Slam 'n Jam '96 Featuring Magic & Kareem/Hidden content

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Extra teams

SlamnJam96 Saturn US ExtraTeams1.png

SlamnJam96 Saturn US ExtraTeams2.png

On the main menu press Left Right Up Down R L A Down for the Left Field Lefties, then after the buzzer, press Left Right Up Down R L A Up for the Monsters. You can't unlock the Monsters separately.

Show version info

SlamnJam96 Saturn US VersionInfo.png

After performing the two teams codes above, press R L A on the main menu (a buzz will confirm if entered correctly). Now wait until the title screen re-loads, then press  START .

"Status box"

SlamnJam96 Saturn US StatusBox.png

After performing the version info code above, press L L L on the main menu (a buzz will confirm if entered correctly). It is not yet known what this code does.

"Short quarters"

SlamnJam96 Saturn US ShortQuarters.png

After performing the status box code above, press R R R on the main menu (a buzz will confirm if entered correctly). It is not known what this code does either, as quarters cannot be taken lower than 2 minutes.

"Memory dump"

SlamnJam96 Saturn US MemoryDump.png

After performing the status box code above, press Down Down Down on the main menu (a buzz will confirm if entered correctly). Again the effects are unknown.

View shot percentages

SlamnJam96 Saturn US ShotPercentage.png

Start a game and hold L prior to the tip off. Now when making shots, the game will tell you how likely it is to score.

Big heads

SlamnJam96 Saturn US BigHeads.png

Start a game and, prior to the tip off, press X, pause, then unpause. Players will now have bigger heads.

Small players

SlamnJam96 Saturn US SmallPlayers.png

Start a game and, prior to the tip off, press Z, pause, then unpause. Players will now be smaller.


Slam 'n Jam '96 Featuring Magic & Kareem

SlamnJam96 title.png

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Sega Saturn
Prototypes: 1996-02-01