List of Dreamcast widescreen codes

From Sega Retro

The following is a list of codes for the "Codebreaker" Dreamcast cheat device, which allow games to run in 16x9 Anamorphic Widescreen. This means that the geometry is altered to not appear stretched on a widescreen television (or emulator), but the actual pixel density remains unchanged so the Dreamcast is still outputting the original resolution.

Game Code Region Author
Blue Stinger 022D9CA4 3F400000 USA Esppiral
Blue Stinger 022D6D80 3F400000 JPN yzb37859365
Cool Boarders 0219C1BC 3F8CCCCD 021600C8 3F400000 USA Esppiral
Cosmic Smash 023D6728 43700000 JPN Esppiral
Crazy Taxi 022B08B0 43700000 US? Esppiral
Crazy Taxi 2 022BDDD0 43700000 USA Esppiral
Crazy Taxi 2 022FBBD0 43700000 JPN yzb37859365
D2 024B5CF4 3F400000 US? Esppiral
Daytona USA 021FC6D0 43700000 USA Esppiral
Dead or Alive 2 (Limited Edition) 022FBBD0 43700000 JPN yzb37859365
Death Crimson 2 - Meraniito no Saidan 02819F44 43800000 JPN yzb37859365
Death Crimson OX 028BD5B4 43800000 USA yzb37859365
Fighting Vipers 2 023D3AF0 43700000 JPN yzb37859365
House of the Dead 2 024C6708 43700000 EUR Esppiral
Illbleed 021C8A98 3F400000 USA Esppiral
Ikaruga (Horizontal Only) 02C0CFA0 3F400000 JPN Esppiral
Jet Grind Radio 0232E0FC 43F00000 0232E12C 3F400000 USA Sappharad
Le Mans 24H Test Drive 0229B90C 3F400000 EUR Esppiral
Looney Tunes: Space Race (HUD cuts off) 022198EC 3F400000 USA Anonymous
Maken X 0231290C 3F400000 EUR Esppiral
Outtrigger 0283E284 43700000 JPN yzb37859365
Power Stone 027FCEE8 43700000 USA Anonymous
Power Stone 2 02849AA0 43700000 JPN yzb37859365
Quake III Arena (In-game) 020FCE04 3F400000 USA Anonymous
Resident Evil: Code Veronica 02329E40 3F400000 USA Esppiral
Resident Evil: Code Veronica 0232A3A0 3F400000 EUR Esppiral
Sega GT 025D613C 3F400000 EUR Esppiral
Sega Rally 2 02DB9BA0 3F400000 JPN Esppiral
Shadow Man 022BFB54 3F400000 USA yzb37859365
Shenmue 02230250 43700000 USA Sappharad
Shenmue 0222E8A0 43700000 JPN yzb37859365
Shenmue 02231EF8 43700000 EUR yzb37859365
Shenmue II 0231186C 43700000 EUR Sappharad
Shenmue II 0230D67C 43700000 JPN yzb37859365
Skies of Arcadia 02502A84 3F400000 EUR Esppiral
Sonic Adventure 2 0228DEF8 43F00000 0228DF28 3F400000 USA Sappharad
Sonic Shuffle 02110B4C 3F400000 EUR Esppiral
Soul Caliber 022D6138 3F400000 EUR Esppiral
Soul Caliber 02266C28 3F400000 USA Anonymous
Space Channel 5 Part 2 0214D3E0 3F400000 JPN Esppiral
Star Wars Episode 1 Racer 0217AE20 EF400000 US? Esppiral
Sword of Berserk 02140FA4 3F400000 EUR Esppiral
TimeStalkers 0214EFA8 43A00000 EUR yzb37859365
Tennis 2K2 (Virtua Tennis 2) 024A19B0 43700000 US? Esppiral
Test Drive Le Mans 0229B7BC 3F400000 USA Anonymous
Tomb Raider The Last Revelation 02C0BC74 3FA66666 EUR Esppiral
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 (Clipping) 021D779C 3F400000 US? Esppiral
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 (Cropped) 021D77A0 3FA66666 US? Esppiral
UEFA Dream Soccer 021B2718 3F400000 USA Esppiral
What's Shenmue 0220BB68 43700000 JPN yzb37859365
Virtua Fighter 3 0219D718 43700000 EUR Esppiral
Virtua Fighter 3tb 02199FB0 43700000 JPN yzb37859365
Virtua Tennis 02450A90 43700000 USA Anonymous
Zombie Revenge 02948058 43700000 USA yzb37859365
Zusar Vasar 024B0218 3F400000 JPN yzb37859365