Steam: 1.5.14
[1.5.14] Release Notes - Forgotten Love
2 March, 2017 - Lt_Miles
Hey everyone,
We have a small surprise for you. Following the excitement of the Make War Not Love event of last month, we've decided to go ahead and do our part anyway! The new content pack Forgotten Love will be available tonight at 7pm CET on Steam, for free! This pack brings two heroines (one of them of pugtapult fame) to the Mezari faction, the Commander Irjsko Lasmak & Sable Deceiver Bayari Kulaa.
Along with Forgotten Love, we have released a new small update that contains bug fixes, and tweaks to AI with regards to Empire plans and district expansion. These changes were suggested by our community, so we'd like to say that you people are amazing, especially if your username is Ninakoru. Here is the full list of changes:
Added Irjsko Lasmak and Bayari Kulaa to cast of heroes. This content was unlocked to celebrate the Make War Not Love 4 community event.
Added image to Weather Control notification.
Added changes suggested by Ninakoru (G2G forum[])
Fixed a few typos in AIParameters[EmpirePlan] and a deprecated use of ClassCity:IntermediateTradeRoutesGain.
Fixed how district gain are calculated.
Empire plans never have a value of 0, no matter the strategic state (the multipliers have been raised from 0 to 0.1).
Tribal Council parameter has been moved to the correct file for clarity.
Raised Allayi desire for Luxury resources.
Fixed an issue where certain support units hang back in battle, wasting turns.
Fixed an issue where the proper achievement is not unlocked when finishing the tutorial.
Fixed a few typos spotted by the community.
Have fun!
~Amplitude Studios
Steam: 1.5.12
[1.5.12] Patch Notes
19 January, 2017 - Lt_Miles
Hey everyone,
Thanks a lot for all your recent bug reports. We hope this patch fixes most issues you've brought up to us so you can fully enjoy our game!
Reduced the average max number of strategic resource facilities per fortress.
Reduced the average max number of luxury resource facilities per fortress.
Removed the flat penalty of Dust Accumulator and Center of Influence unique facilities.
Reduced the impact of the Fomorians using Dust Accumulator and Center of Influence unique facilities.
Fixed an issue where damage dealt to garrisoned units during a siege is not reduced based on the city's fortification.
Fixed an issue where the attack bonus from high ground is applied for the entire the round regardless of unit position.
Fixed an issue where Cultists can convert villages pacified and owned by their allies during gameplay.
Fixed an issue where siege is not broken if the besieging army is moved to a tile where siege could not be initiated.
Fixed an issue where the loot received from "Taskol" units is not properly displayed.
Fixed an issue where experience gained for units with the "Fast Learner 3" capacity is inconsistent with its tooltip.
Fixed an issue where the "declaration of war needed" notification displays debug text when attempting to convert an allied village.
Fixed several text overlapping issues.
Fixed several typos.
Fixed an issue where allied heroes become injured when destroying the city they infiltrated.
Fixed an issue where the rate of resource collection does not automatically update if the Skyfin levels up.
Fixed an issue where ungarrisoned fortresses become captured if the battle ends in draw while being defended by reinforcements.
Fixed an issue where two end-game unique facilities (Sky-shaker and Vile Tide facilities) don't apply their tile Dust bonus.
Fixed an issue where the "Lord of the Sea" Morgawr skill does not remove the penalty from "Seaweed" weather effect.
Fixed an issue where the "Forcefield" unit capacity received from the "Engineer – Hyperium" does not function.
Fixed an issue where movement isn't refreshed inside the fleet panel after heroes are assigned.
Fixed an issue where the lightning status effect is not displayed inside the unit panel or on the 3D map during battles.
Fixed an issue where users are not informed that damage from "Coastal Battery" is spread across all units in a fleet.
Fixed an issue where the Chapter 2 of the Morgawr faction quest can be completed without capturing the fortresses.
Have fun!
~Amplitude Studios
Steam: 1.5.7
[1.5.7] Patch Notes
23 November, 2016 - Steph(✿◠‿◠)
Hey everyone,
Thanks a lot for all your recent bug reports. We hope this patch fixes most issues you've brought up to us so you can fully enjoy our game!
Fixed an issue where defenders' life is lost even if there still is fortification during a siege.
Fixed an issue where "Pathfinder" Allayi hero skill does not work.
Fixed an issue where battle-related Tempest achievements are not properly unlocked in certain cases ("It Came from the Depths", "Go back to R'lyeh", "The Great Old One" and "Full Deck").
Fixed an issue where the game will desync if players trade fortresses with units assigned to garrison during a MP session.
Fixed an issue where units are damaged by retaliation in controlled land or oceanic regions during truce.
Fixed several text issues.
Fixed an issue where units are damaged by retaliation in controlled oceanic regions during cold war.
Fixed an issue where fortresses will become captured without being assaulted if their garrison is destroyed when participating as reinforcements.
Fixed an issue where manual battles can be initiated without defenders if ungarrisoned fortresses are attacked.
Fixed an issue where submerged undetected units will receive retaliation damage.
Fixed an issue where "Super Charge" is not applied after deployment on lightning tiles or in the same turn after movement.
Have fun!
~Amplitude Studios
Steam: 1.5.6
[1.5.6] Patch Notes
17 November, 2016 - Steph(✿◠‿◠)
Hey everyone,
Have you played our latest Tempest expansion and Pact of the Seas update yet? :)
Here's our patch note for [1.5.6].
Improved granularity for facilities quantities.
Reduced to 3 the max number of sunken ruins per oceanic region.
Decreased from 2 to 1.35 the max number of strategic resource facilities per fortress.
Decreased from 2 to 1.35 the max number of luxury resource facilities per fortress.
Improved repartition of sunken ruins at generation.
Tweaked Fortress placement.
Added new naval quest images.
Dry dock icon changes when building fleets is not possible.
Updated the reward of the "There Is Something Out There..." quest.
Nerfed quest army of chapter 4 of Morgawr faction quest.
Nerfed "Dust Accumulator" and "Center Of Influence" unique facility effects when used by the Fomorians.
Increased from 2 to 3 rounds the duration of the Dust Focal effects on enemies.
Reduced from 20% to 10% (of max Life) the damage over time of the Endless Flames.
Increased a bit the repulse of coasts on Fortresses.
Reduced a bit the repulse of Wastelands.
Reduced by 35% the proportion of resources moved from lands to fortresses.
Increased movement costs from 2 to 3 on tiles with "Seaweed".
Fixed several issues where the visual position of the fleet or army is wrong.
Fixed an issue where the world generation can crash the game when playing on a tiny world without oceans.
Fixed an issue where land percentage impacts resource facility quantity the wrong way around.
Fixed an issue where a skippable assert is generated at the start of the turn when a stockpile facility is revealed.
Fixed an issue where "Strategic Thinking" and "Touch of Luxury" generate an assert message upon completion.
Fixed an issue where the garrison armies are able to retrofit before combat.
Fixed an issue where the attack cannot be performed if a ruin is between attacker and defender.
Fixed an issue where the fleets with 5 movement points or more can perform 1 movement action after the movement points are consumed.
Fixed an issue where the transport ship has range 2 instead of 3.
Fixed an issue where armies defending a city cannot find a valid path when ordered to attack the besieging army.
Fixed an issue where the player is unable to attack an unknown empire.
Fixed an issue where the player is not notified that he/she does not have enough action points when trying to attack an army.
Fixed an issue where the frozen fleets are displayed into the "unit idle" list.
Fixed an issue where the player is not informed that the bathysphere cannot counter-attack.
Fixed an issue where the coastal bombardment action is automatically reactivated when artillery ships are moved adjacent to cities.
Fixed an issue where disabling bombardment does not properly refresh the idle armies button.
Fixed an issue where there is no information available regarding the interaction between shallow waters and the "Submersible" capacity.
Fixed an issue where the submersion unit description does not inform the player about the immunity to the "Endless Flame" effect.
Fixed an issue where roaming fleets can attack Shifters' Mantas.
Fixed an issue where the "Submersible Slayer" capacities are not functional.
Fixed an issue where the "Fomorian Slayer" capacity is not functional.
Fixed an issue where the acid spray "Corrosion" effects do not function.
Fixed an issue where fleets cannot parley with minor faction villages.
Fixed an issue where there is an inconsistency between the "Super Charge" effects displayed and effects during the combat.
Fixed an issue where players are not informed that the "Super Charge" capacity gives units immunity to the lightning weather effect in battles.
Fixed an issue where players are not informed about the duration of "Super Charge".
Fixed an issue where the attack and damage penalties from the "Artillery" capacity are not applied during battles.
Fixed an issue where the "Guard" unit capacity is only applied when garrisoned in a fortress.
Fixed an issue where the user loses his/her city if he/she decides to not reinforce with militia or the governor when an army on a city tile is attacked.
Fixed an issue where the units life exceed the unit border if they have more than 1000 Health.
Fixed an issue where the naval battlefield is not properly centered when attacking a facility attached to a citadel.
Fixed an issue where the Fomorians banners are not displayed on a raft in battle.
Fixed an issue where fortresses cannot reinforce fleets or other fortresses.
Fixed an issue where battles against fortresses result in a draw if another friendly fortress is in range.
Fixed an issue where the movement bonus received from the "Flight Master" hero skill is not added to the total army's movement.
Fixed an issue where the "Fortification Boost 2" hero trait effect does not function.
Fixed an issue where the city influence production tooltip displays debug text if a hero with "Influence Efficiency 2" trait is assigned to the city.
Fixed an issue where quests that display counters are starting with (0/-1).
Fixed an issue where the chapter 1 of the victory questline will be completed successfully when searching marked ruins with any army.
Fixed an issue where, when you trigger a quest, the counter is not updated.
Fixed an issue where the chapter 7 of the Roving Clans quest does not complete immediately after the quest objectives are fulfilled.
Fixed an issue where the user cannot parley with the targeted village of the "A Plague Of Savagery" quest.
Fixed an issue where players don't need to infiltrate the indicated city to complete the chapter 3 of the Forgotten faction quest.
Fixed an issue where fleets spawned by quests detect submerged naval units and privateers.
Fixed an issue where the Morgawr main quest objective trackers display negative values after loading a saved game.
Fixed an issue where the chapter 2 of the Morgawr faction quest is not received if users already control all fortresses on the map.
Fixed an issue where the step 2 of the chapter 2 of the Morgawr faction quest cannot be completed if the objective fortresses are already controlled.
Fixed an issue where the chapter 2 of the Morgawr faction quest cannot be completed if the player has already captured the targeted fortresses when the step 2 occurs.
Fixed an issue where the chapter 3 of the Morgawr faction quest counter is not displayed properly for the client.
Fixed an issue where the step 2 of the chapter 4 of the Morgawr faction quest objective army remains stuck on the sea.
Fixed an issue where the chapter 6 of the Morgawr faction quest objective is misleading.
Fixed an issue where the chapter 6 of the Morgawr faction quest does not properly complete when defeting two armies in one combat.
Fixed an issue where the chapter 7 of the Morgawr faction quest can be completed by another faction.
Fixed an issue where progress will not be made on the chapter 7 of the Morgawr faction quest if Black Spot was declared before receiving the quest.
Fixed an issue where the "Seeking Calm Seas" fortress quest objective pinned quest is not properly displayed.
Fixed an issue where the "Dust and Trust" fortress quest counter is not displayed properly for the client.
Fixed an issue where the "Watery proof" fortress quest does not fail if the sea monster is destroyed.
Fixed an issue where the "Yellow bathysphere, yellow bathysphere..." fortress quest counter is not displayed properly for the client.
Fixed an issue where the "Yellow bathysphere, yellow bathysphere..." fortress quest objective remains marked on the map if the quest fails.
Fixed an issue where the "A Touch of Luxury" fortress quest counter is not displayed properly for the client.
Fixed an issue where the "Strategic Thinking" fortress quest counter is not displayed properly for the client.
Fixed an issue where the "Script or Scratches" naval quest objective cannot be completed by the client.
Fixed an issue where the "Script or Scratches" naval quest text displays incorrect informations.
Fixed an issue where the "More Than Money" naval quest is not completed successfully after fulfilling its objective.
Fixed an issue where quest armies can spawn on oceanic tile instead of land tile.
Fixed an issue where only two victory conditions are displayed inside the status screen of the tutorial.
Fixed an issue where the button to "select next city" is not functional.
Fixed an issue where city without "Right of Way" City Improvement can have land trade routes.
Fixed an issue where vision is not removed after losing control of fortresses.
Fixed an issue where the wrong splash screen is displayed for owners of Tempest on the Mac version.
Fixed an issue where the "Mare Nostrum" achievement isn't unlocked when prerequisites are met.
Fixed an issue where the host receives a "Declaration of war needed" notification if the client tries to attack an AI fortress.
Fixed an issue where players are informed that the dissent action requires resources for its activation.
Fixed an issue where players are not informed that the "Black Spot" diplomatic action can be used on one empire at a time.
Fixed an issue where players are not informed about the Catspaw trait which allows other mind controlled armies or privateers to be detected.
Fixed an issue where there is no information provided in-game about Catspaw units and their inability to merge/split.
Fixed an issue where the Catspaw trait is not functional for custom factions created without the "Seed of Dissent" trait.
Fixed an issue where the Catspaw merge/split notification is not displayed when attempting to merge catspaw with large armies.
Fixed an issue where the Catspaw merge/split notification is not displayed when attempting to merge trained units with catspaw.
Fixed an issue where the Catspaw merge/split notification is not displayed when attempting to merge without having movement left.
Fixed an issue where players are not informed that the morale bonus from "Trust" does not stack if applied by multiple units.
Fixed an issue where the "Improved Movement 3" capacity received from Rare Hydrofoils does not increase movement speed by 3.
Fixed an issue where Vaulters cannot complete the Market Alchemist Legendary Deed by exploiting facilities.
Steam: 1.5.0
[1.5.0] Release Notes - Tempest & Pact of the Seas
14 October, 2016 - Steph(✿◠‿◠)
Hey everyone,
Endless Legend: Tempest is now available! You can grab it here:
Here are the release notes for the Tempest expansion and Pact of the Seas update [1.5.0], but also all the changes and fixes for the other versions:
Added ability to trigger battles on the ocean tiles.
The land and sea theatres of war are kept apart to allow for slightly different mechanics and to make balancing simpler. Doing so also avoid degenerate edge-case battlegrounds with insufficient available land or sea tiles to make the battle interesting.
Added Privateers' reinforcement system (privateers can be reinforced and can reinforce).
Added a new victory condition: Shared Victory.
Added a new game option for the faction randomization at the start of a game.
Added new attitude score modifiers. The AI empires now reacts when:
An enemy, an ally or a friend of the AI has been eliminated by the player.
An empire known by the AI has been eliminated by the player.
Third party cities are being taken, especially those of allies.
The player is at war with an AI's ally.
The AI has witnessed an act of betrayal from the player against a player's ally or friend.
The player is near to achieving any one of the active victory conditions.
The player is allied with an AI’s enemy.
The player and AI have been at peace or in an alliance for a protracted period of time.
Added new key bindings in order to ease the use of the Steam Controller.
Added a 64-bit version for Mac OSX.
Added 4 classes of Fomorians ships.
