Streets of Rage 4/Systems

From Sega Retro

Streets of Rage 4 gameplay is based on the mechanics developped for Streets of Rage 2 and adds various tweaks to refresh the formula. The basics are still composed of:

  • Standing attack moves, simple punches and kicks that can be stringed together,
  • Jumping attack moves, to hit enemies or to recover after being thrown away by an enemy,
  • Weapon attack moves, using objects laying on the floor like knives, drinking bottles or lead pipes,
  • Item manipulating moves, to pick items up from the floor, catch them in mid-air, drop them, or throw them at enemies,
  • Grabbing moves, including vaults over enemies for most characters.

In SoR2, all those moves were assigned to a single action button but, in SoR4, the attack moves and the item manipulating moves are assigned to two different action buttons. As the buttons can be re-assigned in-game, the default button mapping is given for all the platforms along the corresponding platform-agnostic icons:

  • Press Square (PS4) / Y (Switch) / X (XB1) / D (PC) to attack Attack,
  • Hold Attack for a charge attack,
  • Press Down + Attack mid-air for a light drop attack,
  • From there, press again Attack while still in mid-air to finish with a strong drop attack if the light attack connected (Floyd cannot do this),
  • Or go on with a combo on the ground,
  • Cherry can perform her head stomp Down + Attack multiple times as long as she lands on an enemy each time, instead of ending the air combo with a strong drop attack.
  • Press Circle (PS4) / A (Switch) / B (XB1) / W (PC) to manipulate items Item,
  • Press Right + Item to throw weapons at enemies,
  • With some weapons, Axel, Blaze and Adam can perform powerful thrusts by pressing Right Right + Attack,
  • Press X (PS4) / B (Switch) / A (XB1) / Space (PC) to jump Jump,
  • Hold Up + Jump to recover from an enemy throw without damage.

The back attack can now be performed three different ways:

  • Press R2 (PS4) / ZR (Switch) / RT (XB1) / S (PC), from there on Back Attack,
  • Or press Left + Attack,
  • The old manipulation Attack + Jump still works.

Getting close to opponents will let your character hold them. This is when you can perform all the grabbing moves. When facing the opponent:

  • Press Attack for a strong attack,
  • Press Right + Attack 3 times to perform a flurry of close-range attacks,
  • Press Left + Attack to perform a body throw.

When behind the opponent:

  • Press Attack to perform a suplex or a body slam.

Either way:

  • Press Jump to vault over the held opponent,
  • Press Jump a second time to do a long jump over the opponent.

Cherry is more agile and so can grab opponents mid-air, do a flurry of punches after a vault or after grabbing opponents mid-air, or perform her strong attack after jumping over an opponent. Floyd is less agile and so cannot do the vault at all. He also has a specific set of grabbing moves:

  • Press Attack 3 times to perform a flurry of close-range attacks,
  • Press Right + Attack or Left + Attack to perform a body throw towards the given direction,
  • Press Jump then Attack twice to perform a juggle of a body slam followed by a jump kick, or alternatively Jump then Attack, Down + Attack to end with a drop punch,
  • Grab 2 opponents to perform a double smash: Floyd crushes the skulls of the 2 opponents against each others.

Finally, in the reverse situation where the enemy holds you, you can break free by pressing repetitively on AttackAttackAttackAttackAttack, JumpJumpJumpJumpJump, ItemItemItemItemItem or SpecialSpecialSpecialSpecialSpecial.

This basic move set is completed by more powerful moves:

  • Blitz moves, special moves that don't incur any penalties and only work with bare hands, by pressing Right Right + Attack,
  • Special moves, draining user's health:
  • Defensive special by pressing Triangle (PS4) / X (Switch) / Y (XB1) / E (PC), from there on Special,
  • Offensive special by pressing Right + Special,
  • Air special by pressing Special mid-air,
  • Star moves, super special moves exclusive to SoR4, by pressing R1 (PS4) / R (Switch) / RB (XB1) / Tab (PC), from there on Star, or Special + Item.

Contrary to SoR3, each character only has a single blitz move but all of them can now perform 3 different special moves, including a new air special move. Floyd can also perform a grabbing special move. Those special moves still drain user's health but health lost this way can now be entirely recovered by hitting enemies as long as no enemies hit the user back in the meantime. The move set is completed by new star moves that can only be performed as long as a player still has stars displayed below his/her health bar. A player always begins with a single star. Stars can be cumulated by picking up star items on the floor.

Moreover, a new combo system makes its apparition:

  • Combo hit counting goes on as long as enemies are hit before a given delay.
  • Combo contribution to the score is strictly based on the amount of enemy health removed by hitting them.

