name | Miffy Hajimete Deau Pasokon Soft 3: Kazu to Katachi |
format | Windows PC |
company | Sega Enterprises, Ltd. |
role | Publisher |
specificrole | |
credited | Yes |
name | Miffy Hajimete Deau Pasokon Soft 3: Kazu to Katachi |
format | Mac OS 8.5 |
company | Sega Enterprises, Ltd. |
role | Publisher |
specificrole | |
credited | Yes |
name | Miffy Hajimete Deau Pasokon Soft 3: Kazu to Katachi |
format | Windows PC |
company | Sega |
role | Developer |
specificrole | |
credited | Yes |
name | Miffy Hajimete Deau Pasokon Soft 3: Kazu to Katachi |
format | Mac OS 8.5 |
company | Sega |
role | Developer |
specificrole | |
credited | Yes |
name | Miffy Hajimete Deau Pasokon Soft 3: Kazu to Katachi |
type | 0 |
console | PCMac |
region | JP |
date | 2000-07-28 |
rrp | 5,400e |
code | HCJ-0158 |
code2 | |
rating | |