Page values for "Garou Densetsu 3: Road to the Final Victory/Technical information"
"roms" values
name | Garou Densetsu 3: Road to the Final Victory |
format | SAT |
sha1 | |
md5 | |
crc32 | |
size | 665538384 |
date | 1996-06-09 |
source | CD-ROM (JP) |
comments | T-3102G V1.000 |
quality | good |
prototype | |
undumped |
"romheaderssat" values
makerid | SEGA TP T-31 |
productno | T-3102G V1.000 |
releasedate | 19960609CD-1/1 |
deviceinfo | 19960609CD-1/1 |
region | JT |
io | J |
softwarename | GAROU_DENSETSU_3 |