Disney's Aladdin (prototype; 1993-06-27)

From Sega Retro

Aladdin1993-06-27 MD TitleScreen.png

Disney's Aladdin (prototype; 1993-06-27)
System: Sega Mega Drive
Build date: 1993-06-27
ROM size: 4 mb
Source: EPROM cartridge

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The 1993-06-27 build of Disney's Aladdin is a prototype build of Disney's Aladdin for the Sega Mega Drive. This prototype was built around a month before the final game.

While the game claims to be from Summer CES 1993, this is provably false, not just because the event took place between the 3rd and 6th of June (i.e. at least 21 days before this build was made), the version seen at that event was in a much earlier state.

The build is unusual in that it appears to have been included as part of the 2019 compilation, Disney Classic Games: Aladdin and The Lion King for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch consoles, as well as Steam (alongside its completed counterpart, a "Final Cut" version and ports to the Game Boy and IBM PC, as well as several versions of The Lion King). There it is called "demo version", although it is not known if the build was ever designed to be "demonstrated" to the public.


Main article: Disney's Aladdin (prototype; 1993-06-27)/Comparisons.

Hidden content

Main article: Disney's Aladdin (prototype; 1993-06-27)/Hidden content.

Region coding

Main article: Disney's Aladdin (prototype; 1993-06-27)/Region coding.


Disney's Aladdin

Aladdin Title.png

Main page | Comparisons | Maps | Hidden content | Development | Magazine articles | Video coverage | Reception | Promotional material | Region coding | Technical information | Bootlegs

Books: Biblioteka zhurnala Tricks. Vypusk 2. Aladdin (1995)