Naval units can be merged with land units on water tiles. Naval units can be garrisoned on Fortresses. Naval units will spawn on the customizable city location (Dry Dock).
Added 60+ items belonging to the new naval equipment, providing new effects on oceans.
Added Fortresses (3 Citadels and 33 Facilities).
Sea Fortresses are strategic locations on the water for players to fight over. They are a focal point for naval warfare as they provide powerful economic and strategic bonuses. Some of their empires’ strategic and luxury resources will now come from their facilities rather than from land-based deposits. Managing to control every fortress in a region should grant still greater rewards.
Added Sunken Ruins.
Added a new Army action: Dive.
Added 50+ naval quests (through Fortresses and Sunken Ruins).
Added a new Major Faction: the Morgawr.
The Morgawr are a mysterious, malevolent force from the deep. Their powers are in mind control and curses, rather than military, economic, or industrial strength. They are out for themselves, seeking only to evolve, grow, and climb all the way to the stars. Execution of their own destiny is what is important to them, and things such as diplomacy and war are tools to achieve this.
Added a new trait: Dissent - Pacified Minor Faction villages can be instigated to rise up and cause trouble by the faction having this trait.
Added a new trait: Catspaw - Roaming Minor Faction armies can be controlled by the faction having this trait.
Added a new trait: Black Spot - Put the black spot to an empire which may be attacked regardless of its diplomatic relations towards all empires. Eliminating its units will give Dust.
Added weather effects impacting fleets on the map and in battle - The sea weather layer will make strategic and tactical movement and placement more interesting, and should also emphasize the dangerous, fickle, fluctuating nature of oceanic territories.
Added a new fleet action, unlocked by the Artillery capacity: Coastal Bombardment.
Added a new starting city improvement: Coastal Battery.
From the depths, an unspeakable horror arises.
Added 4 Tempest in-game soundtracks.
AI now takes into account the strategic and luxury resources it and the other empire have in stock and produce per turn when estimating wealth (in order to evaluate diplomatic terms). Balancing of commodities versus technologies and contracts.
The cost of a market ban will now be higher if it was recently removed or nullified (and vice versa).
Lowered AI's evaluation of its own technology and resources.
+5% increase in the perceived AI value of strategic equipment technologies.
Aggressive actions should tend to push AI to war rather than cold war and closed borders. In general the AI should only desire cold war if you have not interacted with it either positively or negatively.
Attitudes now influence the buy and sell prices of resources and technologies in diplomatic exchanges.
AIs which desire war with an empire will now be much less welcoming of peace and alliance propositions.
Lowered AI desire to build stockpiles.
Closing borders increases desire for war; global war desire increase desire for alliances; desire for cold war will tend to disappear as the game progresses (in favour of war/peace/alliance); balancing of market ban and market ban removal terms.
Research and Commercial agreement diplomatic abilities are removed if disabled due to closed borders - ie. they no longer "respawn" when borders are opened again.
Raised the utility of unlocking certain tier 2 and 3 unit bodies, notably the Necrophages Necrodrone and Proliferator.
Debuff units will no longer choose to target units immune to debuff in battle (unless they have no choice).
The number of converted villages is taken into account in all costs usually using the number of cities in their formula (infiltration actions, diplomacy, boosters).
Increased by 50% Dust cost of Stun Ardent Mages spell.
Updated the way the world generator handles oceans.
Multiplied by 5 the Influence bonus granted by killing enemy units of your allies.
Bound to the opponent's Era the amount of Influence granted when killing opponent’s units of an ally (+5 per Era).
Reduced of 1 the Influence bonus granted by the Wild Walkers quest technology "Visions of Glory" (4 instead of 5 per building built).
Added 5% of world regeneration to quest armies.
Decreased from +50% to +40% the bonus granted to Minor factions in the global quest "Minor Faction, Major Pain".
Updated AI parameters for item materials: AI should no longer overvalue Titanium and Glassteel items and undervalue Dust, Adamantian, Palladian, Mithrite and Hyperium items.
Increased the bonus given by "Will of the hive" Necrophages trait, from a flat 4 to 10%.
"Natural Immunity" capacity no longer protects against "Parasitism".
+1 Fortification damage on unit from "Practiced Pillage" Forgotten trait.
Increased a bit Infiltration points per turn granted by the "Spy" capacity: Lv1:+4, Lv2:+6, Lv3:+8, Lv4:+12.
"What's Mine Is Mine" Forgotten technology now also grants +3 Infiltration points on all Heroes infiltrated.
Reduced decrease in trust from stealing Pearls, increased the impact of exploration lead on map and vision exchange agreements.
The "Army Hit" notification informs when a fleet or an army is destroyed.
Added +10% Science on "Nyctalopian Lenses" Blessing.
Added visual effects and animations to the Altar of Auriga.
Added visual effects to Defensive Towers.
A new set of Blessing starting traits: equipment, stockpiles, "Chapel of Auriga" and "Nyctalopian Lenses" can be taken as custom faction traits.
Reduced the pearl cost of the "Garth of the Allayi" city district (from +4 to +3 per Garth built).
Added +100% recovery rate of ownership on cities to "We Chosen Few" trait.
Increased the custom trait cost of "We Chosen Few".
Decreased the cost of the Allayi affinity.
Improved the Winter effect bid and Blessings interest computation for AI empire.
Increased by 50% Pearl and Industry cost, and reduced of 1 Dust bonus granted by the "Winter Borough".
Fixed an issue where a null reference exception may be raised when transferring flying unit up a cliff.
Fixed an issue where a skippable assert is received when loading a saved game during the end turn phase on sessions with multiple AIs and a particular context.
Fixed an issue where Drakken AI does not use Force Truce, Force Peace and Force Alliance declarations.
Fixed an issue where resources owned by the AI are overvalued during trade.
Fixed an issue where the AI deal approval bar for the player opening its borders can be negative during gameplay.
Fixed an issue where AI major factions declare closed borders without reason during gameplay.
Fixed an issue where AI factions do not offer truce along with bribes when being unable to win wars.
Fixed an issue where AI major factions are unwilling to send or accept offers to share vision during gameplay.
Fixed an issue where AI factions break peace treaties without reason during gameplay.
Fixed an issue where AI factions break alliances without reason during gameplay.
Fixed an issue where AI major factions are unwilling to send or accept offers for map exchange.
Fixed an issue where the player cannot form a meaningful relationship with the AI.
Fixed an issue where AI factions do not send offers to share vision and map exchange.
Fixed an issue where AI trust is not modified after capturing a third-party city.
Fixed an issue where the AI does not use the "Vision and map embargo" diplomatic treaty.
Fixed an issue where the message received by the user that he has armies on the AI's territory is also generated during war.
Fixed an issue where Roving Clans AI propose "Market ban removal" during war.
Fixed an issue where the "imminent victory" reason can be displayed multiple times inside the AI trust tooltip.
Fixed an issue where the AI deal attitude bar is not modified to display the outcome of adding resources or technologies in multiplayer sessions.
Fixed an issue where AI factions do not react when players betray their friends or allies.
Fixed an issue where AI Empires do not react to the fact that one of the opponents is close to achieving victory.
Fixed an issue where the AI Empires do not react when a user is close to a victory condition.
Fixed an issue where AI Empires do not use ocean trade routes.
Fixed an issue where AI factions do not use the "market ban removal" diplomatic offer.
Fixed an issue where the A.I. offers a message of relationship improvement the turn after the player did something negative to it.
Fixed an issue where AI empires can declare vision embargo when they have the relationship status "Trusting".
Fixed an issue where the Broken Lords AI faction does not equip heroes with items.
Fixed an issue where the AI overstates the value of a technology.
Fixed an issue where privateers' encounters are taken into account for AI attitude computation.
Fixed an issue where units spawned in village and in roaming armies do not respect the current era.
Fixed an issue where "Technolover" capacity does not increase the damage bonus when the specific strategic booster is activated.
Fixed an issue where the morale bonus from "Shared wisdom" capacity increases based on the number of units adjacent to each other.
Fixed an issue where the player is unable to merge a land unit with an army that is on an ocean tile.
Fixed an issue where ship contents cannot be merged.
Fixed an issue where the user cannot transfer units from land to an adjacent water tile.
Fixed an issue where ships do not have a specific movement attribute.
Fixed an issue where the movement path simulation is not red when attempting to move an army on top of another from a distance of 2 tiles or more.
Fixed an issue where Eslek Tarosh can be built sometimes.
Fixed an issue where, when splitting an army to a non-adjacent tile, no movement path will be displayed.
Fixed an issue where armies containing only the hero unit cannot be merged with other owned armies without generals assigned.
Fixed an issue where the auto exploration process becomes non-functional if it is interrupted it.
Fixed an issue where the roaming armies units are not deselected if the unit enters into fog of war.
Fixed an issue where the Proliferator Necrophages unit can target friendly units which are immune to parasitism when they have low health.
Fixed an issue where the Ardent Mages spell effects are not displayed in the Status Effect.
Fixed an issue where only one army can join the battle as reinforcements whenever an owned city without garrison is assaulted.
Fixed an issue where units are healed from the "Life Siphon" capacity for the same amount regardless of the damage inflicted during their turn.
Fixed an issue where a low tier "Disease" debuff is not replaced with a higher tier during battles.
Fixed an issue where the "Cocoon" capacity is inconsistent with its effects.
Fixed an issue where the tooltip for the "Blessing" skill is inconsistent with its effects as it also provides immunity against parasitism.
Fixed an issue where "Life Drain" capacity supplies false information.
Fixed an issue where when attacking a city garrison the battle odds indicator displays false information.
Fixed an issue where strategies cannot be changed in manual combat if units have more than 12 capacities.
Fixed an issue where the Battle algorithm uses the transition cost to determine the attack range.
Fixed an issue where the privateers can be reinforced in battle with normal army.
Fixed an issue where the Preacher's "Unleashed Potential" support ability does not play the animation when casted multiple times on the same target.
Fixed an issue where the position of reinforcing armies is not saved for the combat results notification.
Fixed an issue where the graphic effects from when a unit is infested with "Disease" are displayed before the infestation action actually takes place.
Fixed an issue where capacities are always displayed of level one inside the affected unit's panel as status effect.
Fixed an issue where no status effect is displayed in the unit panel for units affected by the "Cocoon" capacity.
Fixed an issue where the defense bonus from the Drider "Cocoon" capacity is inconsistent with the tooltip information.
Fixed an issue where water tiles are marked as usable for deployment during battles.
Fixed an issue where researching the Drakken "Protectors of Auriga" technology will also display the "Native district" in trade.
Fixed an issue where the "Cellulose mutation" Necrophages trait cost is too low compared to its effects.
Fixed an issue where the encounter notification for factions using the "Pitiless" trait is contradictory.
Fixed an issue where heroes of the Broken Lords faction do not have sound effects.
Fixed an issue where Influence cost can have a float value in the empire plan for cultists having converted villages.
Fixed an issue where Drakken factions can use diplomatic trade to receive "Native District" which unlocks "Protectors of Auriga".
Fixed an issue where the Aggression during Cold War notifications are received with a delay.
Fixed an issue where the dust bonus received from commercial agreements is not removed when declaring embargo.
Fixed an issue where the science bonus received from research agreements is not removed when declaring embargo.
Fixed an issue where a modifier is displayed multiple times in the influence cost tooltip for Drakken forced truce/peace/alliance.
Fixed an issue where empires can be banned from the market multiple times in the same turn.
Fixed an issue where human players have an attitude bar for deals in diplomacy.
Fixed an issue where the alliance tooltip provides false information about the influence modifier timer as it is based on game speed.
Fixed an issue where the peace tooltip provides false information about the influence modifier timer as it is based on game speed.
Fixed an issue where the notification message saying "Our common friend joins the alliance" is displayed during "Peace".
Fixed an issue where no diplomatic feedback notification is received after converting AI villages.
Fixed an issue where AI offer disappears after clicking on Counter Proposal.
Fixed an issue where AIs react to stolen Pearls even without the Shifters content.
Fixed an issue where on Slow or Endless game speed, all reduction cost bonus increase Production cost.
Fixed an issue where maximum Militia units are not displayed in the City garrison.
Fixed an issue where automated construction will add the city improvements that can be built only once per empire to the construction queue of multiple cities.
Fixed an issue where the Mithrite Tome accessory does not increase the city's approval based on the number of garrisoned militia units.
Fixed an issue where scaffolds do not disappear if a village is converted while being rebuilt.
Fixed an issue where the city list randomly changes the player's selection when opening the automated governor drop down list.
Fixed an issue where an empty notification is displayed if a construction is blocked or completed at the same time as the "Salting the earth" action is completed.
Fixed an issue where a city can be besieged by an army located on a cliff.
Fixed an issue where the assimilated minor faction bonus remains in the empire bonuses after the village is converted.
Fixed an issue where Empire dust income per turn is not updated to reflect the hero upkeep cost changes.
Fixed an issue where the objective of the "From dust to rust" cooperative quest is misleading.
Fixed an issue where the objectives of the side quest "The hole in the wall" are not properly balanced with the quest reward.
Fixed an issue where the user does not receive a dust reward anymore for completing the "A Plague of Savagery" quest.
Fixed an issue where "Minor Faction, Major Pain" event gives its attributes bonus to Converted villages.
Fixed an issue where the game version is out of bounds when booting on the big screen user interface.
Fixed an issue where several units in the faction selection screen do not display a scroll bar.
Fixed an issue where missing mods are not displayed in the active and last compilation shortcut tooltip.
Fixed an issue where reskinned items are not displayed in their designated location inside the forge.
Fixed an issue where no decimal values for exchanges are displayed on the exchange info panel in the marketplace screen.
Fixed an issue where the army/city switch doesn't work by using the right arrow.
Fixed several issues in texts.
Fixed an issue where "Market Alchemist" legendary deed requirement is unclear.
Fixed an issue where the position of guardian actions are displayed inconsistently inside the actions panel.
Fixed an issue where AI major factions do not build all colossus units on the normal or lower difficulty levels.
Fixed an issue where the Scyther unit is displayed as having both Guardian Slayer 2 and 3 while equipped with Scythe of Auriga.
Fixed an issue where the notification displayed when a roundup completes has the same title for the friendly roundup and the enemy roundup.
Fixed an issue where pressing the quest locator button during the 6th chapter of the Forgotten questline does not cycle through the marked ruins.
Fixed an issue where if the user destroys a city with a privateer army his infiltrated spy will be injured.
Fixed an issue where the "Hero Exfiltrated" notification is received when the user moves a hero from the espionage assignment to an army or a city.
Fixed an issue where the tooltip information displayed for the "Rest and Relaxation" trait is misleading.
Fixed an issue where the "Pillage performed" diplomatic reason is applied even when the action was performed by an invisible and undetected army.
Fixed an issue where the "Ongoing pillage" diplomatic reason is applied even when the pillaging army is invisible to the AI.
Fixed an issue where the Forgotten AI faction does not equip heroes with items.
Fixed an issue where some capacities are displayed in double because of the Dual Wield ability of the Forgotten units.
Fixed an issue where a graphical corruption is displayed on Forgotten Assassin unit.
Fixed an issue where hidden units become visible to minor faction roaming armies after retreating from battles.
