Total War: Arena/Changelog

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Steam: 14.2

Patch Notes – Patch 14.2: Gergovia Map Update
By Christos Reid
TW ARENA_Patch 14.2 Live_Social Media image

Hello! Today is patch day! ARENA 14.2 is live and we’re as excited as you are. Not only do we have a load of fixes and improvements, but we have a brand new map – Gergovia – to share with you.

Forces finding themselves fighting through the twisting streets of the town, and passing under the shadows of the surrounding forest, Gergovia is rife with tight corners and hiding spots that allow for devastating encounters with often little room to escape. Getting cornered can lead to a swift demise. With the Roman siege garrison on one side, and the Gallic reinforcement camp on the other; win control of the town and it’s a clear downhill push towards the enemy encampment.

Here’s a video overview of the new map:

In addition, here is a top-down of the map itself:


    A new map, Gergovia, has been included in the patch.
    Pathfinding has been optimised, resulting in improved unit movement responsiveness.
    Consumable prices have been adjusted to be much more linear in their increase as players scale through tiers.
    Units now have fewer deployables.
    Units can no longer place deployables inside enemy units.
    Caltrops now deal very little damage, but instead greatly slow down units and stop charges.
    Cynane’s order SFX have been updated.
    Negative currency values have been removed from player profiles.
    Militades has had his order stats adjusted, making him more effective:
            Melee Defense debuff on enemies increased (L1 from -31% to -40% and L10 from -52% to -70%).
        Drop Shields:
            Melee Attack increase at lower levels (L1 from 13% to 26% and L10 no change at 63%).
            Speed increased by 1% for all ability levels.
        Raise Shields:
            Melee Defense debuff is reduced (L1 from -50% to -45% and L10 from -25% to -18%).
    Matchmaking has been optimised further to ensure a better experience for players.

Bug Fixes

    Units split over two ledges will no longer become immune to pathfinding logic.
    Quitting during session select will no longer cause the player to be replaced by a CPU, not receiving battle results once the battle is complete.
    The infantry charge UI sound now triggers correctly. We also recommend you yell “charge” at your monitor.
    Scipio’s Warcry order now triggers a battle UI sound.
    Barbarian unit selection and order voiceovers have been fixed. No, none of them yell “John Cena!” Please stop asking.
    The sound of fatigue will now trigger on male units. You know that sound some people make when they’ve just missed a train on their commute? Worse than that.
    VO for units becoming aware of being flanked now triggers in the correct situations.
    The correct icons now display for choking and being slowed.
    Pathfinding for docking to battlefield zones has been improved.
    Conversational VO now triggers correctly.
    Forest wildlife audio has now been correctly implemented. We considered wind chimes, but it put Thamis to sleep.
    Cynane’s Hunt ability now displays its range information on tooltips.
    Orders which have an effect on morale now mention this in the tooltip effects list.
    Players can no longer private message themselves. You will now have to use an app for your grocery list like everyone else.
    Self-inflicting DoT effects now damage cavalry units.
    Players can now dismiss the bonus menu with the escape button. We like to see this as a form of escapism.
    Mousing over selected icons in carousels no longer causes them to become deselected.
    Daily victory bonus panel’s text is no longer too small.
    Fine adjustment arrows in the shop can now reduce the amount back to zero.
    The “ready up” clock sound in the battle deployment screen now correctly stops playing when everyone readies up in the last ten seconds.
    Cynane’s first blood VO are now the right way round.
    Weapons damage tooltips on unit stats now show armour piercing damage amounts.
    The small ponds by both bases in Alpis Graia are now fully traversable, as they should be. Real ponds, however, will ruin your shoes.
    Melee defence tooltip on unit stats now expands correctly.
    Receiving matchmaking error messages whilst viewing units in barracks no longer causes full-screen graphical/camera corruptions.
    Missile damage and armour penetration stats no longer go missing when they are hovered over.
    The game no longer crashes on confirmation of converting XP while battle results appear.
    Barbarian male group response sound no longer triggers on female barbarian units when they are issued with an attack order.
    Player no longer fails matchmaking if they are readied up in party and then cancel matchmaking.
    The last unit under control of a player will no longer leave their vision arcs when it dies. This is Total War: ARENA, not Casper the Friendly Ghost.
    Victory audio no longer plays repeatedly on the front end after a victory.
    The game no longer crashes due to a tooltip on a unit card.
    The points (damage) displayed in the battle result panel now correctly match the actual rewards.
    Vision is now correctly affected by ground type.
    The game no longer crashes when a unit uses focus fire just before the end of a battle.

Steam: 2015-10-22

The Chosen Warriors Update for Total War: ARENA is now live. This update brings 4 new Barbarian sword units to the battlefield from tier 4 to tier 8.

To learn more about how these units fare in battle, check out this unit spotlight:

To celebrate the launch of The Chosen Warriors, ARENA Community Coordinator James “Dogbert” Given will be live streaming and putting them to the test vs the ARENA community at 3pm UK time over on our Twitch channel:

Steam: 2015-09-24

Total War: ARENA has passed an enormous milestone today, with massive changes to the game. The ‘Fury of Arminius’ update is the biggest to date, introducing a new faction, a new Commander, and a brand new map to this epic, action-packed, team-based strategy game.

