Pulsar (company)

From Sega Retro

For the Gremlin/Sega arcade game of the same name, see Pulsar.


Pulsar Company Logo.jpg
Founded: 1990
Merged into: Ozon

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Pulsar is a video games distributor in Bulgaria. From 1994, they distributed Sega consoles (Master System II, Mega Drive II, Game Gear, Mega CD II, Mega Drive 32X, Sega Saturn, Sega PC, Dreamcast) and later games on other platforms.[1]

Security Label Pulsar.png
Security Label SEGA Distributor Pulsar used under the consoles
Security Label Pulsar.png
DigitalPinball Saturn BG Box Front.png
Sticker used in front of the game boxes
DigitalPinball Saturn BG Box Front.png
Print advert in Pif (BG) #1.95: "1/95" (1995-xx-xx)
Print advert in Pif (BG) #5.95: "5/95" (1995-xx-xx)
Print advert in Pif (BG) #8.96: "8/96" (1996-xx-xx)
Sega Bulgaria.jpg
Print advert in Igromania (BG) #2: "April 1998" (1998-xx-xx)
Sega Bulgaria.jpg
Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 Bulgaria.jpg
Print advert in Igromania (BG) #2: "Maĭ 1998" (1998-xx-xx)
Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 Bulgaria.jpg
MasterGames 02 BG Pulsar advert.png
Print advert in Master Games (BG) #2: "Maĭ 1998" (1998-xx-xx)
MasterGames 02 BG Pulsar advert.png
Igromania 3 BG UMK3 advert.jpg
Print advert in Igromania (BG) #3: "Yuni 1998" (1998-xx-xx)
Igromania 3 BG UMK3 advert.jpg
MasterGames 03 BG Pulsar advert.png
Print advert in Master Games (BG) #3: "Yuni 1998" (1998-xx-xx)
MasterGames 03 BG Pulsar advert.png
Igromania 9 BG Pulsar.jpg
Print advert in Igromania (BG) #9: "Dekemvri 1998" (1998-xx-xx) also published in:
  • Master Games (BG) #8: "Dekemvri 1998" (1998-xx-xx)
  • Igromania (BG) #10: "Yanuari 1999" (1999-xx-xx)
Igromania 9 BG Pulsar.jpg
Igromania 12 BG Pulsar advert.png
Print advert in Master Games (BG) #10: "Fevruari 1999" (1999-xx-xx) also published in:
  • Igromania (BG) #12: "Mart 1999" (1999-xx-xx)
  • Igromania (BG) #13: "April 1999" (1999-xx-xx)
Igromania 12 BG Pulsar advert.png



  1. http://en.mallofsofia.bg/store/62-Pulsar (Wayback Machine: 2017-05-18 13:36)