Fixed a null reference error occurring when armies are hit by defensive tower.
Fixed an issue where the "Ice works" blessing improvement can be built in cities without rivers or water.
Fixed an issue where "The Pilgrims of Auriga" Chapter 4, steps 1 and 3 are completed when another user parleys with the objective villages.
Fixed an issue where the noted effect for the "Chapel of Auriga" blessing is misleading by informing players they must rebuild villages.
Fixed an issue where the "Ice Works" city improvement cannot be constructed when exploiting sea/lake tiles with ice shelf.
Fixed an issue where the Shifting Rage combo buffs are not properly removed when the combo counter increases.
Fixed an issue where the tooltip for "Chapel of Auriga" displayed in the faction editor screen is inconsistent.
Fixed an issue where the tooltip for "Nyctalopian Lenses" displayed in the faction editor screen is inconsistent.
Fixed an issue where the ghost placement model for districts unlocked from blessings is inconsistent with their 3d model.
Fixed an issue where the damage indicator is not displayed at the beginning of the "Seeker" attack animation.
Fixed an issue where Strategic intensifier does not double resource income when built before the exploitation technology is discovered.
Fixed an issue where Luxury intensifier does not double resource income when built before the exploitation technology is discovered.
Fixed an issue where users are not informed about the "Ice works" construction requirements.
Fixed an issue where Allayi summer regeneration bonus was not applied correctly.
Fixed an issue where units do not remain shifted using the "Shapeshifters" blessing after save/load.
Fixed an issue where the unit panel is partially displayed for Allayi heroes during battles on the big screen UI.
Fixed an issue where deployment areas cannot be seen on frozen water tiles.
Fixed an issue where the village marked for Step 3 of the "Pet sounds" quest can be located in regions not colonized by users.
Fixed an issue where no message is displayed when parleying with Hurnas during the second step of "Running with the hunt".
Amplitude Studios
Steam: 1.4.4
Patch [1.4.4]
28 April, 2016 - Steph(✿◠‿◠)
Hi everyone,
Here are the release notes for the latest 1.4.4 patch.
CHANGES AND ADDITIONS [Echoes of Auriga Content]
The Urces village marked for step 3 of the "Pet Sounds" quest is now located in regions colonised by players.
IMPORTANT FIXES [All versions]
Fixed an issue with the Unleashed Potential capacity of the Cultist preacher unit
Fixed a potential desync in multiplayer when using battle actions on owned units
FIXES [All versions]
Fixed an issue with AI major factions who were reluctant to accept another empire opening borders to them
Fixed an issue where false information was displayed for clients regarding the number of past winters
Fixed several typos reported by community
FIXES [Specific content]
[Shifters only] Fixed an issue where the aspirate resource rate gain was not explained to the player
[Shifters only] Fixed Shifter Nature form health regeneration bonus
[Echoes of Auriga only] Fixed an issue with "Running with the Hunt" quest where multiple minor faction quests could happen in the same region (sometimes blocking the current quest)
Thank you for sharing your feedback on Steam and the official forum! Check out this thread[] if you encounter an issue and would like to report it.
~Amplitude Studios
Steam: 1.4.2
Hotfix [1.4.2]
8 April, 2016 - Steph(✿◠‿◠)
FIXES [Shifters content]
Fixed an issue where the Shifters key art is not displayed on the loading screen.
Fixed an issue where certain bonuses, traits and technologies do not work in pre-Shifters saved games.
Fixed an issue where the Drakken logo is used instead of the Allayi's one on the diplomatic screen.
Fixed several text issues.
FIXES [All versions]
Fixed an issue where trade routes are not stopped or prevented by close border declarations in specific cases.
Have a nice weekend,
~Amplitude Studios
Steam: 1.4.0
Shifters Expansion - Release notes [1.4.0]
7 April, 2016 - Steph(✿◠‿◠)
Hello everyone,
We are very happy to announce that our Shifters expansion for Endless Legend will be available on Steam later today (7PM CEST) but you can already check out the release notes and access the changes and fixes we have implemented in the vanilla version. :)
And good news, the expansion will be 25% off for an entire week and all the Endless games will also be on sale with up to 80% discount to celebrate the release. Make sure you complete your Endless games collection. ;)
Watch our launch trailer here:
YouTube™ Video: Endless Legend - Shifters - Launch trailer
Views: 70,855
Endless Legend - Shifters - Launch trailer Endless Legend Steam: Endless Legend Website: Twitter:...
If you want to see more Endless Legend Shifters gameplay, check out this awesome Let's Play/Preview videos featuring the new expansion:
Chratos Gameplay [PT/BR]
Legendarymarvins [GER]
Panczasu for some great Endless Legend guides
Shardik MetalBear [PT/BR]
Waervyn's World
Writing Bull [GER]
ADDITIONS [Shifters content]
Added Pearls of Auriga
A pure outgrowth of Auriga, they distil the living essence of the planet. Both powerful and beautiful, the Pearls appear only during the Dark Season and can be put to many wondrous purposes, such as impacting the effects of the Dark Season or building beautiful new districts.
Added Allayi Faction
To survive the horrors of the Dust Wars, the Allayi scattered themselves to the cold places of Auriga. Now that the Guardians have awakened they are coming together, hoping to save Auriga and rebuild the life they once had.
Added Altar of Auriga screen
The Altar of Auriga is a sacred building to those who live upon her. It is a centre of ancient power from the times even before the Endless.
Added Blessings of Auriga.
By bringing Auriga's Pearls and unlocking the Altar's Blessings, powerful magical effects can be applied to a city, region, or empire.
Added a new season management and new Winter difficulties, available in the Advanced Settings of a new game (old system remains as a game choice)
Added more Winter effects. Coastal water and lakes can be frozen during Winter, making them passable
Added governor penalty values to army hero items and vice versa, to further force heroes to use archetype-appropriate equipment
Added a safe-guard to prevent AIs from evaluating terms positively when they want to propose a contradictory term
Higher difficulty AI will be less cooperative in diplomacy
Units now take into account terrain obstacles when attempting to deploy near one another
Improved the AI awareness of approval. AI empires will ignore approval bonuses when approval is high and rush them if approval is low
Increased the Influence cost for "Truce" and "Force Truce"
Some diplomatic abilities will have dependencies with each other: like disabling trade routes whenever either empire closes their borders. Commercial and Research agreements are now blocked by closed borders, just like trade
Roving Clans Setseke unit is faster, has no upkeep, has sweep strike-back and ignores terrain movement penalties
"Walls of Faith" trait now grants +100 Fortification instead of 160
Decreased the strategic resource cost and upkeep of "Strength of the vault", increased its fortification bonus
"Search Party" technology is more efficient: it also increases by 5% odds to find loot and 5% odds to find a quest, in addition to reduce by 10% odds to find nothing
The cost of stockpiles no longer depends on the game speed
Science stockpiles also now correctly provide 100/600/1100/1600 like the other stockpiles rather than 100/600/1000/1600
Added a new army action: "Detach Leader"
Added details on game session accessible from the Game Pause Screen
Added a feedback on the Army label when an army has suffered from retaliation damage or has been healed by a tower
Added a new panel on the loading and score screens introducing content provided by the host of a MP game
Added a description to tooltips of the Battle Status Effects applied to a unit, explaining bonuses and penalties
Added clarification on the impact of Unit Slots on the Army Upkeep
Unified the display of Pillage Power/Siege Power/Fortification Point Loss variables. The value are displayed on the Army Content panel
Replaced some text fields by text areas (Custom Faction, Mod Compilation, Mod Changes)
Renamed Sisters of Mercy "Blessing" capacity to "Benediction"
The Content Management panel has 3 tabs now: Add-ons, Expansions, Updates
"Friendly Banner" Drakken hero skill unlocks now a unit ability (same name)
"Practiced Pillage" also reduces by 1 the Military Upkeep of army units
"Spying" 1 to 4 hero abilities grant different Upkeep reduction when spying: +40%, +50%, +60%, +80% instead of +50% for everyone
"What's Mine is Mine" technology grants +15 Security instead of +10
"Caudata Sanctuary" also grants -30% spy action cost on Hero
Reduced the Buyout cost of Technologies by 5%
Added "Army Piercing Boost" to the native army leader capacities of Ziema
Tweaked Forgotten trait costs in order to better fit with recent Faction balancing
The detection range is displayed with the vision range on the Army Content panel
IMPORTANT FIXES [All versions]
Fixed an issue where armies assigned to auto explore will stop exploring the map
Fixed an issue where the auto explore has no functionality when activated in an explored region
Fixed other issues with the auto-explore feature
OTHER FIXES [All versions]
Fixed an issue where in case of debt recovery the first automatic step to counter negative dust income isn't to reassign workers to dust production
Fixed an issue where the army "Attack" action displays false information in its tooltip during the tutorial
Fixed an issue where support units will not heal while in range of both friendly and enemy units when using the offensive combat strategy
Fixed an issue where AI major factions do not order units to heal during battles
Fixed an issue where support units would move when set to hold position
Fixed an issue where Sister of mercy units and heroes prioritize using the "Benediction" capacity while having "offensive" strategy set
Fixed an issue where Sister of mercy units and heroes move to apply the blessing capacity while having "hold position" strategy set
Fixed an issue where units with a healing capacity will only heal themselves while having the hold position strategy set
Fixed an issue where Cavalry units overvalued high-ground when choosing default targets
Fixed an issue where units would ignore closer targets and so miss their turn sometimes
Fixed an issue where similar units would all target the same unit
Fixed an issue where all automated AIs build Science stockpiles but never Industry or Food ones
Fixed an issue where the AI queues Wonders in multiple cities
Fixed an issue where AI under-evaluates Era 5 technologies in comparison to technology from other eras
Fixed an issue where "Canal System" is evaluated as though it provided industry in both seasons
Fixed an issue where the AI does not use the "Commercial agreement" diplomatic treaty
Fixed an issue where the AI does not use the "Research agreement" diplomatic treaty
Fixed an issue where AI factions will cancel alliance and peace treaties while they're still willing to sign the same treaty again
Fixed an issue where AI factions declare closed borders immediately after accepting the open borders treaty
Fixed an issue where changing diplomatic state from alliance to either peace, war or cold war does not cost influence
Fixed an issue where AI was not able to retreat when being attacked while besieging
Fixed an issue where AI do not remove reinforcements when the besieging army is attacked and will lose
Fixed an issue with the unit attack percent empire bonus: it now counts all units, not just those in cities
Fixed an issue where units are equipped with hero-tagged equipment by the AI
Fixed an issue where players are not informed that the sixth chapter of the Vaulter questline becomes completed at the end turn validation
Fixed an issue where the Drakken chapter 8.1 "Reprogrammed" does not become completed while being at truce with another faction
Fixed an issue where "A question of proof" quest can be obtained when all watchtowers have already been built in the area
Fixed an issue where players receive a victory notification when there is actually a draw.
Fixed an issue where a skippable assert was generated if the user selects a channelled army action and presses the "Esc" key at the same time
Fixed an issue where the Alliance to Peace declaration has a negotiation icon instead of a declaration icon
Fixed an issue where the first time the user selects a city and queues multiple units and buildings the scroll bar does now appear correctly
Fixed an issue where scrollbar was invisible on first show for city lists
Fixed an issue where the version number has reduced visibility on the Vaulter/Drakken outgame view or inside the in-game menu
Fixed an issue where the position of the version text is modified after creating a mods playlist title of over 37 characters
Fixed an issue where the Minor Faction Bonus information is incomplete
Fixed an issue where experience values were not properly centred during manual combat
Fixed an issue where the information displayed in tooltips for tiles with extractors/nodes is false when bonuses/penalties are applied
Fixed an issue where the information displayed in the "Empire bonuses" regarding the faction techs is unclear
Fixed an issue where the Cultists "We are legion" and "Destructive analysis" faction techs are not displayed in the "Empire summary" and in the "Empire bonuses"
Fixed an issue where the Ardent Mages faction techs "Dust mechanics","Dust purifier", "Painosphere" and "Sacrificial amplifiers" are not displayed in the "Empire bonuses"
Fixed an issue where Meritocratic Promotion and Signal Corps tooltips provide incomplete information
Fixed an issue where the "Unskilled Labor" and "Organized Labor" technologies do not inform players about the FIDSI gain from stockpiles
Fixed an issue where Luxury resources have incomplete tooltips inside the negotiation screen
Fixed an issue where one of the filters inside the Faction editor screen has no functionality
Fixed an issue where army capacity is not properly updated when disbanding units from an army
Fixed an issue where units still have XP bars displayed once they reach level 10
Fixed an issue where the tooltip information of the "Ice in the veins" hero skill displays false information
Fixed an issue where the tooltip of the upkeep button displays false information when proliferator spawned units exceed the army size
Fixed an issue where the tooltip of the Cultists "Conversion" trait does not inform the user that the trait also leeches strategic and luxury resources
Fixed an issue where the author of the custom faction does not appear in the custom faction's "Description" box
Fixed an issue where retrofit button uses the industry icon which implies the action costs industry
Fixed an issue where the city list scroll bar overlaps the number of garrison units when the maximum value exceeds 10
Fixed an issue where players are not informed that for converted villages to provide resources the necessary techs are needed
Fixed an issue where players are not informed that cities need exploited forest tiles in order to construct the "Lumber Mill"
Fixed an issue where players are not informed how detected armies are displayed on the adventure map with "The Sharing" trait
Fixed an issue where players are not informed that XP is received by heroes which are assigned as governors when city improvements are built
Fixed an issue where players are not informed that districts start at level 0 and will not grant any bonuses per level until they're upgraded
Fixed an issue where players are not informed that the "Cull the herd" faction trait does not function for converted villages
Fixed an issue where players are not informed about the effects gained by pillars with each level
Fixed an issue where players are not informed of the bonuses gained for pacifying minor villages
Fixed an issue where the AI victory notification title does not fit inside the detailed game notifications tab
Fixed an issue where an inconsistency between the displayed unit difficulty modifiers and their in-game effects appears
Fixed an issue where false information is displayed in the Join Lobby screen in the "Turns" tab when the host is in the loading screen
Fixed several typos in localization files
Fixed an issue where the Diplomatic points gain of "United Empires Council" is not working as intended
Fixed an issue where relationship status can be changed by offering only one item no matter the value of the item offered as a gift. "Gift" attitude modifier is now correctly added ONLY when the empire receives technology/resources without giving anything in exchange, while "PostiveContract" is added in other cases. The multiplier is correctly set based on the value of the gift or positivity of the contract respectively
Fixed an issue where the first encounter notification of the Mezari faction does not trigger a sound to be played
OTHER FIXES [Guardians content]
Fixed an issue where a "Division by zero" error can occur when building a Wonder
Fixed an issue where the Era I "Wealth Harvester" legendary deed counter displays the incorrect number of boosters required
Fixed research cost of Guardian of Water
Fixed an issue where the number of "Scyther" units trained is not limited by the maximum number of garrisoned units
OTHER FIXES [Shadows content]
Fixed an issue where there the Forgotten do not play first encounter audio prompts
Fixed an issue where there is no method of unlocking the Forgotten specific accessories introduced in the expansion
Fixed an issue where regional buildings continue to be affected by pillage after hostile armies are removed with closed borders
Fixed an issue where the last empire selection is not saved for Forgotten empires on the new game screen
Fixed an issue where there is no graphic indicator in the Military Screen for Invisible armies
Fixed an issue where the influence cost of the Declare War On treaty is not reduced by the Diplomatic Cost Reduction espionage action
Fixed an issue where the counter for the Forgotten Chapter 8 Step 2 is modified when defenceless cities are captured
OTHER FIXES [The Lost Tales content]
Fixed an issue where a city built after Eyeless one lore quest has begun is not taken into account
Fixed an issue where misleading information is displayed for the objective of the "Crystaline caverns" lore quest
Fixed an issue where the "Marathon" quest's step one objective does not show the progress
Fixed an issue where the 2nd step of the "Relocation of the Blind" quest does not have a show location button
Fixed an issue where the quest counter in the "A Faith of Fire" step 2 does not function
Fixed an issue where failing "Ancient Enmities" during step 1 will update the quest to step 2 before displaying it as failed
Fixed an issue where failing "Fragile peace" during step 1 will update the quest to step 2 before displaying it as failed
Steam: 1.3.5
[1.3.5] Patch Notes
22 December, 2015 - Steph(✿◠‿◠)
[All versions]
Fixed several issues with Intel HD Graphics (fog of war missing essentially).