Watch the trailer as we launch into Closed Beta, and read on to find out how you can sign up to play now:

From today, you’ll be able to lead Arminius himself into battle, with a horde of fierce, Barbarian units; bringing stealth, subterfuge and lightning hit-and-run tactics to the battlefield. There’s also a new map, Rubicon, and a host of re-balancing, improvements and fixes based on YOUR feedback.

To see the whole list of changes, check out our developer blog now:

Total War: ARENA is free to play. To join the Closed Beta, sign up at

The game is currently open in Europe and Russia, with US servers coming soon.

You can see more videos over on the official Total War: Arena YouTube channel:

Steam: 11

Patch 11: No more account resets!
By CA_Thamis

No Account Resets
No More Account Resets

All your current game progress is here to stay, forever. There will be no account reset in Total War: ARENA anymore, no progress lost, and you won’t have to start over at any point in the future. We’re now confident enough in our infrastructure and tools that we can make this announcement.

Patch 11 also brings huge improvements to CPU optimisation and significantly lowers the system spec required to get great performance in game. If you’ve been prevented from playing so far due to unit lag, it’s time to give the last build a try.

For more information on this and some essential rebalancing to Spears and Cavalry, check out the below.
Patch 11 Key Details
No More Account Resets

We realize that for some it may feel like those coming in later will have a hard time “catching up”. We feel that even though this is a valid concern, it’s not a good reason to reset everyone’s progress. It’s one way to say thank you to all those players who’s tested the game during the Alpha stages (some of whom have already gone through an account reset), as the progress they’ve made during the Alpha gave us invaluable insights into the game’s progression and balancing. Additionally, new players will never meet high-tier players in battle, as the matchmaking system puts similarly strong players together.
Significant improvements to CPU performance!

Significant improvements to CPU performance!
Lower System Requirements

We’re working hard on improving the game’s performance and reducing lag. We’ve made a big breakthrough with CPU lag (when your units take a long time to respond), which should allow a lot of people to play the game who previously found the game unplayable.

This improvement has the biggest impact on dual core machines, especially laptops. If you’ve previously experienced a lot of lag in the game, give it another try! You might be pleasantly surprised…
Spear Infantry Stronger vs Cavalry

Thanks to your testing and feedback on the game’s balance, we found that there was a bug in the way spear infantry was engaging with cavalry units. We’ve now fixed this bug, which makes spear infantry much stronger versus Cavalry units.

Spear Infantry Stronger vs Cavalry

This not only changes the balance between Spear and Cavalry units, but also has knock-on effects to improve the balancing of Ranged units: You should now be able to take one spear unit along with your Ranged units and be able to scare or fend off Cavalry, thereby keeping your Ranged units alive a lot longer. This will most likely impact higher tiers, where Ranged units are currently the most vulnerable.

We’ve also fixed several other minor bugs that were causing strange behaviour with cavalry units.
Launcher Freeze Bugfix

There was a bug in the game launcher causing your computer to freeze for several minutes. We’ve now fixed that.

Steam: 10.0

Greetings commanders!

Greetings commanders!
The massive patch 10 for Total War: ARENA is now live! Learn more about all the changes that have been implemented to the Closed Alpha version of Total War: ARENA, such as improvements to the collision system, rewards, unit stats and much more, in this spotlight video:

More details in our official Total War: ARENA blog:

If you do not have access to the Closed Alpha yet, head to our official website to register and receive your Steam code:

See you on the battlefield!

Steam: 8

Patch 8
Thermopylae updates

We're happy to announce that we've just deployed Patch 8, which brings significant updates to the Thermopylae map, as well as changes to team rewards and progression. More details on those and other changes below.

The patch is live now.  As always you can contact us directly with your feedback and questions on the forum.
If you're currently playing the game, you will have to exit and wait for Steam to update it. Restart Steam if it doesn't update immediately.
Huge map update

All the changes below plus additional tweaks. 

    Watch tower added to upper middle ridge
    Watch towers removed from areas surrounding the camps

    Additional rock formation added to middle of map above the hot gates

    Upper back paths into camp areas lowered and brought further into the map
    Middle of upper hill path expanded with new features

    Lower back entrance to camp areas opened up considerably
    Terrain height increased around entrance to camp areas at the base of the hill

Team rewards
Now fixed

We fixed a bug so that team rewards are now applied as they should.

Get to T10 faster

Units and equipment are now cheaper, especially in higher tiers. This means in middle tiers progression is 10-20% faster, and in tiers 9-10 up to 30% faster.  
Tier difference
Rewards balancing

The reward deficit for damaging lower tier units has been removed, while the reward multiplier for damaging higher units remains.
Improved Metals
Precious metal

Metal is even more realistic, as demonstrated by Leonidas. This is due to an improvement in how we render it.

Loading Screen
Who's the slowpoke?

No more second guessing who you are waiting for. A new message informs you when other players have finished loading into battle.
Battle HUD
Live XP update

The Battle HUD now shows the XP earned for each of your units live as it happens in the battle.
Now fixed

Some of you were experiencing heavy penalties to commander XP after battles. We've now fixed this issue and you should no longer receive negative results from battles.
Coming Soon

    A new map in a new climate zone
    More work on rewards balancing, including friendly fire, capturing, victory bonuses, and AFK players
    Balancing & tier scaling of commander & unit orders
    New minimap & tactical map for better battlefield overview
    Preventing pull-through of units, so that you can block passages properly
