Amiga Power

From Sega Retro

Amiga Power
Publisher: Future Publishing
Country of origin: United Kingdom
First issue date: 1991-xx-xx
Last issue date: 1996-xx-xx
Number of issues: 65
Frequency: Monthly
ISSN: 0961-7310

Amiga Power was a monthly magazine published in the UK by Future Publishing between 1991 and 1996.

Back issues

Issue PDF Name Date Price Barcode Extras
1 May 1991 1991-xx-xx £2.952.95 9770961731008-01 Bombuzal game disk
2 Logo-pdf.svg June 1991 1991-05-23 £2.952.95 9770961731008-06 Kid Gloves game disk
3 July 1991 1991-06-27 £2.952.95 9770961731008-07 Exile/Prehistorik game disk
4 Logo-pdf.svg August 1991 1991-07-25 £2.952.95 9770961731008-08 Beast Busters/The Executioner game disk
5 September 1991 1991-08-22 £2.952.95 9770961731008-09 Barbarian II game disk
6 October 1991 1991-09-26 £2.952.95 9770961731008-10 Rolling Ronny/Captain Planet/Bullfrogger game disk
7 Logo-pdf.svg November 1991 1991-10-24 £2.952.95 9770961731008-11 Leander/Videokid game disk
8 December 1991 1991-11-28 £2.952.95 9770961731008-12 Cisco Heat/Elvira the Arcade Game game disk
9 Logo-pdf.svg January 1992 1991-12-19 £3.653.65 9770961731992-01 Knights of the Sky game disk; Puggles game disk
10 February 1992 1992-01-30 £2.952.95 9770961731008-02 Mr Wobbly Leg vs The Invaders from Space/Raid/Scramble game disk
11 March 1992 1992-02-27 £2.952.95 9770961731008-03 Pacific Islands game disk
12 April 1992 1992-03-26 £3.753.75 9770961731985-04 Titus the Fox/Project X game disk; Rome game disk
13 May 1992 1992-xx-xx £3.753.75 9770961731978-05 Wizkid/Sensible Soccer game disk; Pinball Dreams game disk
14 June 1992 1992-05-28 £3.753.75 9770961731015-06 Legend/Aqua Ventura game disk; Mister & Missis game disk
15 July 1992 1992-06-25 £3.753.75 9770961731015-07 Willy in the Castle of Dreams game disk; Amega Race/Galactic/Number Fumbler game disk
16 August 1992 1992-07-25 £3.753.75 9770961731015-08 D/Generation game disk; Troddlers/Locomotion game disk
17 September 1992 1992-08-27 £3.753.75 9770961731015-09 Top Secret game disk; Beast Master/Captain Dynamo game disk
18 October 1992 1992-09-17 £3.503.50 9770961731022-10 Tearaway Thomas/Lotus: The Ultimate Challenge game disk; 4 postcards
19 November 1992 1992-10-22 £3.503.50 9770961731022-11 Doodlebug/Metamorphosis game disk
20 December 1992 1992-xx-xx £3.503.50 9770961731022-12 Lethal Weapon/Merry Xmas from Graftgold/Bill's Tomato Game game disk
21 January 1993 1992-12-16 FREEfree 9770961731022-01
65 September 1996 1996-xx-xx £4.504.50 9770961731084-09 No Second Prize game disk
