Andlabs/Time Trax

From Sega Retro

There are only two sound banks.

  • $F0000 - PCM samples
  • $F8000 - music and SFX

everything fits neatly into its bank

PCM Sample Bank

The top of this bank contains pointer-length pairs for PCM samples. Pointers are relative to the Z80 memory map (so they are bank pointers). Pointers and lengths are big endian (this is NOT how things usually are done!)

Or in other words

  • $0 word - first sample pointer BIG ENDIAN
  • $2 word - first sample length BIG ENDIAN
  • $4 word - second sample pointer BIG ENDIAN
  • $6 word - second sample length BIG ENDIAN
  • $8 word - third sample pointer BIG ENDIAN
  • $A word - third sample length BIG ENDIAN

and so on until the first PCM data byte