Catherine: Full Body/Achievements

From Sega Retro

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PlayStation 4 version

Icon Description Trophy
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement AFullBodiedWineToast.png A Full-Bodied Wine Toast Platinum
Earn all other trophies!
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement AndSoItBegins.png And So It Begins... Bronze
Survive the first nightmare.
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement OnToTheNext.png On to the Next (secret) Bronze
Survive a horrifying nightmare.
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement Freedom.png Freedom! (secret) Bronze
Solve the mystery of the nightmares.
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement AngelOfLove.png Angel of Love (secret) Silver
Overcome the trials and win true love.
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement SeeYouInMyDreams.png See You In My Dreams... (secret) Bronze
Get dumped by Katherine in the end.
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement FondMemories.png Fond Memories (secret) Bronze
Reconcile with Katherine in the end.
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement TogetherForever.png Together Forever (secret) Bronze
Marry Katherine in the end.
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement AWomansRoar.png A Woman's Roar (secret) Bronze
Reach a new ending with Katherine.
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement GoodbyeMyLove.png Goodbye, My Love (secret) Bronze
Get dumped by Catherine in the end.
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement CantGetEnough.png Can't Get Enough (secret) Bronze
Reconcile with Catherine in the end.
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement ADangerousPair.png A Dangerous Pair (secret) Bronze
Get together forever with Catherine in the end.
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement TimeTravelingBride.png Time-Traveling Bride (secret) Silver
Reach a new ending with Catherine.
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement UntilWeMeetAgain.png Until We Meet Again... (secret) Bronze
Watch Rin set out on a new journey in the end.
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement MyOwnWay.png My Own Way (secret) Bronze
Reconcile with Rin in the end.
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement AWorldForTwo.png A World for Two (secret) Bronze
Reach the true ending with Rin.
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement TheresAlwaysTomorrow.png There's Always Tomorrow (secret) Bronze
Decide to be single in the end.
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement ThisRoadWeWalk.png This Road We Walk (secret) Bronze
Choose the single life in the end, going wherever life may take you.
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement IveSeenItAll.png I've Seen It All Bronze
View all of the endings.
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement FlowersForAJournalist.png Flowers for a Journalist Bronze
Get Justin out of his jam.
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement SuperiorMan.png Superior Man Bronze
Help Todd out of his trouble.
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement AYoungMansEverything.png A Young Man's Everything Bronze
Aid Archie through his quandary.
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement LoveStory.png Love Story Bronze
Resolve Daniel's dilemma.
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement BoozeAndTears.png Booze and Tears Bronze
Help Morgan clean up his mess.
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement ReturnOfTheRockstar.png Return of the Rockstar Bronze
Help Roderick recover his dream.
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement AnOilBaronsJourney.png An Oil Baron's Journey Bronze
Assist Abul in expanding his world.
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement TheCheekyLamb.png The Cheeky Lamb (secret) Bronze
Peek into the confessional from outside.
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement BuddingShopper.png Budding Shopper Bronze
Purchase an item for the first time.
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement TonightsSongIs.png Tonight's Song Is... Bronze
Play a song on the bar's jukebox.
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement UseItOrLoseIt.png Use It or Lose It Bronze
Use an item for the first time. (Golden Playhouse only)
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement PeppyStepper.png Peppy Stepper Bronze
Reach a combo of 100 while climbing. (Golden Playhouse only)
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement SavedByThePiano.png Saved by the Piano (secret) Bronze
Hear Rin's music during a puzzle. (Golden Playhouse only)
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement SlippinSlidin.png Slippin' Slidin' Bronze
Slide across five or more ice blocks, not including the one you start on. (Golden Playhouse only)
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement SlowAndSteady.png Slow and Steady Bronze
Move a heavy block ten times in a row. (Golden Playhouse only)
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement IndomitableWill.png Indomitable Will Bronze
Attempt to move an immovable block twice in a row. (Golden Playhouse only)
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement LetsTryThatAgain.png Let's Try That Again Bronze
Use an UNDO. (Golden Playhouse only)
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement TheLastStand.png The Last Stand (secret) Bronze
Clear a stage without crossing a checkpoint. (Golden Playhouse only)
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement NoTimeToBeDead.png No Time to be Dead (secret) Bronze
Select Retry after a Game Over. (Golden Playhouse only)
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement SakeConnoisseur.png Sake Connoisseur Bronze
Hear all of the sake trivia.
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement BeerCicerone.png Beer Cicerone Bronze
Hear all of the beer trivia.
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement CocktailMaster.png Cocktail Master Bronze
Hear all of the cocktail trivia.
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement WineSommelier.png Wine Sommelier Bronze
Hear all of the wine trivia.
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement DontDrinkTooMuchOkay.png Don't Drink Too Much, Okay? Bronze
Order another glass of alcohol.
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement SqueakyClean.png Squeaky Clean (secret) Bronze
Wash your face in the bar's bathroom.
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement LifeOfTheParty.png Life of the Party (secret) Bronze
Change your mind after heading toward the bar's exit.
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement FledglingClimber.png Fledgling Climber Bronze
Clear the first stage of Babel, the Altar.
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement GreatClimber.png Great Climber Bronze
Clear the second stage of Babel, the Menhir.
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement ExpertClimber.png Expert Climber Bronze
Clear the third stage of Babel, the Obelisk.
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement LegendaryClimber.png Legendary Climber Silver
Clear the final stage of Babel, Axis Mundi.
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement OneSmallStepForMan.png One Small Step for Man... Bronze
Earn your first gold prize at Normal difficulty or higher.
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement GoldRush.png Gold Rush (secret) Silver
Earn all gold prizes at Normal difficulty or higher. (Classic or Remix)
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement ThisIsElDorado.png This Is El Dorado! (secret) Gold
Earn every gold prize.
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement 64NightsOfHell.png 64 Nights of Hell Bronze
Beat Stage 64 of Rapunzel.
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement FromOneMysteryToAnother.png From One Mystery to Another (secret) Bronze
Uncover the truth behind Rapunzel.
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement MythicalPrince.png Mythical Prince (secret) Gold
Hear Rapunzel's sad song.
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement PersistenceConquersAllThings.png Persistence Conquers All Things (secret) Silver
Listen to the musings of the narrator.

