
From Sega Retro

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/* Function that returns an object by ID for various browsers
 * Taken from */

function returnObjById( id ) {
    if (document.getElementById) 
        var returnVar = document.getElementById(id);
    else if (document.all) 
        var returnVar = document.all[id];
    else if (document.layers) 
        var returnVar = document.layers[id];
    return returnVar; 

// PootTabs by User:WindPower over at Portal Wiki
// It puts tabs on pages.
var pootTabsHere = {
	animationsEnabled: $.support.opacity,
	getTab:function(poot, index) {
		return $(poot.children('.poot-tabs').children('ul').children('li')[parseInt(index)]);
	changeTab:function(poot, index, duration, force) {
		if(index == parseInt(poot.attr('pootSelected')) && !force && duration) return;
		if(!pootTabsHere.animationsEnabled) {
			duration = 0;
		poot.attr('pootSelected', index.toString());
		var babies = poot.children('.poot-tabs-content').children();
		babies.each(function() {
			$(this).fadeOut(duration, function(){
		$(babies[index]).each(function() {
			$(this).fadeIn(duration, function(){
		var cowtabs = poot.children('.poot-tabs').children('ul').children('li');
		pootTabsHere.updatePoot(poot, $(babies[index]).height());
	updatePoot:function(poot, babysize) {
		poot.find('.poot-tabs-titletext').html(poot.attr('originalTitle') + ' — ' + pootTabsHere.getTab(poot, poot.attr('pootSelected')).html());
		var bestHeight = Math.max(poot.children('.poot-tabs-content').height(), Math.max(poot.children('.poot-tabs').height(), babysize)).toString() + 'px';
		poot.children('.poot-tabs-content').css('height', bestHeight);
		if(poot.attr('vertical')) {
			poot.children('.poot-tabs').css('height', bestHeight);
	toggleCollapse:function(poot) {
		var pootLinkText = poot.children('.poot-tabs-showhide').text().split(';');
		var duration = pootTabsHere.animationsEnabled ? parseInt(poot.attr('pootslideduration')) : 0;
		if(poot.attr('pootcollapse') != 'true') {
			poot.attr('pootcollapse', 'true');
			poot.find('.poot-tabs-hidelink a').text(pootLinkText[0]);
			poot.children('.poot-tabs, .poot-tabs-content').slideUp(duration);
		else {
			poot.attr('pootcollapse', '');
			poot.find('.poot-tabs-hidelink a').text(pootLinkText[1]);
			poot.children('.poot-tabs, .poot-tabs-content').slideDown(duration);
	delayHeight:function(poot, selected) {
		setTimeout(function() {
			poot.attr('pootselected', selected.toString());
			pootTabsHere.changeTab(poot, selected, 0, true);
			if(poot.hasClass('poot-tabs-collapsed')) {
		}, 100);
	poot:function() {
		var dis = $(this);
		var ind = 0;
		dis.attr('originalTitle', dis.find('.poot-tabs-titletext').html());
		var selected = /poot-tabs-selected-(\d+)/i.exec(dis.attr('class'));
		if(selected) {
			pootTabsHere.delayHeight(dis, parseInt(selected[1])-1);
		else {
			pootTabsHere.delayHeight(dis, 0);
		var duration = dis.hasClass('poot-tabs-noanimations') ? 0 : 200;
		dis.attr('pootslideduration', dis.hasClass('poot-tabs-noanimations') ? '0' : '75');
			var thisInd = ind;
				pootTabsHere.changeTab(dis, thisInd, duration, false);
				return false;
		var isVertical = dis.hasClass('poot-tabs-vertical');
		dis.attr('pootvertical', isVertical ? 'true' : '');
		if(isVertical) {
			var teenie = dis.children('.poot-tabs').width().toString() + 'px';
			dis.children('.poot-tabs-content').css('margin-left', teenie);
		dis.attr('pootcollapse', ''); // False
		dis.find('.poot-tabs-hidelink a').click(function(){
			return false;
	init:function() {
// End of PootTabs