
From Sega Retro

Move list (Special moves)
Name Command Description
Beast Cannon (forward) Down Down-right Right P Gallon shoots himself through the air straight ahead. He can shoot himself a second time by holding any direction while pressing P. If performed in midair, he dives diagonally downward.
ES move: Gallon performs a faster version of the move.
Beast Cannon (rising)
(guard cancel)
Right Down Down-right P Gallon shoots himself through the air diagonally upward. He can shoot himself a second time by holding any direction while pressing P.
ES move: Gallon performs a faster version of the move.
Climb Laser Down Up K Gallon jumps upward while kicking, knocking down his opponent on impact.
ES move: Gallon performs a variant of the move that can hit multiple times before knocking his opponent down.
Million Flicker Left Down Down-left P Gallon quickly swipes a set of nunchaku multiple times.
ES move: Gallon swings his nunchaku more times.
Strike Wolf
Up+P or K near downed opponent Gallon dives onto his opponent with a vicious bite.
ES move: Gallon follows up the bite with an additional strike.

Formats descriptions for ES moves in the Darkstalkers series (or similar abilities such as EX specials in Street Fighter III). Meant to be used with MoveListTable and MoveListRow.


{{MoveListTable | desc=Special moves |
{{MoveListRow | Beast Cannon (forward) | {{QCF}} {{punch}} | Gallon shoots himself through the air straight ahead. He can shoot himself a second time by holding any direction while pressing {{punch}}. If performed in midair, he dives diagonally downward.
{{ESMove | Gallon performs a faster version of the move.}}}}
{{MoveListRow | Beast Cannon (rising)<br>''(guard cancel)'' | {{DPF}} {{punch}} | Gallon shoots himself through the air diagonally upward. He can shoot himself a second time by holding any direction while pressing {{punch}}.
{{ESMove | Gallon performs a faster version of the move.}}}}
{{MoveListRow | Climb Laser | {{down}} {{up}} {{kick}} | Gallon jumps upward while kicking, knocking down his opponent on impact.
{{ESMove | Gallon performs a variant of the move that can hit multiple times before knocking his opponent down.}}}}
{{MoveListRow | Million Flicker | {{RDP}} {{punch}} | Gallon quickly swipes a set of nunchaku multiple times.
{{ESMove | Gallon swings his nunchaku more times.}}}}
{{MoveListRow | Strike Wolf<br>''(pursuit)'' | {{up}}+{{punch}} or {{kick}} near downed opponent | Gallon dives onto his opponent with a vicious bite.
{{ESMove | Gallon follows up the bite with an additional strike.}}}}

The positional argument is the description.

The optional named arguments are:

| desc=