Golden Axe The Music

From Sega Retro


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Golden Axe The Music (ゴールデンアックス ザ ミュージック) is an album containing music from a number of Golden Axe games, including the original Golden Axe (Sega System 16, Sega Mega Drive), Golden Axe: The Revenge of Death Adder, Golden Axe II, Golden Axe III, Golden Axe: The Duel and some bonus tracks.

Track List

Disc 1

Golden Axe (System 16B, 1989):

1. Coin ~ The Battle (1:20) 
2. Arano (5:18) 
Japan 荒野
EN: Wilderness
3. Battle Field (4:55) 
4. Thief no Theme (1:42) 
Japan シーフのテーマ
EN: Thief's Theme
5. Kochizu (0:55) 
Japan 古地図
EN: Old Map
6. Turtle Village 1 (4:30) 
7. Mouja no Michi (4:25) 
Japan 亡者の道
EN: Fiend's Path
8. Turtle Village 2 (3:09) 
9. Shukuteki! Death Adder (4:51) 
Japan 宿敵!デス・アダー
EN: Old Enemy! Death Adder
10. Shuuketsu (0:21) 
Japan 終結
EN: Conclusion
11. Sutakora, Sassa! (1:23) 
Japan す・た・こ・ら・さっさ!
12. Sen Ono March (1:08) 
Japan 戦斧マーチ
EN: Battle Axe March
13. Game Over (0:06) 

Golden Axe: The Revenge of Death Adder (System 32, 1992):

14. Character Select (1:48) 
15. Main Theme 1 (2:47) 
16. Waterfall ~ Kyoushuu (2:42) 
Japan Waterfall~強襲
EN: Waterfall ~ Assault
17. Kodomo no Itazura (1:18) 
Japan 小人の悪戯
EN: The Mischief of the Dwarf
18. Ashita e no Kibou (2:44) 
Japan 明日への希望
EN: Hope for Tomorrow
19. The Theme of the Boss (1:35) 
20. Map Indication (0:16) 
21. Cave (1:07) 
22. The Forest of the Mushroom (1:07) 
23. Youki na Kodomotachi (1:52) 
Japan 陽気な小人たち
EN: The Merry Dwarves
24. The Dance of the Soldier (0:36) 
25. Bonus Side in the Town (0:54) 
26. In a Fortress (2:58) 
27. On a Ship (2:12) 
28. Death Adder 1 (2:07) 
29. Death Adder 2 (1:48) 
30. Continue (0:20) 
31. All Clear (0:28) 
32. Ending (0:25) 
33. Result (1:00) 
Running time: 64:07

Disc 2

Golden Axe (1989):

1. The Battle (1:00) 
2. Wilderness (2:55) 
3. Battle Field (2:16) 
4. Thief's Theme (0:39) 
5. Old Map (0:20) 
6. Turtle Village 1 (2:13) 
7. Fiend's Path (2:25) 
8. Turtle Village 2 (0:53) 
9. Death Adder (1:59) 
10. Showdown (1:55) 
11. Conclusion (0:21) 
12. Sutakora, Sassa! (0:46) 
13. Game Over (0:05) 

Golden Axe II (1991):

14. Character Select (1:10) 
15. Raveged Village (1:09) 
16. Boss (1:03) 
17. Magician Stage (0:55) 
18. Crystal (0:26) 
19. Ancient Ruins (0:54) 
20. Enemy's Headquarters (0:54) 
21. Dragon's Throat (0:44) 
22. Boss (1:04) 
23. The Castle Gate (0:57) 
24. Castle of Dark Guld (1:29) 
25. Deathadder (1:40) 
26. All Clear (0:15) 
27. Staff Roll (2:02) 
28. Result (0:14) 
29. Game Over (0:07) 

Golden Axe III (1993):