As such, it is quite easier to perform very long combos in co-op or online modes by alterning hits between players. Hitting continuously already dead enemies does increase the combo hit count but doesn't contribute to the score at all.

As the story is a 3-party narrative actively involving the police and the Y Syndicate, some sections can be easier to get through by letting cops and thugs fight each others.

The gameplay with SoR4 versions of the characters are pretty much based on SoR2 mechanism of limited motions. In every situation, you must place yourself at certain locations beforehand to anticipate dangerous actions from enemies. This is in contrast to SoR3 gameplay where every character can move very quickly to any locations, focusing the gameplay on instincts and reflexes instead of strategies and planifications. The only exceptions to this limited motion rule are Cherry who can dash Right Right and SoR4 Adam who can perform small forward dashes Right Right.

The game also lets you play the previous incarnations of most characters by retrofitting their old gameplay to the systems in SoR4 where it makes sense.

Streets of Rage characters
Move Type Move Original game systems SoR4 systems Comments
Attack Moves Attack / Fury Attack x3 Attack x3
Charge Attack N/A N/A
Item Manipulation Attack Item In SoR4, weapons can be picked up from the ground and caught mid-air
Weapon Throw Attack Right + Item In SoR, most weapons always remain in hands. The only exceptions are pepper shakers, which are always thrown at enemies, and knives, which are automatically thrown at far away enemies.
In SoR4, weapons can also be thrown mid-air.
Jump Kick Jump Attack Jump Attack
Drop Attack N/A N/A
Throw Recovery / Landing Up + Jump Up + Jump
Back Attack Attack + Jump Back Attack
Left + Attack
Attack + Jump
Grabbing Moves Attack / Flurry Attack x3 Right + Attack x3 When holding an opponent from the front
Power Blow N/A Attack When holding an opponent from the front
Body Throw Left + Attack Left + Attack When holding an enemy from the front
Backdrop Attack Attack When holding an opponent from behind
Vault Over Jump Jump In SoR, when holding an enemy from either side, after the 2nd vault, the enemy gets free. When holding a partner from behind, after the vault, the partner gets free.
In SoR4, you cannot grab a partner and trying to perform a second vault will result into a long jump.
Long Jump N/A Jump Jump
Somersault Jump N/A When holding a partner from the front
Partner Somersault Left + Attack N/A When holding a partner from the front
Reverse Grabbing Moves Double Leg Kick Jump N/A When being held by an opponent from behind
Neck Throw Attack N/A When being held by an opponent from behind, to perform after several Double Leg Kick attempts
Break Free N/A AttackAttackAttackAttackAttack
When being held by an opponent
Powerful Moves Blitz N/A N/A
Special (Cop Backup Request) Special Special In SoR, the special attack cleans the screen from any enemies but, in SoR4, it only kills enemies within a given area.
In SoR, the special attack is only available outdoor while it's available everywhere in SoR4.
In SoR, the first player gets a blast of napalm and the second player gets a barrage of rocket-powered grenades. In SoR4, only napalm is available.
Star Move N/A N/A
Streets of Rage 2 characters
Move Type Move Original game systems SoR4 systems Comments
Attack Moves Attack / Fury Attack x4 Attack x4
Charge Attack
Item Manipulation Attack Item In SoR4, weapons can be picked up from the ground and caught mid-air
Weapon Throw Attack + Jump Right + Item In SoR4, weapons can also be thrown mid-air
Neutral Jump Attack Jump Attack Jump Attack
Jump Kick Right + Jump Attack
Left + Jump Attack
Right + Jump Attack
Left + Jump Attack
Drop Attack Jump Down + Attack Jump Down + Attack
Throw Recovery / Landing Up + Jump Up + Jump
Back Attack Attack + Jump Back Attack
Left + Attack
Attack + Jump
Dash Right Right Right Right Skate exclusive move
Grabbing Moves Attack / Flurry Right + Attack x3 Right + Attack x3 When holding an opponent from the front
Power Blow Attack Attack When holding an opponent from the front.
Max performs his grappling move Bear Hug.
In SoR2, Skate performs his Attack / Fury sequence whereas, in SoR4, he performs his Body Throw move.
Body Throw Left + Attack Left + Attack When holding an opponent from the front
Super Slam Attack Attack When holding an opponent from behind.
Skate performs his grappling move Migraine.
Vault Over Jump Jump In SoR2, when holding an opponent from either side, after the 2nd vault, the opponent gets free.