Total: Bronze×48 Silver×5 Gold×2 Platinum×1 

PlayStation Vita version

Icon Description Trophy
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement AFullBodiedWineToast.png フルボディで乾杯を Platinum
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement AndSoItBegins.png 全ての始まり Bronze
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement OnToTheNext.png 戦いはこれから (secret) Bronze
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement Freedom.png これで自由だ! (secret) Bronze
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement AngelOfLove.png 愛・天使 (secret) Silver
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement SeeYouInMyDreams.png 夢で逢えたら (secret) Bronze
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement FondMemories.png 想い出がいっぱい (secret) Bronze
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement TogetherForever.png 君といつまでも (secret) Bronze
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement AWomansRoar.png 女は海 (secret) Bronze
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement GoodbyeMyLove.png グッドバイマイラブ (secret) Bronze
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement CantGetEnough.png どうにも止まらない (secret) Bronze
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement ADangerousPair.png 危険な二人 (secret) Bronze
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement TimeTravelingBride.png 時を駆ける花嫁 (secret) Silver
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement UntilWeMeetAgain.png また逢う日まで (secret) Bronze
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement MyOwnWay.png マイ・ウェイ (secret) Bronze
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement AWorldForTwo.png 世界は二人のために (secret) Bronze
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement TheresAlwaysTomorrow.png 明日があるさ (secret) Bronze
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement ThisRoadWeWalk.png 俺たちの旅 (secret) Bronze
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement IveSeenItAll.png 人生いろいろ Bronze
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement FlowersForAJournalist.png ジャーナリストに花束を Bronze
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement SuperiorMan.png ワンランク上の男 Bronze
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement AYoungMansEverything.png 若者の全て Bronze
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement LoveStory.png 二人の愛の物語 Bronze
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement BoozeAndTears.png 酒と涙と Bronze
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement ReturnOfTheRockstar.png ロックスターの復活 Bronze
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement AnOilBaronsJourney.png 石油王の旅路 Bronze
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement TheCheekyLamb.png 子羊は見た (secret) Bronze
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement BuddingShopper.png 初めてのショッピング Bronze
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement TonightsSongIs.png 今宵のリクエストは Bronze
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement UseItOrLoseIt.png いなせなアイテム使い Bronze
初めてアイテムを使用した(Golden Theaterプレイ)
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement PeppyStepper.png 華麗なるステップ Bronze
自力でステップコンボを100回以上行った(Golden Theaterプレイ)
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement SavedByThePiano.png 救済のピアニスト (secret) Bronze
パズル中リンのピアノに助けられた(Golden Theaterプレイ)
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement SlippinSlidin.png 滑りまくる話 Bronze
足元の石を除いて、5個以上並んだ「氷の石」の上を滑った(Golden Theaterプレイ)
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement SlowAndSteady.png 急がば回れ Bronze
「重い石」を10回連続で動かした(Golden Theaterプレイ)
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement IndomitableWill.png 固い意思 Bronze
「動かない石」を掴んだまま2回連続で動かそうとする(Golden Theaterプレイ)
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement LetsTryThatAgain.png 後悔先に立たず Bronze
「UNDO」を使用した(Golden Theaterプレイ)
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement TheLastStand.png 背水の陣 (secret) Bronze
チェックポイントを取得せずに1ステージクリア(Golden Theaterプレイ)
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement NoTimeToBeDead.png 死んでる場合じゃねぇ (secret) Bronze
ゲームオーバー後にステージ再挑戦を選択した(Golden Theaterプレイ)
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement SakeConnoisseur.png 利き酒師 Bronze
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement BeerCicerone.png ビアテイスター Bronze
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement CocktailMaster.png カクテルマイスター Bronze
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement WineSommelier.png ワインソムリエ Bronze
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement DontDrinkTooMuchOkay.png 飲み過ぎにはご用心 Bronze
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement SqueakyClean.png 顔を洗って出直し (secret) Bronze
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement LifeOfTheParty.png 帰りたくない夜もある (secret) Bronze
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement FledglingClimber.png 新人クライマー登場 Bronze
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement GreatClimber.png 玄人クライマー参上 Bronze
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement ExpertClimber.png 伝説のクライマー生誕 Bronze
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement LegendaryClimber.png 究極のクライマー爆誕! Silver
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement OneSmallStepForMan.png 最初の金字塔 Bronze
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement GoldRush.png ゴールドラッシュ (secret) Silver
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement ThisIsElDorado.png 黄金郷はここにあり (secret) Gold
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement 64NightsOfHell.png 六十四の夜を越えて Bronze
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement FromOneMysteryToAnother.png 謎から謎に導かれ (secret) Bronze
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement MythicalPrince.png キングオブプリンス (secret) Gold
CatherineFullBody PS4 Achievement PersistenceConquersAllThings.png 時間は有限、だが時に無駄も有意義 (secret) Silver

Total: Bronze×48 Silver×5 Gold×2 Platinum×1 


Catherine: Full Body


Main page | Achievements

Books: Catherine: Full Body ~side story of K~ (2019)

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