Road Rash 3: Tour De Force/Video coverage

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File Date and time Source Title and comments
  • 1
  • 2
Digitiser UK 1995-03-20 473 1.png
Digitiser UK 1995-03-20 473 2.png
1995-03-20 Digitiser (UK), page 473
Version Rating Awards Calculated score
1995-xx-xx, Dendy (KZ), "Episode 1" "Top 5 - Sega Mega Drive"
1995-xx-xx, Hrayutʹ Usi! (UA),
1995-xx-xx, Hrayutʹ Usi! (UA),
1996-04-27, Mir Dendy (RU), "Episode 10"
1998-03-15, Mir Dendy (RU),
1999-04-xx, Bonus (RU), "Skoraya pomoshch"
Codes and passwords

Road Rash 3: Tour De Force

RoadRash3 title.png

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Sega Mega Drive
Prototypes: 1994-11-19