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MegaSWIV MDTitleScreen.png

System(s): Sega Mega Drive
Publisher: Time Warner Interactive
Genre: Shoot-'em-Up

Mega SWIV is a shoot-'em-up developed by Sales Curve Interactive in 1994 and published by Time Warner Interactive exclusively in Europe for the Sega Mega Drive. It is a port of the SNES game Super SWIV/Firepower 2000 (which did see international release) and the sequel to the original SWIV for home computers.

Tests of prototype military airships near Bermuda end in disaster as the airships vanish; in reality, an underground race capture the airships and use their technology to build a new, unstoppable army powered by computer drones — an army that no nation's army can match. And it is up to you to stop it.

B fires (you can rapidfire). A cycles between a variety of weapons. C uses a special weapon you collect in levels. From the main menu, hitting A, B, or C allows you to go to a configuration menu which lets you choose between playing as a helicopter (who will not be blocked by obstacles; this is the default) or a tank (who can turn to aim in any direction, but you must actually complete the turn and stop firing before the gun aims).