Dinosaurs for Hire (prototype; 1993-04-26)/Comparisons

From Sega Retro

Back to: Dinosaurs for Hire (prototype; 1993-04-26).

DinosaursForHire19930426 MD Title.png

1993-04-26 prototype

Dinosaurs for Hire Title.png

Final game

This prototype identifies itself as "Beta Version D".

DinosaursForHire19930426 MD Options.png

1993-04-26 prototype

DinosaursForHire MD Options.png

Final game

There are slight layout differences in the options screen, and the prototype defaults to easy mode. The prototype also forces you to exit by pressing  START , while the final game has an "exit" option.

Sound effects go up to 2B in the prototype, while the final stops at 27.