Fixed an issue with lags reported by AMD players (reducing depth of field quality to minimize the problem)
[All versions]
Fixed an issue where debug text was displayed inside the "Siege" army action tooltip when pillaging.
Fixed an issue in the Diplomacy Screen, where the status "Infiltrated" was specified on empires even though the Shadows DLC was not activated.
Fixed an issue where "A" character was missing from the authorized characters for the unit designs (Spanish version only).
Temporary fix for a sound issue with Ardent Mages hero movement. Sound has been muted until a proper fix.
Fixed some typos.
Fixed an issue where the first encounter of the Forgotten faction was triggering the wrong sound.
Fixed an issue where the Era 3 exclusive Forgotten technology called "Learn from Others" was not properly giving the +3XP to all empire heroes per Infiltrated Hero.
[The Lost Tales]
Fixed an issue where the Pet Sounds quest was available for Broken Lords.
Fixed an issue where the Pet Sounds quest was requiring Igor the sheep to be in any city.
Fixed an issue where the Mothers In Distress quest was available for Cultists.
Fixed an issue where the Relocation of the Blind quest was missing a reward in its first step.
Fixed an issue where false information was displayed for the Pet Sounds step 2 quest objective regarding required Food production.
Fixed an issue where some of the lore quests were not branded as such.
[Forges of Creation]
Fixed an issue where the Scyther unit could not be trained when having the "Scythe of Auriga" sword equipped.
~Amplitude Studios
Steam: 1.3.0
[1.3.0] Release Notes - Forges of Creation
19 November, 2015 - Steph(✿◠‿◠)
Hey guys,
We are releasing later today our new content for Endless Legend:
Forges of Creation (free)
The Lost Tales (€1,99)
Echoes of Auriga (€2,99)
We're excited to release the Steam Workshop and give our modding community the tools to create awesome game modifications! A free software named TILED is now compatible with Endless Legend, which will allow you to create your own maps. You'll also be able to reskin 3D units, create playlists of mods and share all of this easily through the Steam Workshop.
Get it here:
More quests and more lore; you can't say no to that. Indeed, this additional content pack adds more than 20 new quests around the minor faction of Auriga's lore and it's available for €1,99 on Steam.
The Echoes of Auriga content pack (€2,99) will add 9 reskinned items such as the Drum of Gios, named for a Guardian and rumoured to contain a shard of its essence, the sound of the drum revives and rejuvenates, or the Harp of Noby Fly, crafted by the greatest songwriter to ever walk the soil of Auriga, this harp stirs the hearts of even the most beleaguered troops!
Moreover, FlyByNo has worked on 7 awesome new tracks totalling over 30 minutes of music to enhance your experience and enrich the game's atmosphere. Take a look at the making of video: here.
Get Echoes of Auriga on Steam for €2,99:
ADDITIONS [Echoes of Auriga]
Added 9 musical items (2D reskins of basic items) when the "Echoes of Auriga" content pack is enabled.
Added 7 new soundtracks (played during Summer and/or Winter) composed by FlybyNo to the playlist of Endless Legend when the "Echoes of Auriga" content pack is enabled:
War of the Sundered (Gravity Well Remix).
Way of the Forerunner.
Under the Threshold.
Pillars of Dust.
ADDITIONS [The Lost Tales]
Added 20 new quests focusing the Minor Factions of Auriga when the "Lost Tales" content pack is enabled. Some of them are triggered once the faction assimilated.
ADDITIONS [Classic, Guardians and Shadows versions][/b]
Added the support of Steam Workshop [G2G].
Several mods can be loaded for a same game now, via the mods compilation feature.
Added the support of .tmx files format, allowing the creation of word maps by modders. World maps can be created with Tiled software, and imported in Endless Legend via a mod.
Added an exportation tool of the 3D meshes and textures of the units of Endless Legend, available via the --enablemoddingtool launch option.
Added a new outgame view, featuring the Ardent Mages faction [ G2G].
Added the Scyther unit, which can be searched, or quest rewarded, when the first Guardian appears on Auriga [ G2G] (Guardians only).
Created by the Endless in their purge of Auriga - and of any power that might withstand them - the Scythers were designed with one goal in mind: To destroy any beings whose strength derived from Dust.
Added Kugua, a Sister of Mercy hero available on the Market Place, with her dedicated skill tree [ G2G].
One of only a handful who bear the title "Valete", Kugua earned this honorary rank through selfless dedication during the Red Pestilence.
Added 20 new items [G2G]:
18 Bracelet Unit items adding, among other bonuses, these new abilities: Minor Faction Slayer, Last Resort and Group Cohesion.
2 new Hero items: "Nwere" and Ziiri's Band (Shadows only).
Added 7 new faction traits to be used in the creation of custom factions [ G2G]:
Dreams of Glory,
Reduces production cost of new Settler units.
Who Can Do More Can Do Less,
Reduces Research cost for Technologies of previous Eras.
Rest and Relaxation,
Speeds regeneration of Unit health in city Garrisons.
Westward Ho!,
Reduces Approval penalties caused by empire expansion.
Surreptitious Skills,
Lowers cost of Infiltration actions (Shadows only).
Era 2 Technology available at start.
Diplomat’s Manse,
Era 2 Technology available at start.
Added the Dust to Dust trailer (can be disabled in the game options).
Added an in-game feedback when the --enablemoddingtools mode is enabled.
Added Era number to the tooltip used by Technology faction traits.
Updated the World Generator (added a new algorithm of ground regions -- they should be more balanced).
And as usual, we've ran out of characters. Check out the Dev Blog[] for the complete release notes. :)
~Amplitude Studios
Steam: 1.2.2
[1.2.2] Patch
11 September, 2015 - Steph(✿◠‿◠)
CHANGES [All versions]
Changed some values in order to avoid situations where the AI was overvaluing luxuries and strategic resources in terms of negotiation
[All versions]
Fixed an issue where, in some cases, the Settler Food penalty could stay after the end of the production of a Settler
Fixed an issue where manual battles remain stuck on the resolution phase after a Justicere uses the Debuff immunity capacity
Fixed an issue where buying a unit of the same faction from the market place turns all the respective unit types into mercenaries
Fixed an issue where players cannot complete one of the versions of the Chapter 7, Step 3 of the Forgotten questline, when a Cultist empire is involved
Fixed an issue where players remain stuck during the Forgotten questline if the empire targeted during Chapter 8 is defeated in Step 1
Have a nice weekend,
Steam: 1.2.1
[1.2.1] Hotfix
3 September, 2015 - Lt_Miles
[All versions]
Fixed several issues with the World Generator (region size, resource repartition).
Fixed an issue where the user receives the Hero Exfiltrated and Hero Injured notifications for the enemy spies revealed and injured when using the Reveal Spy espionage action.
Steam: 1.2.0
[1.2.0] Shadows - Release Notes
2 September, 2015 - Steph(✿◠‿◠)
This major addition to the game content includes the long-awaited espionage system (spying, infiltration and pillaging). It also includes an entire Major Faction, the Forgotten, whose gameplay is based on espionage.
Get it here:
Added a new Major Faction: the Forgotten
Added a new Army action: Pillage
Added a new Hero action: Infiltration
Added a new City action: Roundup
Added the Infiltration actions, unlocked once a spy has infiltrated an opponent city
Decrease Vision
Reveal Spy
Decrease Diplomatic Cost
Decrease Science Production (non Forgotten-specific)
Steal Technology (Forgotten-specific)
Decrease Morale
Decrease Industry Production
Decrease Population
Damage Fortification
Target Governor
Added new diplomatic interactions related to the espionage
Added a new diplomatic term: Prisoner Exchange
Added the Camouflage (invisibility on forest tiles) and Stealth (invisibility on all tiles) capacities
Added the Dual Wield capacity (-50% on attribute bonuses from offhand weapon)
Added a new game option in order to show/mask the empire information and curves displayed in-game
Added the ability to whisper to a known player by clicking on his/her status sector in the End Turn panel
Added a new tab in the options: controls can be redefined
Added new controls:
Bottom of all construction queues: you can now add an improvement at the bottom of the construction queue of all your cities by pressing CTRL when you click on the chosen improvement.
Top of all construction queues: you can now add an improvement at the top of the construction queue of all your cities by pressing SHIFT when you click on the wanted improvement.
Top of one construction queue: you can now add an improvement at the top of the construction queue of a city by pressing ALT when you click on the chosen improvement.
Added several new key bindings
AI now takes into account the market-value of luxury and strategic resources in diplomacy
Remove retreat possibility when being in a besieged district
+1 on unit military upkeep when in armies
"Fragile Health" and "Make Trade not War" trait costs have been increased
Added City Upkeep to a couple of Improvements where it was still missing
Added a confirmation message to hero assignment in case the army is made of Privateers
Impacted with gamespeed the time required to reach the max value of Research and Commercial agreements bonus
Reduced "Fast" Game Speed multiplier on Luxury and Strategic Resource Production (from 2 to 1.5)
Added the Sharp Sense capacity to shields
Changed Titanium Shields Damage bonus (5%/10%/20%) to a 5%/10%/20% Life bonus
Decreased Damage bonus granted by Glassteel on weapons (-50%)
Decreased Attack bonus granted by Titanium on weapons (-50%)
Tweaked Movement bonus granted by Improved Movement capacity on Iron Talismans:
Tier1: +1 Map Movement, +1 Battle Movement, +3 Initiative
Tier2: +2 Map Movement, +1 Battle Movement, +5 Initiative
Tier3: +3 Map Movement, +1 Battle Movement, +7 Initiative
Increased bonus granted by Glory of Death capacity on Titanium Talismans:
Tier1: +0.5 Morale per adjacent enemy
Tier2: +1 Morale per adjacent enemy
Tier3: +1.5 Morale per adjacent enemy
Reduced Vision bonuses granted by Improved Vision capacity on Iron rings:
Tier1: Improved Vision 1 (+1 vision) + Sharp Sense 1
Tier2: Improved Vision 1 (+1 vision) + Sharp Sense 2
Tier3: Improved Vision 2 (+2 vision) + Sharp Sense 3
Reduced Damage bonus granted by Improved Damage capacity on Titanium rings: Tier1: +10% / Tier2: +20% / Tier3: +30%
Reduced Initiative bonus granted by Improved Initiative capacity on Glassteel rings: Tier1: +10% / Tier2: +20% / Tier3: +30%
Tweaked Defence bonus granted by Improved Defence capacity on Adamantian Rings: Tier1: +15% / Tier2: +30% / Tier3: +60%
Tweaked Attack bonus granted by Improved Attack capacity on Palladian Rings: Tier1: +15% / Tier2: +30% / Tier3: +60%
Tweaked contextual damage bonus granted by Retaliation capacity on Palladian Talismans: Tier1: +15% / Tier2: +30% / Tier3: +60%
Increased Army Defence bonus granted by Adamantian Insignia, to Tier1: +5 & +15% / Tier2: +10 & +30% / Tier3: +15 & +40%
Increased Army Attack bonus granted by Palladian Insignia, to Tier1: +15% / Tier2: +30% / Tier3: +40%
Increased Unit Defence bonus granted by the Adamantian Ring, to Tier1: +25% / Tier2: +50% / Tier3: +75%
Increased Unit Attack bonus granted by the Palladian Ring, to Tier1: +25% / Tier2: +50% / Tier3: +75%
Increased Unit Strike-Back Damage bonus granted by the Palladian Talisman, to Tier1: +30% / Tier2: +50% / Tier3: +70%
Reduced by 30% the base price of Heroes on market
Increased by 30% healing cost when a hero gets disabled
Multiplied by 2 instead of 3 Healing speed bonus from the Hero Skill Fast Healer Level 1 and Level 2
Removed all Food references in the Broken Lords' empire plans and added new options instead
Doubled the Era 1 research bonus granted by the Quest reward of the first Broken Lords quest chapter
Decreased a bit the amount of Dust required in step 2 of the first Broken Lords quest chapter
Increased by 2 Life Drain capacity bonus of the Broken Lords Ryder
Reduced from 50% to 35% of Damage value the Dust Bishop Healer capacity
Decrease to 15% Healing Halo capacity bonus
Reduced by 30% Damage base attribute value of Drider, Eyeless Ones and Drakkens Heroes
In addition to militia and fortification, Cultists now have one additional Militia slot compared to other factions
Reduced from 50% to 35% the bonuses granted by the 2 Cultists quest Items called "The Wordless Will" and "Order of Isiver"
Reduced from 25% to 20% resources extracted from region deposits by converted Cultists villages
Removed information displayed in the Empire Bonuses Screen due to game speed
Decreased by 2 the effect of the Guardian earthquake on tiles that are not the target
Tweaked the "Minor Faction, Major Pain" cooperation quest
IMPORTANT FIXES [All versions]
Fixed a desync caused when a user joins the AI slot of a progress in session
Fixed an issue where an assert message is generated for the user multiple times during the late stages of a session
Fixed an issue where a skippable assert generated at the beginning of every turn during late-game in a session
...And we're running out of characters once again, so for the full release notes visit the official Dev Blog[].
You'll find our trailer here:
YouTube™ Video: Endless Legend - Shadows - Launch Trailer
Views: 160,036
Endless Legend - Shadows - Launch Trailer Endless Legend Steam: Endless Legend Website: Twitter:...
We hope you all enjoy our recent additions with Shadows!
~Amplitude Studios
Steam: 1.1.1
[1.1.1] Release Notes - Guardians
29 April, 2015 - Steph(✿◠‿◠)
We are officially unleashing the Guardians today (trailer available here):
GIOS, the Earth Guardian, senses all that moves in or across the planet. When engaged in battle, the ancient giant inflicts impressive zone damage to enemy units by causing earthquakes. If the need arises, he is also able to repair cities’ fortifications.
NEROS, the Water Guardian, listens to the echoes of the present and the past. While roaming your enemies’ land he can destroy watchtowers and extractors. In battle, Neros can use his Tsunami charge to deal damage relative to his distance from the target.