In SoR4, you cannot grab a partner and trying to perform a second vault will result into a long jump.
Max cannot vault over enemies.
Long Jump N/A Jump Jump Max cannot jump over enemies
Thunder Body Slam Jump Attack Jump Attack Max exclusive move when holding an opponent from the front
Atomic Drop Jump Attack Jump Attack Max exclusive move when holding an opponent from behind
Neck Throw Jump Attack Jump Attack Skate exclusive move when holding an opponent from either side
Reverse Grabbing Moves Break Free N/A AttackAttackAttackAttackAttack
When being held by an opponent
Powerful Moves Blitz Right Right + Attack Right Right + Attack
Defensive Special Special Special
Offensive Special Right + Special
Left + Special
Right + Special
Left + Special
Air Special N/A N/A
Star Move N/A Star
Special + Item
Each SoR2 character gets a new Star move
Streets of Rage 3 characters
Move Type Move Original game systems SoR4 systems Comments
Attack Moves Attack / Fury Attack x4 Attack x4 Shiva performs different sequences in SoR3 and in SoR4
Charge Attack Y
Item Manipulation Attack Item In SoR3, Shiva can pick weapons up but drop them immediately whereas he cannot pick them from the floor or catch them mid-air in SoR4.
In SoR4, all the other characters can pick weapons up from the ground and catch them mid-air.
Weapon Throw Attack + Jump Right + Item In SoR3, knives and pepper shakers are always automatically thrown at enemies.
In SoR4, weapons can also be thrown mid-air.
Neutral Jump Attack Jump Attack Jump Attack In SoR3, Shiva's neutral jump attack is identical to his drop attack whereas it's identical to his jump kick in SoR4
Jump Kick Right + Jump Attack
Left + Jump Attack
Right + Jump Attack
Left + Jump Attack
Drop Attack Jump Down + Attack Jump Down + Attack
Throw Recovery / Landing Up + Jump Up + Jump
Back Attack Z
Attack + Jump
Back Attack
Left + Attack
Attack + Jump
In SoR3, Shiva's back attack is actually a front attack whereas Shiva performs a proper back attack in SoR4
Dash Right Right Right Right In SoR4, Shiva can only perform a small forward dash
Dodge Up Up
Down Down
Up Up
Down Down
In SoR3, Shiva hops up and down but, in SoR4, he can't
Grabbing Moves Attack / Flurry Right + Attack x3 Right + Attack x3 When holding an opponent from the front.
Shiva performs different sequences in SoR3 and in SoR4.
Power Blow Attack Attack When holding an opponent from the front.
In SoR3, Skate, Zan and Shiva performs their Attack / Flurry sequence.
In SoR4, Skate and Shiva do have a Power Blow while Zan still performs his Attack / Flurry sequence.
Body Throw Left + Attack Left + Attack When holding an opponent from the front.
In SoR3, Shiva can't perform a Body Throw whereas he can in SoR4.
Super Slam Attack Attack When holding an opponent from behind.
Skate performs his grappling move Migraine.
Vault Over Jump Jump In SoR3, when holding an opponent from either side, after the 2nd vault, the opponent gets free.
In SoR4, you cannot grab a partner and trying to perform a second vault will result into a long jump.
Long Jump N/A Jump Jump
Somersault Jump N/A When holding a partner from either side.
In SoR3, Shiva isn't accessible in 2 players mode.
Partner Somersault Left + Attack N/A When holding a partner from the front.
Skate isn't strong enough to perform this move.
In SoR3, Shiva isn't accessible in 2 players mode.
Hyper Slam Right + Attack
Left + Attack
Right + Attack
Left + Attack
Zan exclusive move when holding an opponent from behind
Neck Throw Jump Attack Jump Attack Skate exclusive move when holding an opponent from either side
Reverse Grabbing Moves Double Leg Kick Jump N/A When being held by an opponent from behind.
Shiva cannot perform this move.
Neck Throw Right + Attack N/A When being held by an opponent from behind, to perform after several Double Leg Kick attempts.
Shiva cannot perform this move.
Break Free N/A AttackAttackAttackAttackAttack
When being held by an opponent
Powerful Moves Blitz Right Right + Attack Right Right + Attack Shiva's blitz in SoR3 is just a normal move but becomes a proper blitz in SoR4
Blitz 1 Star X Right Right N/A
Blitz 2 Stars Axel: X Down Right
Blaze: X Right Up
Skate: X Right Down
Zan: X Left Up
Blitz 3 Stars Axel: X Left Down Right
Blaze: X Down Right Up
Skate: X Up Right Left
Zan: X Up Left Right
Defensive Special Special Special Shiva's defensive attack is the Final Crash in SoR3 but he gets a different attack in SoR4
Offensive Special Right + Special
Left + Special
Right + Special
Left + Special
Air Special N/A N/A
Star Move N/A Star
Special + Item
Each SoR3 character gets a new Star move