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Localisation comparisons
MediaQuest published the game in Japan, so the Fox Interactive logos are replaced with theirs.
A different name means a different title screen.
Menus are more colourful in the Japanese version, but levels aren't given individual names.
Version comparisons
While the jingle plays, the Fox Interactive logo is completely static on Saturn, whereas the PlayStation and PC versions use a full motion video clip.
Likewise the Argonaut Software logo is also static.
The initial loading screen image is identical between the consoles, though the Saturn adds a few extra ™ symbols.
PlayStation Croc has much more happening on its title screens. For this first one, the Saturn just has a camera rotating around a platform, while on the PS1 there are objects. The PC adds some further polish.
The PlayStation and PC versions transition between screens with a star wipe, while it's just a simple fade on Saturn.
The Saturn gets a dedicated options screen background, rather than overlaying the title screen (or map) like on the PlayStation and PC.
Different default controllers means the 3D models on the options screen are different.
On the PlayStation, Croc walks across an empty black room while a level loads. This is absent on the Saturn, with the user just getting a black screen for a few seconds instead.
As well as rendering in a higher resolution, the PlayStation's camera seems to have a wider field of view than the Saturn, which is positioned closer to Croc's head when standing still. On entering a stage, the PlayStation shows the current stats too.