30. Title Demo (1:10) 
31. Character Select (0:53) 
32. Wilderness (1:19) 
33. Boss Odd Stage (1:36) 
34. Thife Stage (0:50) 
35. Map (0:37) 
36. Ancient Mound (1:26) 
37. Tender Hamlet (1:29) 
38. Boss Even Stage (0:51) 
39. Dim Jungle (1:07) 
40. Cave of Cristal (1:13) 
41. The Scorching Sand (1:26) 
42. Bloody Street (0:56) 
43. Death Mountain (1:10) 
44. A Voyage of Castle (1:12) 
45. Ride the Whirlwind (1:17) 
46. Cursed City (1:09) 
47. The Gate of Fate (1:03) 
48. In the Castle (1:08) 
49. Last Boss (1:08) 
50. Last Boss Clear (0:18) 
51. Ending (0:29) 
52. Game Over (0:05) 
53. Congratulations (0:07) 
54. Staff Roll (1:39) 
55. Main Title (0:53) 
Running time: 59:21

Disc 3

Running Time: 76:27

  1. title (1:03)
  2. Character selection (0:40)
  3. VS screen (0:22)
  4. Kain Blade (2:05)
  5. Milan Flare (2:08)
  6. Gillius Rockhead (2:08)
  7. Jamm (2:10)
  8. Zoma (1:36)
  9. Doc (1:55)
  10. Green (1:57)
  11. Keel (1:30)
  12. Panchos (1:50)
  13. Death Adder (1:44)
  14. Intrusion (0:07)
  15. Golden Axe (1:59)
  16. Ending1 (1:17)
  17. Ending2 (1:54)
  18. Ending3 (1:55)
  19. Staff roll (2:32)
  20. Name entry (0:52)
  21. Continue (1:24)
  22. GameOver (0:07)
  23. Demo (1:43)
  24. title (1:06)
  25. Character selection (0:40)
  26. VS screen (0:06)
  27. Kain Blade (2:05)
  28. Milan Flare (2:08)
  29. Gillius Rockhead (2:08)
  30. Jamm (2:10)
  31. Zoma (1:36)
  32. Doc (1:55)
  33. Green (1:57)
  34. Keel (3:01)
  35. Panchos (1:50)
  36. Death Adder (1:44)
  37. Intrusion (0:05)
  38. Golden Axe (1:59)
  39. Ending1 (1:05)
  40. Ending2 (1:09)
  41. Ending3 (1:34)
  42. Staff roll (3:47)
  43. Name entry (0:38)
  44. Continue (0:36)
  45. GameOver (0:08)
  46. win (0:08)
  47. Hope for Tomorrow~Special MIX~ (2:57)
  48. Axe Duel Arrange Ver.- (4:57)

Physical Scans

Album, JP
GoldenAxeTheMusic Music JP Box Back.jpgNospine-small.pngGoldenAxeTheMusic Music JP Box Front.jpg
GoldenAxeTheMusic Music JP Disc1.jpg
Disc 1
GoldenAxeTheMusic Music JP Disc2.jpg
Disc 2
GoldenAxeTheMusic Music JP Disc3.jpg
Disc 3

External links

Gilius Thunder Head punching sprite Golden Axe series of games
Golden Axe (1989) | Golden Axe: The Revenge of Death Adder (1992) | Golden Axe: The Duel (1994) | Golden Axe (slot machine) (2010)
Sega Mega Drive
Golden Axe (1989) | Golden Axe II (1991) | Golden Axe III (1993)
Sega Master System
Golden Axe (1989) | Golden Axe Warrior (1991)
Windows PC
Golden Axe (1990)
LCD handheld game
Electronic Golden Axe (1990)
Sega Game Gear
Ax Battler: A Legend of Golden Axe (1991)
Sega Saturn
Golden Axe: The Duel (1995)
Sony PlayStation 2
Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol. 5: Golden Axe (2003)
Xbox 360
Sony PlayStation 3
Golden Axe: Beast Rider (2008)
Google Android OS
Golden Axe (2009) | Golden Axe (2017)
Xbox Live Arcade
Sega Vintage Collection: Golden Axe (2012)
Golden Axed: A Cancelled Prototype (2020)
Golden Axe related media
Golden Axe I & II (2016)
Sega Mega Drive Attack Manual Book Tatsujin & Golden Axe (1990) | Golden Axe (1992) | Golden Axe: Beast Rider Official Strategy Guide (2008) | The Art of Golden Axe: Beast Rider (2008)