From Sega Retro

Publisher: Future Publishing
Country of origin: United Kingdom
First issue date: 2000-xx-xx
Last issue date: 2006-xx-xx
Number of issues: 77 (78)
Frequency: Monthly
ISSN: 1471-4965
Succeeded by: PSM3

PSM2 (UK) was a monthly magazine published in the UK by Future Publishing between 2000 and 2006.

Back issues

Issue PDF Name Date Price Barcode Extras
0 Free Sample 2000-xx-xx FREEfree
1 October 2000 2000-09-01[1] £2.992.99 9771471496005-10 VHS tape
2 November 2000 2000-09-28[2] £2.992.99 9771471496005-11
77 August 2006 2006-xx-xx £3.993.99 9771471496050-08


  1. PSM2, "Free Sample" (UK; 2000-xx-xx), page 20
  2. PSM2, "October 2000" (UK; 2000-09-01), page 129