From Sega Retro

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@VPACHI is an online pachinko/pachi-slot video game service and associated video game series for the Sega Dreamcast. It was run by Daikoku, a large pachinko manufacturer. The game allowed you to win actual prizes, and when you win once you weren't able to enter the tournaments again. There were 25 tournaments planned.


is this list incomplete? does ネッパチ ~10連チャンでラスベガス旅行~ (Daikoku; 1999) fit?
  • ネッパチII@VPACHI ~CRハレンチ学園~ (Daikoku, 2000)
  • ネッパチIII@VPACHI ~CRど根性ガエル2・CRど根性ガエルH~ (Daikoku, 2000)
  • Jissen Pachi-Slot Hisshouhou! @VPACHI: Kongdom (Maxbet; 2000)
  • ネッパチIV@VPACHI ~CR嗚呼!!花の応援団3~ (Daikoku, 2000)
  • ネッパチV@VPACHI ~CRモンスターハウス~ (Daikoku, 2000)
  • ネッパチVI@VPACHI ~CRお宝探検隊~ (Daikoku, 2001)
  • CR必殺仕事人 パチってちょんまげ@VPACHI (Hackberry, 2001)