FOTIOS, the Fire Guardian, is linked to the primeval force of fire. He is able to cast a powerful light that drastically extends vision range. In combat, Fotios uses his flames to inflict fire damage over time on his enemies.
ATMOS, the Air Guardian, tracks the winds and scents of Auriga. Despite his size, the giant can teleport inside vision range, covering large distances in the blink of an eye. Atmos is also a fearful opponent as he gets stronger with each and every kill.
SKOROS, the Dust Guardian, is attuned to Auriga's magical currents. He has the ability to fully heal an entire allied army, and can use mind control spells to manipulate enemy units during battle.
Legendary Deeds
Global Events
New Quests
Legendary Deeds are another way to compete with other Empires. These competitive challenges reward the best with different types of compensations: bonuses, technologies, resources, and items. Additionally, Global Events are now unfolding on Auriga. They will challenge all Empires with competitive and cooperative quests. The best will be rewarded with resources, items and special units!
10 Legendary Deeds: these extraordinary achievements are disseminated throughout the Eras. Each of them can only be completed by a single player and will give a significant boost by unlocking one of the new technologies, items, or city improvements created for the expansion.
10 Global Events: be the one faction that makes the most of unexpected events affecting the entire planet.
Cooperative & Competitive Quests: both cooperative and competitive quests have been added in which players will either need to work together or compete to obtain a reward or suffer the hard consequences.
Compete with the other Empires to build up to five Legendary Buildings. Gain powerful City Improvements that boost resources outputs, Approval or Influence. Unique buildings also allow further customization of Empires by unlocking specialized city improvements which are designed to support progression toward specific victory conditions.
5 Legendary Buildings: massive undertakings, these awe-inspiring buildings can only be built by one player per Era. Unlockable by achieving Legendary Deeds, these buildings are so powerful they are visible on the map.
10 Unique Buildings: additional unique buildings that will provide benefits and allow players to specialize their cities depending on their surroundings.
Added Guardian units
Added Gemstones items
Added new Unique Buildings
Added Global Events
Added Cooperative and Competitive Quests
Added French, German, Russian, Polish, Italian and Spanish translations of Guardians
[All versions]
Added an outgame view featuring the Wild Walkers
Added a notification displaying the features of a new content the first time the player launches a game with it
Added the content management system
Added a more comprehensive explanation of the restricted content warning
Added information about enabled contents and victory conditions in the tooltip of a MP session
Added a new quest featuring a Guardian
Added precisions to some steps of the Necrophages Faction questline
Added a limit of one occurrence per game/empire for each global quests
Added a game option to enable/disable the global events
Added a feedback on the unit tooltip when the unit is a Mercenary unit bought on the marketplace or from converted villages
Added a tooltip on the Military screen when the unit capacity of an Army is exceeded
Added a message to let the player know he/she's waiting for the other player between the resolution phase and the targeting phase of a battle
Improved anomalies display on the 2D map
Morale is now displayed in the "Status effects" of the Unit battle cards.
Negative Morale is now displayed in battle
Validity of traits in custom faction is now checked (in order to avoid the exploit of duplicated traits)
Renamed the Wild Walkers "Arcane Repository of Zaltana" in order to avoid confusion with the Wonder victory
Increased the base incomes of the Trade Routes by 25%
Effects of Shock capacity can now be cumulated
Increased a bit the Influence cost of Force Peace/Alliance/Truce of the Drakken Faction trait
Force Peace/Alliance/Truce of the Drakken Faction trait don't give Diplomatic Points as declarations anymore
More advanced weapons have been added to the Taskol unit of the Victory Quest for a higher challenge against these armies
Changed amount and nature of the loot a player can get by defeating the Taskol unit in the Victory quest
Reduced the diplomatic heuristics for the Luxury resources
Doubled Strategic Resource gains of the Cultists from their converted villages
Doubled chance to get some Titanium of Glassteel when looting something by searching Unspoiled Ruins in Era 1
Increased a bit chance to drop some Titanium and Glassteel as reward in quests triggered in Era 1
Changed battle heuristics on Heal, Increased Attack, Acceleration and Mind Control
Changed the way the military upkeep reduction is applied:
BEFORE: the Military Upkeep reduction was applied on each unit, then the army was computing its own military upkeep.
NOW: the Military Upkeep reduction is directly applied on the army, which means reductions are more powerful.
BALANCING: in order to take in consideration this update, the "Thrifty" hero skill is now providing a reduction of 20% per level on Military Upkeep (instead of 50%)
[All versions]
Fixed issues of frame rate drop and long end turn phases
Fixed a NullReferenceException (DepartmentOfForeignAffairs.IsFriend)
Fixed an issue where an infinite loop can occur when the AI has no city left and a settler running
Fixed an issue where building a district on top of an opposing army will cause the MP session to be stuck on end turn
Fixed an issue where, during a multiplayer session if the host destroys extractors or towers in a city, it will lead to an assert and get stuck on end turn
[All versions]
A lot of fixes for the AI, the Multiplayer, the World, Empire, Cities, Units, Heroes, Battles, Quests, Diplomacy, GUI, VFX, Achievements
We ran out of characters so you'll find the full release notes here:
Have fun!
~Amplitude Studios
Steam: 1.0.45
[1.0.45] Hotfix
20 March, 2015 - Lt_Miles
Fixed an issue where food, industry and science stockpiles have no effect when consumed.
Fixed an issue where the cadaver stockpiles from the Necrophages "recycling" trait have no effect when consumed.
Fixed an issue where units can walk outside the battlefield.
Fixed an issue where an error (KeyNotFoundException) appears when some tiles cannot be targeted in the battle.
Steam: 1.0.44
[1.0.44] Eye On The Stars - Release Notes
18 March, 2015 - Steph(✿◠‿◠)
Added the Victory Questline and a new victory condition: once you complete your main faction quest, you can attempt to achieve this quest to win the game.
Added a new Steam achievement linked to the victory quest: Loremeister - "Win a Quest Victory"
Added a system of World Generation Presets: New World, Scattered, Symmetrical
Added the Dorgeshi minor faction [G2G Vote]
Added three achievements designed by the community [G2G Vote]
Added Diplomatic term: "Ask to Declare War on"
Added a "Create Army on City" button on the Academy Screen in order to create an army made of a Hero only
Added a specific unit ("Battle Born") for the ones spawned by the Proliferator in order to avoid confusion with the regular Foragers
Added Outgame View featuring the Drakken
Added various tools for the modding, available via the in-game console. You will have to enter a special command in order to enable these tools: "--enablemoddingtools" in the launch options of Steam for Endless Legend (right click, "Properties", "General" tab, "Set Launch Options" button). Warning: Steam achievements and multiplayer sessions are not available when these tools are enabled
Added new shortcuts:
F: display of the FIDS
V: switch between all armies
N: pop-up the first notification of the list
Up/Down Arrows: scrolls the army/city list when their screens are opened
Ctrl + Return: end turn
Alt + Left Click: force move a unit to a destination occupied by another unit in battle
Changed the shortcut to disable the GUI (Ctrl + F10)
Improved the display of FIDS on the world map
Added Portuguese missing characters
Added Cyrillic and Polish characters in the authorised characters (for armies, cities, save names)
Improved Diplomatic points system: when Influence is invested in Diplomacy, contracts worsening the relation don't give Diplomatic Points while other contracts give a bit more
Increased the Influence gain earned through turns for empires staying allies and on killings of common opponent units
The Dust Care ability of the Broken Lords now uses an action point
The Resource Magnetron Vaulters city improvement now requires Holy Resource and doubled its costs
Balanced the Vaulters faction by removing the expansion disapproval bonus from the "Holy Resource" affinity
Increased the Dust cost of Ardent Mages spells stunning enemies
Increased a bit the bonus of the Ardent Mages spells boosting attack
Moved back to Era 5 the last Ardent Mages technology leveling up pillars
Moved back to Era 4 the last Ardent Mages technology leveling up spells.
Fixed an issue where a random CTD occurs for players using an ATI/AMD graphic card and using the 64-bit version of the game
Fixed an issue where the in-game menu is not displayed for Mac players using an ATI/AMD graphic card
Fixed an issue where Mac players can no longer save after overwriting a save file created on the same turn
Fixed an issue where a session fails to load after receiving a skippable assert in the loading screen (NotImplementedException: The game creation process has failed)
Fixed an issue where a game can remain stuck in multiplayer battles when attacking a city which only has militia units
Fixed an issue where a skippable assert is generated when the player enables the Big Screen User Interface while having the diplomacy screen opened and a certain treaty is queued
Fixed an issue where a nullref exception can occur when trying to serialise a broken/failed quest
Fixed an issue where a nullref exception can occur when an AI empire tries to resolve a quest with 0% of success
Fixed an issue where a nullref exception can occur when hovering a proposal cost in the negotiation screen
Fixed an issue where AI empires raise an error when the item has no tier/resource
Fixed an issue where the AI empire doesn't colonize other continents in certain cases
Fixed an issue where the AI empire does not try to colonize other regions if the player colonises the AI's starting region fist
Fixed an issue where the AI major factions stop sending diplomatic offers to players during gameplay
Fixed an issue where the AI empire builds settlers continuously when there is little or no space to expand
Fixed an issue where AI armies trying to attack a city do not move anymore if there are not enough exploitation tiles
Fixed an issue where the Necrophages Sacrifice might only work for 1 turn without considering the amount of population
Fixed an issue where the Necrophages workers can be sacrificed during an assault before the city is taken
Fixed an issue that prevented the "Keys to the Market" trait to be used with the "Pitiless" trait
Fixed an issue where no visual effects are displayed on city centre tiles when using the Vaulters/Mezari teleport action
Fixed an issue where the Mezari faction can be selected in the Faction Choice screen without having the Dungeon of the Endless Crystal Pack
Fixed an issue where the Mezari units are not textured (appearing therefore all pink!) in multiplayer sessions when a client rejoins after rebooting the title
Fixed an issue where the Ardent Mages pillars allow armies to go to water and continue to move
Fixed an issue where the army is healed when using a retreat with the Broken Lords technology "Synchronic Temple"
Fixed an issue where a bonus of 2 Dust per turn was given when assimilating minor factions
Fixed an issue where the Unit buyout loses functionality for units that have already been bought in a previous research era
Fixed an issue where constructions are displayed as available after players spend strategic resources without deselecting the city
Fixed an issue where the militia can't be deployed at the beginning of a battle if only the governor is present
Fixed an issue where, when attacking a city or when a city is participating in the battle, the militia is not included in the city garrison
Fixed an issue where the effects on army for the "Cold operator" skill are missing
Fixed an issue where redundant information is displayed in the "Effects" section of the "Cold operator" skill
Fixed an issue where the "Shock" capacity do not provide morale penalty on target in battle
Fixed an issue where the battle zone does not contains the city tiles
Fixed an issue where the loot is displayed in the battle notification when loosing a battle
Fixed an issue where the world shape "Many continents" does not work for the "Tiny" map size
Fixed an issue where the "World seed value" cannot be inserted in the "Seed value" field
Fixed an issue where the fortification bonus only applies when the player attacks the AI, not when the player is attacked by the AI
Fixed an issue where luxury resources and anomalies can be on the same tiles than watchtower foundations or quest POIs
Fixed an issue where the world generation can create a 6-tile region with unsearchable ruin on it
And more here because we ran out of characters: dev blog[] :)
Have fun!
~Amplitude Studios
Steam: 1.0.32
[1.0.32] Hotfix
23 January, 2015 - Lt_Miles
Important Fix
Fixed an issue where, when loading a multiplayer save file, the client cannot access the market place anymore.
Steam: 1.0.31
[1.0.31] Hotfix
21 January, 2015 - Lt_Miles
Important Fix
Fixed an issue where an error is displayed when loading a save file with a certain hero.
Steam: 1.0.30
[1.0.30] Endless Day Update
20 January, 2015 - Steph(✿◠‿◠)
On this day, Endless technology lights up and strange things appear in the ruins all across Auriga, and even throughout the galaxy as the Archivist, Eslek Tarosh, fulfils its duty.
