Page values for "Sonic the Hedgehog (LCD)"
"companies" values
name | Sonic the Hedgehog (LCD) |
format | LCD |
company | Tiger Electronics |
role | Publisher(US) |
specificrole | |
credited | Yes |
name | Sonic the Hedgehog (LCD) |
format | LCD |
company | Grandstand |
role | Publisher(UK) |
specificrole | |
credited | Yes |
name | Sonic the Hedgehog (LCD) |
format | LCD |
company | Tec Toy |
role | Publisher(BR) |
specificrole | |
credited | Yes |
name | Sonic the Hedgehog (LCD) |
format | LCD |
company | Tiger Electronics |
role | Developer |
specificrole | |
credited | Yes |
"releases" values
name | Sonic the Hedgehog (LCD) |
type | 0 |
console | LCD |
region | US |
date | 1992 |
rrp | $? |
code | ? |
code2 | |
rating |
name | Sonic the Hedgehog (LCD) |
type | 0 |
console | LCD |
region | UK |
date | 1992 |
rrp | £? |
code | ? |
code2 | |
rating |
name | Sonic the Hedgehog (LCD) |
type | 0 |
console | LCD |
region | BR |
date | 199x |
rrp | R$? |
code | ? |
code2 | |
rating |