Super Jogos (Portugal)

From Sega Retro

Super Jogos
Publisher: Galileu Galilei - Sociedade de Comunicação, Lda.
Country of origin: Portugal
First issue date: xxxx-xx-xx
Frequency: Biweekly

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Super Jogos, was a reader-supported[1] video game magazine published in Portugal. With each content sent, readers would become members of a "readers' club", also earning points, the number of which depended on the quality and size of their articles. These points could then be used to purchase hardware, software, peripherals or programming books through an exclusive store for members.

Back issues

Issue PDF Name Date Price Barcode Extras
1 xxxx xxxx xxxx-xx-xx
2 xxxx xxxx xxxx-xx-xx
3 xxxx xxxx xxxx-xx-xx
4 xxxx xxxx xxxx-xx-xx
5 xxxx xxxx xxxx-xx-xx
6 xxxx xxxx xxxx-xx-xx
7 xxxx xxxx xxxx-xx-xx
8 xxxx xxxx xxxx-xx-xx
9 xxxx xxxx xxxx-xx-xx
10 xxxx xxxx xxxx-xx-xx
11 xxxx xxxx xxxx-xx-xx
12 xxxx xxxx xxxx-xx-xx
13 xxxx xxxx xxxx-xx-xx
51 Logo-pdf.svg Outubro 2000: Número 51, 2ª Série 2000-10-26 295$295