Changes and Additions
Added a tooltip with the total output when colonising a new region or extending a city [G2G Vote]
Increased vision height value of ridges from 2 to 4
Reduced of 1 vision range bonus of the City Hall default city improvement at city creation
Reduced of 1 vision range of extractors region buildings
Settlers are now Infantry units
Added abilities to Quest weapons and shields
Added the Vaccination ability to the Proliferator unit (when targeting an ally, it makes them immune to any disease)
Removed warnings and compliments from the computation of the Diplomacy victory
Balanced the Chain Lightning ability
Slightly improved default level of army units spawning through quests, based on current turn and game speed
Balanced the AI targeting rules
Balanced the whole AI for the diplomacy: it should be easier to have a consistent relationship with the AI
Added more variety to AI empire armies
Enabled the force truce/peace/alliance for the AI when playing the Drakken
The AI empires can retrofit heroes' weapons, armours and accessories
Reduced the AI trade heuristics for Spices and Dust Orchid
Improved the ridges and cliffs visuals
Optimised the size of some textures
Changed the name of the soundtrack folder (in order to be readable by the Steam music player)
Important Fixes
Fixed an issue where an "Out of Range Exception" can occur with certain saves
Fixed an issue where an assert is displayed when loading a save with a commander having lost its army
Fixed an issue where an assert is displayed when an AI empire computes the income of an invalid trade route
Fixed an issue where an assert is displayed when trying to open the city view after conquering a city
Fixed an issue where an assert is displayed when one city along the trade route was razed during the turn (this happens when minor factions or Cultists attack and raze a city)
Fixed an issue where an assert can be generated sometimes by the simulation when displaying a tooltip
Fixed an issue where Game creation fails after loading a mod or resetting to default
Fixed an issue where a skippable assert generated in late game, at the beginning of the turn in a multiplayer session
Fixed an issue where a skippable assert is generated when the player exits to menu, while a unit receives damage in combat
Fixed an issue where a stuck situation is encountered when loading the session
Fixed an issue where a dead lock between encounters can occur
Other Fixes
Fixed an issue where the battle is stuck when using the reset deployment button
Fixed an issue where the battle unit does not move when the target is inaccessible
Fixed an issue where Settlers do not attack during manual combat
Fixed an issue where the Militia does not get XP per turn
Fixed an issue where the Militia is not available at the creation of a city
Fixed an issue where Militia units do not participate in battles to defend cities
Fixed an issue where the Charge ability gives a bonus when the unit does not move
Fixed an issue where the Proliferator unit can create new units for the opponent
Fixed an issue where units garrisoned in converted villages do not receive XP per turn although the tooltip states otherwise
Fixed an issue where assimilating a new faction costs the same as replacing an assimilated one
Fixed an issue where Districts are not prioritised as drop locations whenever armies are teleported to a city
Fixed an issue where the building buyout and population buyout do not use real resources
Fixed an issue where city improvements can be destroyed instantly during a siege before the city is captured
Fixed an issue where the Highway improvement does not override the tile cost
Fixed an issue where Tier 3 military plan and Cannon Fodder trait reduce army cost to 0 for Necrophages
Fixed an issue where the cost for the first pillars/spells for Ardent Mage faction is wrong (used to be 10 instead of 6)
Fixed an issue where the tooltip when recruiting heroes is disabled because of a market ban in the Academy screen
Fixed an issue with the spawned armies in the Broken Lords faction quest chapter 6 and 7
Fixed an issue where the player cannot complete the Broken Lords chapter 7alt step 1 of the "Death or Glory" quest
Fixed an issue where the Broken Lords chapter 3 "Perilous Frontiers" cannot be completed by colonising new regions if the first city is placed in a low Dust income area
Fixed an issue where the Scepter of Auir is displayed as a ring in its tooltip
Fixed an issue where quest armies are stuck on water tiles, making quests unfinishable
Fixed an issue where loading/saving/loading too much could solve quests
Fixed an issue where the "Digging In" quest cannot be completed when the game was saved before pacifying any village
Fixed an issue where the "Manual Labour" quest can be triggered without at least 1 Delvers village in the neighbouring regions
Fixed an issue where unequipping two-handed weapons, shields and armour will automatically unequip items in different slots
Fixed an issue where default two-handed items are not reset when removing the left hand part
Fixed an issue where removing a torso item by drag and dropping it in the middle of the panel, the head armour is also removed
Fixed an issue where the same item can be received multiple times as either a quest reward or when searching ruins
Fixed an issue where AI empires are able to search unavailable technologies
Fixed an issue where several luxury resources do not modify the AI deal attitude bar during trade
Fixed an issue where AI prioritises Borough streets instead of less expensive improvements in newly built cities
Fixed an issue where AI major factions besiege the closest city to their empire regardless of the odds of success during war
Fixed an issue where Advanced Diarchy trait has same tooltip info twice
Fixed an issue where the wrong icon is displayed for the Sweep Strike Back 3 ability
Fixed an issue where the Truce icon is too large on the Diplomatic screen
Fixed an issue where the player receives a notification informing him/her that he must colonise a region when an AI has to colonise a region or be eliminated
~Amplitude Studios
Steam: 1.0.24
[1.0.24] Release Notes
11 December, 2014 - Steph(✿◠‿◠)
Decreased impact of stocks and transactions on market prices
Reduced the stockpile prices on the market place
Added a random number of turns between diplomatic proposals to avoid multiple AI proposals at the same turn
Tweaked a bit the attribute bonuses given by the Sceptre, Wand, Staff and Claws weapons
Fixed an issue where an infinite end turn occurs in a specific situation
Fixed an issue where a skippable assert is generated for the host at the beginning of each turn in a multiplayer session (OrderQueueConstruction.Pack)
Fixed an issue where a session desyncs when the AI empires retrofit units with the "Sweep strike back" capacity
Fixed an issue where a session desyncs due to unit design modifications in a specific situation
Fixed a null reference exception when the AI empires are dealing with boosters
Fixed an issue where the AI empires retrofit only one unit per turn
Fixed an issue where the AI empires don't react to player sneak attacks on capitals
Fixed an issue where War is cancelled every 2 turns by AI empires
Fixed an issue where the Hold Position strategy for Ardent Mages ranged units doesn't work
Fixed an issue where the Cultists and the Ardent Mages do not have access to the right technologies when using a pre 1.0.21 save file
Fixed an issue where using conversion on a village will break population bonus with a Custom Faction
Fixed an issue where the Cultist Custom Faction has a cap of 85 custom points when everyone else has 80 points
Fixed an issue where Pillars are not available for Custom Factions
Fixed an issue where some technology traits stay in the faction traits list of the Custom Factions screen even after their prerequisite is removed
Fixed an issue where Broken Lords Chapter 7 step 1 quest cannot be completed using Custom Factions with the Anarchists trait
Fixed an issue where the Pillars and Spells cannot be used with Custom Factions without the Ardent Mages affinity
Fixed an issue where units created by the Proliferators can trigger an error message
Fixed an issue where Undead units are not usable for factions other than the Necrophages
Fixed an issue where the Research notification keeps popping out at loading when no research are available anymore
Fixed an issue where the Strategic booster does not force the strategic GUI button to show when the resource stock is null and the booster is active.
Fixed an issue where, when an hero has all the accessory slots equipped (at least 3), the third accessory will be removed when drag and dropping the first one out
Fixed an issue where the AI deal attitude bar for the open borders treaty is not modified by added technologies
Fixed an issue where units don't reset all their attributes (current health points, movement points) when sold to the market place
Fixed an issue where the Booster auction doesn't check if the booster is salable
Fixed an issue with some quests rewarding units using an edited unit design
Fixed an issue where the chapter 4 of the Necrophages questline rewards units based on their edited design
Fixed an issue where the chapter 1 step 2 of the Ardent Mages questline rewards units based on their edited design
Fixed an issue where saving on the same turn the city from Ardent Wizard chapter 4 quest is destroyed would corrupt the quest upon loading
Fixed an issue where quests requiring colonisation can be completed by colonising any region
Fixed an issue where the Siege breaker army can stay immobile because of a pathfinding misuse
Fixed an issue where minor faction assimilation is lost when all converted villages are destroyed
Fixed an issue where the garrison unit count can exceed the maximum capacity when buying mercenary units
Fixed an issue where the user cannot see or access save file created after a victory has been achieved
Fixed an issue where the user remains stuck in the tutorial if the city is selected too fast after the city construction step
Fixed an issue where the flying units do not receive targeting orders while initiating combat in areas with limited deployment tiles
Fixed several text issues
~Amplitude Studios
Steam: 1.0.21
[1.0.21] Release Notes - Visions of the Unseen
26 November, 2014 - Steph(✿◠‿◠)
Added a new minor faction: the Eyeless Ones.
Added new 10 side quests.
Added Faction-related diplomatic interactions.
Added loading tips.
Added the Vaulters' outgame view.
Added VFX to the unique quest weapons.
Added more data to the save files, in order to allow parsing for league/stats database.
Allowed garrisons of AI empires to handle a siege on their own.
Improved the battle targeting of AI units.
Reduced the Dust and Food stresses, and increased the Industry stress for the AI empires.
Increased the importance of Industry when the AI chooses a city spot for its next city.
Added the use of the retrofit feature for the AI empires.
Improved the way AI empires manage their Empire plan.
Improved the way AI empires manage their construction queues.
Changed the way AI empires manage their researches: must-have technologies begin with a low heuristic value but increase a lot at each completed research.
Added an "after battle" analysis in order to adapt the unit designs of AI empires.
Refactored the unit design system used by the AI empires.
Improved the management of the "Slayer" abilities by the AI empires in their unit designs.
Increased the weights of resources marketplace technology and the assimilation technology for the AI empires.
Feedback have prerequisites to avoid strange messages from AI empires (for example: "We appreciate your peaceful behaviour" during a war).
Open/Close Borders and Map Exchange/Embargo are now used by AI empires.
Drakkens' Force status declarations increase their costs when they are used.
Removed the constraints upon land mass from Large and Huge map sizes (issues with too many regions are handled another way by the World generator).
Added Morale penalty (-1) to Ranged and Support units when there are enemies around.
Decreased by 30% Damage and by 10% Attack values of Ranged units and heroes.
Other unit tweaks: WW-Forest Spirit, BL-Infantry, BL-Ryder, AM-Battle Mage, RC-Berzerk, D-Drakkenling, Giant Ogre, Justicere, Ice Warg.
Unit capacities: Dark Proof added to Ice Warg, Slightly increased BL-Ryder Life Drain, reduced a bit power of Fire Rain AoE for Witches.
Hero default capacities: downgraded from Lv.3 to Lv.2 Industry and Damage boost capacities.
Tweaked Luxury Effects: switched Emerald and Grassilk effects, changed Hydromiel effects for Hero Upkeep reduction, slightly reduced Dust Orchid effect.
Increased the military technologies' weights of the 4th Era.
Tweaked the cost of some custom faction traits.
The "We are legion" faction trait requires the Conversion faction trait. Rage wizards technologies are now linked to a faction trait instead of the faction affinity.
Added prerequisites on terrain tag water for the shipyard.
Changed the descriptions of 4 Luxury Resources (according to their gameplay changes).
Changed the position of the "Mindless Slaughter" technology (Necrophages quest reward, Era 4).
Added an attack odds panel in battle.
Added the possibility to swap the units' positions in battle deployment.
Improved the battle targeting rules (decreased cases where units do nothing).
Added the battle deployment zone size in the Registry file.
The coloured area of the life bar is more visible in battle.
The life bar in battle is removed when de-zooming.
Reachable and attack tiles are now more visible in the Winter season.
Improved the targeting highlight in battle.
Clamped min and max Morale bonus from -6 to +6.
The colour palette can now be selected as a game options of the User Interface tab; includes a colour-blind mode that can be edited through the palette.xml file.
Added a custom tooltip on the terms' prices that explains what modifiers influence it, in the notification of diplomatic interactions.
When a notification is about a warning or a compliment, the contract is displayed for clarification.
Added the number of assimilated villages on each minor faction slot.
The real number of available assimilation slots is now displayed in the Empire screen (was capped by the number of assimilable minor factions).
Added tooltips on the "Army in battle" and "Army locked by other battle" icons.
Added a section in the districts tooltips to explain how to level them up.
Added the Battle Movement icon in the Unit battle tooltip.
Display of the World Seed value in the bottom left corner of the Options screen.
Sorted out the pillar faction trait (no arcana use when there are no pillars and set the right pillar price for Ardent Mage).
Improved the large version of the spells' icons.
Added Mastery Strategic Resource Cost Bonus system: the more you unlock item technologies, the more you get discounts on item strategic resource costs.
Increased by 50% strategic cost of items (to improve strategic resources rarity and to partially compensate the new Mastery system that can potentially decrease by 60% the strategic resources costs of items).
Increased by 20% Industry and Dust costs of items made of Iron or Dust.
Improved the stock management in the marketplace.
Added a feature of auto-supply of stockpiles in the marketplace.
Reduced a bit the impact of the level up of units on the marketplace.
Changed the value of the Sellout Market Tax.
Changed values of the marketplace reference prices of stockpiles and heroes.
Downgraded Industry Efficient and Damage Boost capacities (Hero default capacities).
Unit instant heal can now be modded to choose the used resource.
Renamed the "Low Damage" ability: now "Warrior Apprentice".
Removed Low Damage (Warrior Apprentice) ability of Support units but reduced their base attack values.
Sorted abilities to have Range ability on top of the abilities list.
Fixed an issue where an assert can be raised by the Trade Routes system (some region was not correctly excluded).
Fixed an issue where an assert can be raised when the Roving Clans lose their main city and have some roaming privateers.
Fixed an issue where a crash can occur when displaying info about an annihilated army which was a privateer army.
Fixed an issue where a crash can occur when loading a save where a unit is mistaken for a hero.
Fixed an issue where an unskippable assert is received by the host during gameplay.
Fixed an issue where a desync in MP games is caused by AI empires (when manipulating the construction queues).
Fixed an issue where audio is muted and audio options have no functionality when booting the title without headset or speakers plugged in.
And we ran out of characters. :) For the complete release notes, please check the official forum[].
Thank you and enjoy!
Steam: 1.0.12
Shades of Alteration Mini Add-On [1.0.12]
29 October, 2014 - Lt_Miles[/url]
Happy (early) Halloween everyone!
You all know how candies are bad for your teeth. Therefore, we think that it would be for your own good to stay home and play Endless Legend instead of trick or treating...Just kidding obviously. What's true however is that we have released an exciting Halloween Mini Add-On for you. Here's what it includes:
Modding support, more info on this can be found HERE[]
A new side quest
A new Broken Lord hero and an item
Various bug fixes
Added the mod support
Added a new side quest unlocking a new Broken Lords' Hero and a new item
Reduced base XP gain per turn on Hero as Governor from 3 to 2 (now identical to XP gain on Hero as Leader)
Fixed an issue where the host receives an unskippable assert during a session
Fixed an issue where the player receives an assert message and remains stuck in combat after ending the targeting phase
Fixed an issue where the AI does not take the Founder's Memorial improvement into account
Fixed an issue where the AI factions do not build Watchtowers
Fixed an issue where the village dust ray indicator from the quest "Too Many Chiefs" does not disappear when the quest is failed
Fixed an issue where custom factions with the "Make Trade Not War" trait were asked to declare war in a side quest
Fixed an issue where armour quest items were Tier 2 instead of Tier 4
Fixed an issue where quest items makes Tier 3 items obsolete (because effects are not always better)
Fixed an issue where the Ardent Mages main chapter 8 cannot be completed
Fixed an issue where the custom Cultists affinity factions without "Weapons of the Enemy" trait cannot raze captured cities
Fixed an issue with custom Vaulters improvements that could be build multiple times
Fixed an issue with the "Strength of the Vault" tech position when used in a custom faction
Fixed an issue where the technology allowing to explore again ruins does not reset the FX and 2D icon
Fixed an issue where some buildings show completion in 1 turn regardless their position in the queue
Fixed an issue where the minor factions can be assimilated in colonised regions even when never discovered
Fixed several text issues
Have fun!
Steam: 1.0.8
[1.0.8] Release Notes
17 October, 2014 - Steph(✿◠‿◠)
Hey guys,
We just released a quick patch.
Important fixes
Fixed an issue where an IndexOutOfRangeException is displayed (AILayer_Encounter.UpdateSpellScoringGrid)
Fixed an issue where a KeyNotFoundException is displayed (AIBehaviorTreeNode_Decorator_SelectTarget.Execute)
Fixed an issue where the Roving Clans Setseke is unable to colonise a region
Fixed an issue where the AI empires have a malus on Slow and Endless speed
Have a nice weekend!
~Amplitude Studios
Steam: 1.0.7
[1.0.7] Release Notes
16 October, 2014 - Lt_Miles
Added the Italian version of Endless Legend.
Reduced the arrival of roaming faction armies in Newbie and Easy difficulties.
Updated the strategic resources costs on city improvements.
Reduced Subterranean Gardens Food bonus in Winter from 15 to 10 (per exploitation tile).
Changed "Scientific Envoy" strategic cost from 20 Glassteel to 20 Titanium (since that improvement gives more science on trade routes and Science improvements require Titanium, not Glassteel like Dust improvements)
Changed "Army Manual" strategic cost from 5 Mithrite to 5 Hyperium (XP bonuses are linked to Hyperium)
Changed XP gains:
Doubled Hero XP gains for Search, Bribe, Conversion, Siege and when defending against a Siege.
Slightly increased Hero XP gain as governor when an element in the city construction queue is built/recruited.
Removed Hero XP gain when colonizing.
Rework the Broken Lord formula: now the cost increases way slower depending on the empire scale.
Lowered effect of regeneration: 5 /10 / 15 => 2 /4 / 6 per level
Removed additional +1 vision on city center gained in Roving Clans' "Tower defense" improvement
Tweaked the values and prerequisites of two Necrophages quest city improvements.
Tweaked prerequisite of side quests asking to reach 40 of science or industry during 10 turns.
Tweaked Conversion trait to make sure additional cities pay 5 times less than the main city per converted village within the empire.
Changed the whole formula for the military power AI evaluation: the AI makes a better evaluation before attacking an army.
Reduced the heuristic for weapon technologies: the more the AI has weapon/armor technologies, the less it wants more of them.
Allowed multiple attacks for AI empires.
Improved the opportunistic AI behavior when near a ruin.
