Press release: 1999-08-19: Competition, Step Aside: the Best Football Game Ever Created is Coming to Sega Dreamcast

From Sega Retro

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Language: English
Original source: The Free Library

Competition, Step Aside: the Best Football Game Ever Created is Coming to Sega Dreamcast; Sega Sports Sets an All New Standard in Football Games With NFL 2K.



WHAT: NFL 2K -- it's gone gold!

CATEGORY: Sports/Football

PLATFORM: Sega Dreamcast, what else do you need?

WHEN: 9-9-99

WHERE: Everywhere

WHY: If you are asking "why?" then you haven't seen this game. Poor soul.

     From bone-crushing tackles to strategic offensive maneuvers, NFL 2K is the most realistic football game ever made. Named the "Best Sports Game" at the Electronic Entertainment Expo, NFL 2K features an intricate 3D-collision model which ensures that players don't just fall over when hit -- they respond to the direction and force of the tackle just like real players do on the actual field.
     Sometimes players just stumble if the tackle falls short; sometimes they fall over completely, just like in real life. Adding to the detail that puts you right in the thick of the action are realistic weather effects based on the actual weather trends at a particular stadium, as well as crowd sounds recorded at real-life NFL games, detailed voice-overs and incredible depth in animations.


--   Playbooks designed by seasoned coaches and play-calling tendencies of real NFL teams built into the artificial intelligence (AI)

--   Officially endorsed by the NFL, the Players' Association and by NFL great Randy Moss, Minnesota Vikings wide receiver

--   Only sports game with seven hours of real audio commentary that refreshes constantly throughout season

--   Interactive fans that respond to game play and weather conditions. Fans will arrive with raincoats for a rain-forecasted game, yell team-specific chants

--   On-screen characters created using more than 1,500 motion-captured moves, four times more than any other game on the market. Sega used 16 professional players and actual referees, including two-person motion capture, for heart-stopping realistic tackles

--   On-field play calling

--   Visual Memory Unit (VMU) play calling giving players the competitive edge while keeping plays you call secret

--   First game ever delivering realistic game play including wrap tackles allowing players to team tackle opponents

--   Characters respond to analog controls with a level of precision not previously seen in a sports game, from standing to shuffling to running depending on the amount of pressure the gamer applies

--   NFL 2K runs at 60 frames per second -- the fastest game possible on any system!

--   More than 39 teams (31 NFL teams, three all-pro teams and five alumni teams), plus custom teams and a Fantasy Draft feature which lets you go head-to-head with the computer to bid for the best players

--   Game features include season mode, practice mode, tutorial mode, create-a-player mode, and four different types of tournament modes ensure exciting and off-the-seat gameplay

--   Unsurpassed level of detail in all aspects of the game. See players perform their signature victory dances, watch the ball actually spin through the air or throw the play into "slow-mo" and watch players catch the ball right into their hands -- there's no stopping this game when it comes to realism.

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