Touch de Uno!/Magazine articles

From Sega Retro

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File Date Source Title and comments
Logo-pdf.svg 1999-08-13 Dreamcast Magazine (JP), "1999-25 extra (1999-08-27ex)" "NAOMI New Release Title!!"
A preview written from the perspective of the character Tomo, one of the 4 right-brain sisters. It introduces the general concept of the game as targeting the right-side of the brain, and how to operate the cabinet and touch-based screen. 3 minigames are briefly explained: Mojimoji Sagashi, Rakkaku Paint and Parapara Kioku. A photo of the check sheet printed at the end is also shown.
Logo-pdf.svg 1999-08-20 Dreamcast Magazine (JP), "1999-26 (1999-09-03)" "NAOMI New Release Title!!"
A continuation of the 1st preview, this time written from Ryuko's perspective. It covers 2 modes, the Check Course and Training Course, and goes more in-depth on the check sheet. The remaining 3 stages, Count Mania, Kurabete Check and Patto Number, are given brief explanations.
Logo-pdf.svg 1999-10-08 Dreamcast Magazine (JP), "1999-33 (1999-10-22,29)" Explains how to active the hidden character Ai-chan and shows photos of her real-life inspiration, programmer 中村 愛 (Sega Soft 3). Contains a guide to all 6 minigames.