Chou Kyuukai Miracle Nine

From Sega Retro

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ChouKyuukaiMiracleNine MDTitleScreen.png

Chou Kyuukai Miracle Nine
System(s): Sega Mega Drive
Publisher: Sega
Genre: Sports

Chou Kyuukai Miracle Nine (超球界ミラクルナイン) is a 1995 baseball game by Sega for the Sega Mega Drive released exclusively in Japan.

The game is a typical isometric-projection baseball game. When batting, the D-pad moves around and A and C swing. When pitching, Left and Right move around and C pitches. Unlike most, if not all, Mega Drive baseball games, however, you can also take control of the rest of the team when the ball has been hit: you control the player with the ball; the D-pad moves around and C throws the ball.