenji Arai went to R&D4 from his page and my head hurts (again)

little else evidence of them exists besides the above ofc, but I at least *think* 5 and 6 happened because somewhere along the line R&D1/2/3 became departments instead of divisions, and the departments within them consequently split off? 4 remains a mystery though, and I have idea how to handle this with Retro's current structure that confuses the two under the company template + kind of does the same on person profiles too. There might still be some surprises in store with other job opening archives and I don't even want to think about more recent restructures yet - Ted909 (talk) 02:11, 16 August 2024 (GMT)