Increased the diversity of units used by the AI empires.
Added a new influence trend rule: the influence points gained per turn from an alliance now increase in time.
Removed invalid term when a contract is counter proposed.
Added more information to the logs provided by the World Generator.
Changed the way the World Generator is compiled in order to fix issues with some configurations.
Fixed an issue where a NullReferenceException assert is displayed when teleport is used on sieged city with battle.
Fixed an issue where the Besieger tag on an army are not properly removed.
Fixed an issue where AI garrison does not keep more than one unit.
Fixed an issue where Auto battle takes place instead of Manual battle if there is an fleet nearby that could come as reinforcements.
Fixed an issue where Trade Routes cause a desync.
Fixed an issue with the AI when the pacified village are too far.
Fixed an issue where AI conversion does not work when the village is pacified.
Fixed an issue where AI does not convert enemy villages.
Fixed an issue where AI does not complete quests.
Fixed an issue where a level up notification is displayed even if the unit has reached the max level.
Fixed an issue with side quests asking to build an "Only One Per Empire" city improvement in a specific city.
Fixed an issue with the prerequisite of the "Master of Luxury" quest.
Fixed an issue where the Ardent Mages Era 6 "Sacrificial amplifiers" technology is counted for Scientific Victory.
Fixed an issue with the Cultists Faction color.
Fixed an issue where building a settler for the Broken Lords cost 2 populations.
Fixed an issue where the "Food efficient" and "Agriculturally Challenged" traits can be added to the same custom faction.
Fixed an issue where Villages pacified by force do not grant vision when converted by the cultists major faction.
Fixed an issue where the bonus displayed for Necrophages "Roadside picnic" and "Iron constitution" skills was wrong.
Fixed an issue where a city is created without settler.
Fixed an issue where units cannot be transferred onto city tiles.
Fixed an issue where the army names are not properly displayed for some languages.
Fixed an issue where the retrofit cost does not take care of speed and empire bonuses.
Fixed an issue where shared vision treaties grant vision to allies from Privateer armies.
Fixed an issue where the Diplomatic relation state chaos now doesn't applied at the beginning of the game and at the first encounter.
Fixed an issue where it is not possible to change the technology selection state of a previously canceled technology after a save/load process.
Fixed an issue where the movement path changes color when drawn across hostile armies hidden in fog of war.
Fixed several localization issues with the Polish version.
Steam: 1.0.2
[1.0.2] Release Notes
25 September, 2014 - Steph(✿◠‿◠)
Hey everyone,
Yes, we're still here. :)
Thank you very much for the feedback on Endless Legend: it's helped fix tons of issues as you will find below. We are aware of some remaining issues and are still investigating, however, please make sure you report all your issues in the right section of the forum (here[]) and that you attach your files (as explained here[]) and give as much info as you can.
Added data to randomly change the AI's personality at the beginning of a new game
The game speed value is used to modify the AI building scoring
Players can now exchange resources when negotiating an open borders treaty during a Cold War
Through the Diplomacy, the Alliance relation between 2 empires allows you to attack a tierce Empire army within the territory of your ally, if you are protecting your own territory
Disabling multiple GUI elements during end of turn
Available improvements are now sorted by category, then industry cost, then custom sort (based on the new GuiSorting.xml file)
Improved the feedback of the active/activable luxury resources
Fixed an issue where the Founder Pack bonuses (Ice Wargs minor faction, Namkang hero and "A song of ice, only ice" custom faction trait) are not available for the owners of the EL Founder Pack
Fixed an issue where game remains stuck during the Battle simulation phase of the Manual battle when setting the "Encounter sequence" to "Advanced"
Fixed an issue where armies disappear when going on water tiles surrounded by terrain tiles
Fixed an issue where a skippable assert is generated when the user selects and then deselects multiple times a faction in the Diplomacy screen right after ending his turn
Fixed an issue where a skippable assert is generated when the user rapidly presses the Escape button several times while being in the faction selection screen
Fixed an issue where clients joining sessions while the host is in the loading screen remain stuck if the host closes the game
Fixed an issue where session does not appear for the previous host after a server migration
Fixed an issue where the host receives a skippable assert resulting in being stuck when resyncing the multiplayer session
Fixed an issue where if a client times out in a MP lobby, the host loses the session server and receives a "Failed to connect" notification
Fixed an issue where the client doesn't receive a message that the connection with host was lost if the Ethernet cable is removed or the uplink is lost
Fixed an issue where AI Empires do not build borough streets if they are custom factions with the Cellulose mutation trait
Fixed an issue where AI Empires have a very low priority for rebuilding minor villages
Fixed an issue where the AI is stuck when the frontier tile is a non stoppable one
Fixed an issue where the "Deep Generator" technology is available for custom factions without the "Vaulters" or "Mezari" affinity
Fixed an issue where several technologies are unavailable for custom factions with the "Mezari" affinity
Fixed an issue where the "Rookery" and "Mercenary Market" technologies are treated as separate technologies in the faction editor
Fixed an issue where the "Advanced Filigree" starting technology trait is available in the faction editor selection
Fixed an issue where custom factions can be created with the "Language Square" starting technology and the "Pitiless" trait
Fixed an issue where Settler can cost more than one population
Fixed an issue with the Winter additional effect "-1 resource on strategic resource deposit"
Fixed an issue where Winter River effect does not mention the dust malus in the Empire management screen
Fixed an issue where contradictory information is displayed in the "Empire bonuses" on the slow game speed
Fixed an issue where the notification for starvation will be displayed even when the city has 1 population
Fixed an issue where the "Imperial Kennels" city improvement does not increase the experience units gain per turn
Fixed an issue where the "Self-repairing Defences" city improvement does not grant an XP bonus
Fixed an issue where there is a inconsistency of the values of the different market tabs
Fixed an issue where the "Stun" capacity is always successful
Fixed an issue where the "Ardent Fire" capacity is not functional
Fixed an issue where the "Increased Fire 3" capacity of Ardent Mages heroes does not function properly
Fixed an issue where the "Increased Fire 3" capacity of the Ardent Mages heroes does not have a visual effect when used
Fixed an issue where the "Increased Fire 3" capacity status effect is not displayed on the supported unit
Fixed an issue where the "Improved Movement" combat effects do not apply
Fixed an issue where the "Confidence" bonus does not function properly
Fixed an issue where the "Sharp Sense" bonus does not function properly
Fixed an issue where the "Higher Ground" bonus does not function properly
Fixed an issue where the "Higher Ground" effect does not appear in the unit status effects during manual combat
Fixed an issue where support class heroes do not have the "Ranged" capacity
Fixed an issue where Roving Clans heroes do not have the "Ranged" capacity
Fixed an issue where the Preacher's "Unleashed Potential" support ability does not have any sound effects
Fixed an issue where the Ardent Mages pillar buttons remain functional and do not become greyed out when ending the turn
Fixed an issue where the battle FX of the Ice Wargs are missing
Fixed an issue where First Encounter between Empires occurs without mutual vision
Fixed an issue where a user is not prompted with the First Encounter notification when discovered using the "Vision and Map Exchange" treaty
Fixed an issue where no encounter notification is generated at the start of the session when playing against a Drakken empire
Fixed an issue where building multiple "Verda's Temple" at the same time breaks the Ardent Mage questline
Fixed an issue where the chapter 7 of the Roving Clans major faction is too difficult to complete compared to other major faction questlines
Fixed an issue where the reward for the "Power and Prestige" side quest is too low for the first era
Fixed an issue with the walk animation of the Urces units
Fixed several issues with the animations of the Vaulters and Mezari ambassadors
Fixed several issues with the French, German, Russian and Polish localisations
Fixed an issue where spacing between words cannot be noticed due to the font choice in quest descriptions (modification of the kerning values)
~Amplitude Studios
Steam: 1.0.0
[1.0.0] Release Notes
18 September, 2014 - Steph(✿◠‿◠)
Hey everyone,
We are very glad to announce that Endless Legend is now out of Early Access and officially released on Steam! Check out the release notes below and our trailer!
YouTube™ Video: Endless Legend - Auriga Supplication - Launch Trailer
Views: 206,459
Endless Legend is a 4X turn-based fantasy strategy game by the creators of Endless Space and Dungeon of the Endless. Control every aspect of your civilization as you struggle to save your homeworld...
Added the Cultists of the Eternal End faction
Enabled the customization of factions
Added the Nydia Minor faction
Added the Mezari faction (reskin of the Vaulters - Dungeon of the Endless Founder Pack owners)
Added the Ice Wargs Minor faction (Endless Legend Founder pack owners)
Added the Researcher Namkang (new hero - Endless Legend Founder pack owners)
Added the Auto-Explore and Sleep Army actions
Added Steam achievements and Trading Cards.
Added 2D cursor. Behaviour:
Grey => nothing special
Blue => a selection is possible
Red => only an offensive interaction is possible
Green => any other interaction is possible
Changed Heroes' starting abilities
Slightly increased Watchtower cost (from 125 to 160)
Updated units stats (now defence and attack are within the same range)
Updated unit costs
Updated the life siphon capacity
Improved the Broken Lords Infantry and the Ardent Mages Battle Mage
Increased the costs of Drakken's force peace and alliance
Nerfed the Ceratan
Balanced Cultists number conversion costs and converted village upkeep
Changing several times a diplomatic status will now have a significant impact on diplomatic costs
A besieged city cannot be traded
Increased the costs for technology exchanges
Fade out the audio properly during loading, and restore it properly at the end of loading
Removed end turn SFX on the button
The player is now redirected to the main menu after an error occurred while joining a lobby
Minor factions can now attack cities starting turn 100th, besiege them starting turn 50th and attack converted villages starting turn 15th
The AI can now research the military technology from era 6th.
Improved the assimilation heuristic: now it assimilates the greatest strength belief instead of just the first minor faction
Roving Clans uses Privateers for their war now
AI armies are never idle now, if there's no more patrol missions we will assign several armies for the same missions
Bank accounts are used to compute the Dust exchange appreciation
Added Polish and Russian localizations
Fixed several issues where the game crashes when exiting to desktop
Fixed an issue where the game remains in front of other programs when alt-tabbed
Fixed an issue where the game doesn't start on the primary monitor
Fixed an issue where the assimilation AI layer tries to assimilate an already assimilated minor faction
Fixed an issue where minor factions do not conquest cities
Fixed an issue where the AI does not make enough extension
Fixed an issue where the AI Empires have a very low priority for building Extractors
Fixed an issue where the AI doesn't react to player sneak attacks on capitals
Fixed an issue where, when making extension, the AI does not try to level up districts
Fixed an issue where tropical mountain forest is wrongly linked to tropical rock forest
Fixed an issue with the Bark Skin capacity
Fixed an issue where the master volume is reset each turn
Fixed an issue where units do not auto split from armies when the destination is not adjacent
Fixed an issue where the militia will never have more action point after a first battle
Fixed an issue where the siege action could not be started when the district is an extension/centre and located over a cliff
Fixed several issues with unique items
Fixed an issue where a desync occurs when building a district in the area of a pillar
Fixed an issue where a desync occurs with clients using different languages
Fixed an issue when going back to the lobby after a desync. Sometimes a client would reload the game as if he was ready
Fixed an issue where the player is no longer considered as an AI if they were not ready when the game started
Fixed several issues with the display of the Upkeep
Fixed several issues with the buttons and layout for the Big Screen UI
Fixed an issue where the armies spawned in the Ardent Mages chapter 7 do not attack the correct city if the user reaches chapter 7 and then loads a game which was saved before completing chapter 6
Fixed an issue where battle effects are visible through the fog of war in multiplayer sessions
Conversion trait has unwanted consequences when used for custom factions (especially, if you choose to be able to have more than 1 city).
Some issues can be encountered with the Urces walk animation.
Have fun! :)
~Amplitude Studios
Steam: 0.7.4
[0.7.4] Release Notes
11 September, 2014 - Steph(✿◠‿◠)
Hey guys,
Your game should be updating soon. :)
By the way, the Endless difficulty should be quite hard now, so tell us what you think about it!
Implementation of the new battle rules.
Updated the units.
Updated the unit capacities
Updated the items effects
Refactoring of the technology tree
Added Eras 5 and 6 of the technology tree
Added new Winter Effects
Global balancing of the game
Added animated diplomats
Added French and German localisations for testing purposes
Added OSX version for testing purposes
Added the tutorial
Added the game credits list
Implemented the Audio mix
Fixed 250+ issues. Too many fixes to be listed here... :)
Players cannot join a MP session set with a different language
Related to our game engine:
Primary monitors not used by the game: we are working with Unity to fix this issue
Game in front of other programs when Alt-Tabbed: we are working with Unity to fix this issue
The Mac version is now available: it is a 32-bit version for now, for testing purposes (we are working on a 64-bit version too). If you have purchased Endless Legend, it should now appear in your Steam library: download it as any other games on Steam and report your issues in the Technical Support section of our forum[].
We're hoping to release the 64-bit version tomorrow. Stay tuned for more info! :)
~Amplitude Studios.
Steam: 0.6.1
The Drakken & [0.6.1] Update
21 August, 2014 - Steph(✿◠‿◠)
An ancient and venerable race, the drakes and dragons of the Drakken prize lore, history, and wisdom above all things.
Few in number but exceedingly powerful, they do not seek war but rather relationships, information, and knowledge. Faction histories, artifacts, and ruins are highly prized by the Drakken while wealth, military power, and advanced technology are viewed as insignificant.
Military they have limited numbers, and bring to battle very few but very powerful units.
The gradual onset of longer winters has not escaped the notice of this race who are attuned to Auriga's rhythms than all the rest.
Already they have struck out across the vast planet, forging ties with all who share Auriga's lands. They understand well that even if the cataclysm comes again, their first duty is to preserve what the Endless left behind, so that one day, maybe in a hundred years, maybe in a hundred thousand, their great teacher's creations will still endure.
YouTube™ Video: Endless Legend - Major Factions - The Drakken
Views: 48,265
Endless Legend - Major Factions - The Drakken Steam: Website: Twitter: Facebook:
The release notes are too long so I cannot unfortunately post them in this announcement. However, they're available here!
Check out the official dev blog post[] for more information.
~Amplitude Studios
Steam: 0.5.19
[0.5.19] Patch Notes
7 August, 2014 - Steph(✿◠‿◠)
[0.5.19] Patch Notes
Added picture and description for some new technologies.
Added a new option to set the speed at which the battle animations will be played.
Fixed a desync that occurred when the dumping method is set to binary.
Fixed an issue with the animations of the Broken Lords Militia and Settler.
~Amplitude Studios
Steam: 0.5.18
[0.5.18] Update
1 August, 2014 - Steph(✿◠‿◠)
[0.5.18] Version Notes
Enabled Tiny and Huge maps.
Enabled 7th and 8th Player slots.
Added Gauran and Hurnas minor factions.
Added new diplomatic terms: commercial and research agreement.
Heavy modifications of the tech tree: some technologies can unlock several constructibles or bonus empire. Text and icons are still WIP.
Increased the requirements of the next Era (10 unlocked technologies instead of 8), but to unlock a new area, you now have to research 10 technologies of any previous era (and not the last era anymore).
Added the Roving Clans scene in the outgame view.
