Hot Machines

From Sega Retro

HotMachines Book PT 1994.pdf
Hot Machines
Publisher: Ulifer - Produções de Publicidade, Lda.
Genre: Sticker Book
Release Date RRP Code

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Hot Machines, is the name of a free sticker book and respective collection of 152 stickers featuring concept and futuristic art of muscle cars, motorcycles, personal watercrafts, aircrafts and spaceships, released in 1994 in Portugal by the now defunct, Amadora-based publishing company Ulifer - Produções de Publicidade, Lda..

Like in many Portuguese collections of stickers released at the time by Ulifer - Produções de Publicidade, Lda. and by other Portuguese publishing companies, it gave collectors an opportunity to win a variety of prizes, which could be earned in three different ways; by looking for special tickets that could be redeemed directly on retailers for footballs, skateboards, school supplies and pocket calendar collections or by looking in packets of stickers for the special sticker dubbed "Ouro" (Gold), to instantly win a Sega Mega Drive console and for the special sticker dubbed "Prata" (Silver) to win a Sega Game Gear console (collectors had to stick them on a special coupon included in the sticker book and mail it to Ulifer to claim the prizes).

Collectors could also participate in a drawing contest, by mailing their own "Hot Machines" drawings, which could not be blatant copies of any of the paintigs featured in the stickers of the "Hot Machines" collection, toghether with fifty halves of the stickers' back sheets to Ulifer (the half where it read "Válido para o passatempo Desenha "Hot Machines" e ganha motos Yamaha, meaning "Valid for the Draw "Hot Machines" and win Yamaha motorcycles contest") which would be evaluated based on the originality, creativity and technics used by the contestants by a jury composed of professional artists, with the first classified winning a Yamaha TZR 50 motorcycle, the second classified winning a Yamaha DT50LC motorcycle and the third classified winning a Yamaha BWs scooter.

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