Baby Boom

From Sega Retro

To do

  • Find something promotional and copy its Plot description. Compare in-game story with promo ones for differences.
  • Gameplay, Levels, baby types, units and their behaviors, any player abilities, characters, Omni, etc.
  • On the Gameplay, do the babies move faster when they're in the baby walkers? and do I actually have to play this game. :(
  • Is - is that a baby jail? What's the-- is that- where the bad babies go? This gaaaaame
  • Something about the graphics actually being pretty good for SoA stuff (good use of their trademark pastel color palette, extensive use of dithering in the right places i.e. lights, baby graphics actually being funny/interesting, very clean presentation in levels, lots of reflections, etc.) Tbh a lot of the stuff SoA envisioned/commissioned didn't come out too fun, and the same could be said of a lot of things FHT worked on too (absolutely no offense intended), but this looks decent. Which might be useful in contextualizing why a project like this got approved/developed this much with such a seemingly unattractive concept (to Sega's target audiences.) Except that box art, jesus h.

CartridgeCulture (talk) 23:36, 11 November 2021 (EST)

Prototype box art? ...

So here I was looking at these Clube Sega catalogues ... felling nostalgic... when I noticed this .... I'm not good with prototype stuff... but it seems to be prototype box art for Mega Drive's Baby Boom ... I'm not sure if this has been seen before... is just to let you guys know ...--Asagoth (talk) 16:37, 21 December 2020 (EST)

Woah, I think that is! Thats a killer find, you rock ;)

CartridgeCulture (talk) 23:36, 11 November 2021 (EST)