District and City Centre levels are capped to 2. Their level is now displayed in their tooltip.
In Game Chat:
Ensure we'll show all messages received, even without opening the chat window first. Also clearing the backlog when starting a new game (or loading a save).
When the chat panel is not visible, incoming messages are discreet (the panel doesn't pop-up anymore).
Fixed the fading out of the chat, when in "discreet" mode (+no scrollbar, no mouse grab).
Added a new Unit capacity: “Revive” (for Ardent Mages' Eneqa Wing)
If the phoenix is killed, it is transform into an egg with 50% of its max health.
An egg can't attack but can still be targeted.
All the eggs still alive at the end of a battle are killed if they don't have friendly units with them.
Added a new Unit capacity: “Parasite” (for Necrophages' Proliferator)
The proliferator uses Parasite by attacking. A unit with a parasite that dies in a battle gives a Forager unit to its enemy.
Disease immunity protects from parasite.
Added new world generation options.
Added a new option to scale the speed of battles (animation, FX, movement...).
Added an in-game stats panel in the Empire screen.
Added Steam Cloud support.
Added a Retreat button for attacked armies: retreating deals 50% of the max health to all units retreating and requires 1 Army Action Point.
Added the display of the Diplomatic abilities to the Diplomacy/Negotiation screens.
Added the display of the trade routes in the strategic world view.
Improved the feedback (effects and icons) of the Unit and Hero capacities.
Updated the native capacities of all of the units.
Updated the capacities on weapons.
Removed the army action cost for the Search, Bribe and Parley army actions.
Now flying have their own default attack which can be countered if the terrain allows it.
Reworked the critical formula: now deals damages equal to attack instead of critical.
Added the display of the upkeep cost in the Unit tooltip.
Added the display of the remaining action points in the army panel.
Units' level are limited to 9 instead of 20.
Increased the experience needed to level up. Updated the experience reward per era to fit with the new levelling threshold.
Decreased price of heroes, increased their sensibility to inflation.
Increased winter maluses (-2Food/Dust on Food/Dust tiles, -1 Industry on Exploitation Area). Several buildings don't work in winter.
Necrophages' Sacrifice resets the growth timer.
Added more information concerning the players' status on the MP loading screen.
Improved the desync detection tool.
Fixed an issue where clients remain stuck in multiplayer sessions without migrating the previous host after s/he leaves.
Fixed an issue where a skippable assert resulted in a block when choosing auto or manual combat.
Fixed an issue where the creating/loading of a session is paused whenever users switch to another windows task by alt-tabbing.
Fixed an issue where clients is stuck inside the lobby screen whenever the host switches to another task by alt-tabbing.
Performed some memory optimisations, improved the performance on 32-bit systems.
Fixed an issue where destroying and rebuilding minor faction villages can be used as an exploit to increase city population.
Fixed an issue where a desync is generated when a user obtains a regular technology as a quest reward during the same turn in which s/he completes the research of another technology.
Fixed an issue where a session desyncs when the host buys a hero from the marketplace.
Fixed an issue where a session desyncs whenever a third player switches slots and joins a multiplayer session while it's being created.
Fixed an issue where the server migration fails whenever the host either quits or is defeated during a session.
Fixed an issue where the AI does not attempt to complete side or main quests.
Fixed an issue where the game stops loading graphic assets in the later stages of a game when zooming out.
Fixed an issue where a graphical corruption is displayed inside the city list screen when colonising over 40% of a large map.
Fixed an issue where switching to 1920x1080 windowed mode does not centre the game window on the main screen.
Fixed an issue where the chapter 5 Roving Clans alternative quest cannot be completed.
Fixed an issue where loading the session causes the army spawned during the 1.2 "Digging in" quest to remain stationary instead of assaulting the city.
Fixed an issue where the Dust line exceeds the graphic in the score screen.
Fixed an issue where the score screen does not display numeric values on the X and Y axis for the empire score and turns passed.
Fixed an issue where geoconstructible extensions is shown when the empire is lacking the strategic resources to construct them.
Fixed an inconsistency between the City Banner timer and the Construction Queue timer.
Fixed an issue where Expansion victory does not activate an alert notification at 50% progress.
Fixed an issue where activating or deactivating the big screen user interface changes the position of the notification icons on the UI.
Fixed an issue where quest screen text become unintelligible due to the winter background.
Fixed an issue where there is no visual element in the multiplayer lobby to mark the Host.
Fixed an issue where in the city list screen, there is no buyout button for the displayed queued item.
Fixed an issue where the Diplomatic offer proposed window does not give any information about the proposed treaties.
Fixed an issue where a skippable assert is generated when a user selects a faction in the drop down list during the "End turn" phase and that faction was eliminated during that same turn.
The Auto-explore army action is enabled for the first army only.
~Amplitude Studios
Steam: 0.5.11
[0.5.11] Hot Fix
4 July, 2014 - Steph(✿◠‿◠)
Fixed an issue where the clients received an assert message; it would desync the session when inspecting the heroes market tab.
Steam: 0.5.10
[0.5.10] Beta Release Notes
3 July, 2014 - Steph(✿◠‿◠)
Hi everyone,
As promised, Endless Legend will reach the Beta tonight and we are hoping you will enjoy it!
Once again, here's what it will include:
Two new playable major factions: the Ardent Mages and the Roving Clans
Multiplayer mode with up to six players out of eight in the final game
Enhanced Battle system (Battle Pace / City Militia / Moral Boost / Upgraded Deployment)
Ships and Harbours, you can now go explore and colonise the world beyond the ocean!
Addition of Roads and Trade Routes
Improved Diplomacy: new Diplomatic Treaties, AI diplomatic behaviour, Counter Proposal option
Addition of Privateers: mercenaries bought in the marketplace who can attack anyone without revealing exactly whose side they are on…
However, our release notes are too long and don't fit in this announcement, so you will have to refer to the Dev Blog: [0.5.10] Beta Release Notes[].
Have fun!
~Amplitude Studios
Steam: 0.4.8
[0.4.8] Patch Notes
14 May, 2014 - Lt_Miles
Added a +10 Approval on all luxury boosters.
Increased Approval gain per District level from 10 to 15.
Switched technology positions: Marketplace (Resources) is now in Era 2, and Marketplace (Mercenaries) is now in Era 3.
Fixed an issue where an unskippable assert is generated while loading or starting a new session (*.OnUnloadGame).
Fixed an issue where a skippable assert is displayed by clicking multiple times on a notification in order to remove it.
Fixed several Null Reference Exceptions (ArmyWorldCursor.OnCursorDrag, Garrison.UpdateLifeAfterEncounter).
Fixed an issue where the "A final battleground" Broken Lords - chapter 7, step 1 - quest cannot be completed.
Fixed an issue with the charge capacity.
Fixed an issue where the Diplomacy screen is cropped on a 4:3 display.
Fixed an issue where the camera stops panning when the player moves the cursor over the HUD.
Fixed an issue where the player remains stuck inside the combat notification when clicking multiple times to remove it.
Fixed an issue where the unit preview screen does not display the extra slot granted by the "Tailor's Guild" technology.
Fixed an issue where the quest rewards are not positioned correctly in the reward field.
Fixed an issue where the Dust income is not displayed on the control banner panel (Using the kilo symbol now when values exceed 1000 (both for the stock and trend). Also in case where the text overflows, the text is displayed with a smaller font.
Fixed an issue where the "Earth Tower" and "Ceratan Village" graphical representations are overlapped by their tiles.
Fixed an issue where a draw does not trigger the completion of a quest when everyone is killed.
Fixed an issue where an equipment item is sticking to the mouse after a right-click to close, while the item is being dragged.
Fixed an issue where the player could not see the preview of a unit when it was the only unit of its army.
Fixed an issue where the initiative modifications were not properly updated on the client side during battles.
Fixed several names and descriptions.
Steam: 0.4.5
[0.4.5] Patch Notes
6 May, 2014 - Lt_Miles
Added the icons for Mithrite and Hyperium accessories.
Added the effect of the booster to the droppable luxury resources' tooltips in the Quest and Marketplace screens.
The booster state is now only shown in the booster tooltips of the Empire screen.
Added the effect of the booster to the luxury deposits' tooltips in the Region panel.
Now all FIDS/Approval/Influence bonuses and maluses are applied on the "gain" part which can't become less than 0. Other "upkeep" costs (Food consumption, Dust upkeep, etc.) are applied afterwards.
Now Stockpiles give FIS as following:
Level 1: 60% of the cost
Level 2: 70% of the cost
Level 3: 80% of the cost
Corrected assimilation cost increase (now depends on number of currently assimilated factions).
Reduced hero cost per level on Marketplace.
Moved Necrophages6 technology (Era2 on the left) to avoid conflict with accessory common tier 3 technology.
Added a scrollview for the list of units in the Military Screen.
Added a scrollview for the rewards in the Quest screen and notification panel.
Added a tooltip on the army upkeep of the military screen.
Updated the manuals. The research function is now enabled.
Fixed an issue preventing the display of the game after an alt+tab.
Fixed several Null Reference Exceptions (ArmyAction_Attack.FillTargets, Garrison.UpdateLifeAfterEncounter and VisibilityRenderer.Unload).
Fixed an Argument Null Exception (DiplomaticRelationScore.AddModifier).
Fixed an issue where researching assimilation slot technologies will increase the cost of all the assimilations. Now the price depends on the number of already assimilated factions (with the same cost evolution).
Fixed an issue where the GUI arrow buttons for previous/next controlled region don't work properly.
Fixed an issue where the selected units cannot be selected again when splitting units.
Fixed an issue where the split unit should be selected when splitting a unit.
Fixed an issue of serialization regarding the stockpiles.
Fixed an issue where Stockpiles of the same type cannot be applied to multiple cities at once.
Fixed several issues regarding the siege system.
Fixed an issue where, during manual combat, if a unit's path towards its target is obstructed by another unit, the unit will not attempt to find a new path or to attack another target.
Fixed an issue where map scrolling using the arrow keys is disabled when the mouse cursor is held over an element of the GUI.
Fixed an issue where playing multiple sessions without exiting to desktop will cause a menu overlap when selecting an army.
Fixed several names and descriptions.
Steam: 0.4.3
[0.4.3] Patch Notes
30 April, 2014 - Lt_Miles
Free extractors (from districts) count as real built extractors for the quest counts.
Slightly increased the size of unlocked units and the list of effects, to avoid scrollbars in most cases of the Minor Faction selection panel.
The Ending Reward of the Broken Lords Quest is now an Instant Heal after the battle.
A "Hidden" reward is never displayed to the Player in the quest journal as long the step is not completed.
Added pathfinding rule for city tiles (district and city centre):
The movement cost between 2 city tiles is fixed and override the initial movement cost of the terrain tile.
It is always possible to move from a city tile to another, regardless the altitude.
Removed Industry on Dry Soil terrain.
Decreased Luxury5 (Wine) bonus to CityApproval from 40 to 25.
Cavalry map movement decreased from 8 to 6.
Added the descriptor to improve bonus from forest for the Wild Walkers.
Added a "show location" button to the Encounter notification panel.
The resource which have not been discovered appear as "?" in the Region panel.
Performed some memory optimisations.
Specifying access mode READ when opening the settings file. Failing to do so causes invisible/notforwarded/uncaught exceptions and prevents users from playing the game.
Fixed an issue where a unit does not get the unit ability from item when they are described in the base item. We still have to display the item ability in the unit design tooltip. Please see the People of Auriga PDF file for a description of the capacities.
Fixed an issue where a crash occurring when a constructible can be unlocked by 2 techs (which is forbidden for now).
Fixed an issue where Vaulters Teleport army action can be used while the booster is inactive.
Fixed an issue where "Fish Farm" and "Dust Dredger" river bonus is not applied on borough exploitation areas.
Fixed an issue where saving and loading during the 4.0 Vaulters quest will cause the quest to complete when capturing any city.
Fixed an issue where the 3.1 Necrophages quest cannot be completed if the user loads the session.
Fixed an issue where saving and loading the session resets the player's progress for the 6.1 Necrophage quest.
Fixed an issue where the player is not informed about the technology required to complete any 3.0 Wild Walkers quest.
Fixed an issue where the 7.1 Necrophages quest "Unatural born killers" can be completed without ending the turn by saving and loading the session.
Fixed an issue where no reward is offered when completing the last step in the necrophages faction quest.
Fixed an issue where cities that have been conquered can no longer be assaulted.
Fixed an issue where Ahote Zaltana hero icon is inconsistent in tooltips.
Fixed an issue where the pacified village tooltip displays wrong information in the region panel.
Fixed an issue where Pacified villages do not reduce the cost of minor faction units when trained.
Fixed an issue where resources are displayed inside the region panel even if the nodes have not been discovered.
Fixed an issue where the Winter does not reduce the vision for districts.
Fixed an issue where the Winter notification displays the vaulters empire bonus to all factions.
Fixed an issue where minimizing and restoring the battle notification causes the killed units to disappear.
Fixed an issue where the "pacification" reward disappears from the quest screen and notification after loading the session.
Fixed an issue where the "Eayah's Arm" and "Starblade" two-handed swords can be equipped at the same time than a shield.
Fixed an issue where the approval of the city is wrong when loading a save.
Fixed an issue where the army actions panel was hidden under the units list panel, after a reload with an enemy army selected.
Fixed an issue where the portrait of the Quest Heroes in the Quest screen and the Battle Unit Card is wrong.
Fixed an issue where the dead units are not displayed, after an encounter where one of the sides has lost all its units and if the player minimizes and restores the panel.
Fixed an issue where the buyout button is wrongly disabled in queue items when there is zero production from the city, even if all the other requirements are met.
Fixed an issue where the military power gauge is only looking at dead units in the Encounter notification panel.
Fixed several typos.
Steam: 0.4.2
[0.4.2] Patch Notes
28 April, 2014 - Lt_Miles
Added the User's Manual and the Bestiary to the game files.
The AI should build the biggest possible army to besiege or attack city.
Rounding a few values in some panels (especially health and heal costs).
Now showing the correct unit design revision everywhere, not just the latest one.
The Empire plan is reset when the player cannot buy the tiers of the previous plan.
The "Keypad Enter" key will end the turn, if it's available and if the player is out of the pause screen.
Fixed the "System.Linq.Check.SourceAndPredicate" issue where the player enters a stuck situation: when an army engages in a queued battle order or if s/he attempts to assign a hero to an army which is in combat.
Fixed an issue where the luxury boosters have a duration of 1 turn.
Fixed an issue where the player encounters an unskippable assert if s/he attempts to assign a hero to an army which is in combat.
Fixed an issue where the player is stuck on the loading screen after loading a session due to an unsafe serialization of empty world paths.
Fixed an issue where the player cannot select a movement path for that army after an Auto Combat is complete.
Fixed an issue where the Army Actions List does not refresh after an Auto Combat and displays wrong actions.
Fixed an issue where the Vaulters Chapter 6 - Step 2 Quest - does not complete if the player activates the holy resource booster during that session.
Fixed an issue where Ahote Zaltana Wild Walkers hero model is invisible in manual combat and on the 2D map.
Fixed an issue where several quests cannot be completed after a save/load operation.
Fixed multiple issues where the interactions with an army/city were not disabled when it started a battle.
Fixed several typos.