The Jungle Book (WCES 1994 prototype)

From Sega Retro

JungleBookWCES1994 MD TitleScreen.png

The Jungle Book (WCES 1994 prototype)
Prerelease of: The Jungle Book
System: Sega Mega Drive
Build date: 1993-09
Source: EPROM cartridge
Found by: drx

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The WCES 1994 build of The Jungle Book is a prototype build of The Jungle Book for the Sega Mega Drive. It was dumped and released by drx on May 5th, 2019.

This prototype was originally featured at the Winter Consumer Electronics Show 1994, hence its name. Compared to the final game, there are numerous differences in presentation and gameplay, as well as different level layouts.


Main article: The Jungle Book (WCES 1994 prototype)/Comparisons.

Hidden content

Main article: The Jungle Book (WCES 1994 prototype)/Hidden content.

Region coding

Main article: The Jungle Book (WCES 1994 prototype)/Region coding.

External links



CollapseThe Jungle Book

JungleBook title.png

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Sega Mega Drive
Prototypes: WCES 1994 prototype