Mega Drive Unlicensed Game Emulation Notes
From Sega Retro
- TODO: Is there a better category? And I have to add everything =P
Unlike official Mega Drive games, unlicensed games usually have copy protection schemes or other hardware quirks that emulator authors should take note of if they want their emulators to work with these games. sha1sums of dumps to watch out for are given.
All Realtec Games
- TODO: wikify this
Affected ROMs:
- Whac-a-Critter: 4b45801b112a641fee936e41a31728ee7aa2f834
- Funny World & Balloon Boy: 17481c8327433bfce8f7bae493fc044194e400a4
- Earth Defense: 9bf4cda850495d7811df578592289018862df575
- Zhong Guó Xiàng Qí: presently undumped
All Realtec games use a custom mapper format documented by TascoDLX.