Difference between revisions of "Valkyria Chronicles 4"

From Sega Retro

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As a new feature, players can request support from Federation warship "Centurion", such as fire support, recon assistance or rescuing destroyed vehicles or incapacitated allied units.
As a new feature, players can request support from Federation warship "Centurion", such as fire support, recon assistance or rescuing destroyed vehicles or incapacitated allied units.
| title=Scouts
| screenshot=Notavailable.svg
| desc=Scouts have the largest movement range and equipped with semi-automatic rifles. They are generally used to recon the battlefield and if possible capture camps. Their rifles will most likely score a kill if they go for headshots. When reached Elite status, Scouts can use underbarrel rifle grenade launchers which will allow them to fire their grenades with a higher parabolic arc and with a longer range. Unfortunately, their usefulness in actual combat is limited.
<pre style="color: green">*Highest movement range of any class
*Semi-Automatic Rifles are balanced and has good range and effectiveness. They don't require ammunition
*Carries a single grenade
*Elite status allows use of grenade launchers
*Good at interception fire and counter-attack</pre>
<pre style="color: red">*Average combat stats
*Average health and armor</pre>
| title=Shock Troopers
| screenshot=Notavailable.svg
| desc=Close combat specialists, Shock Troopers are equipped with submachineguns and heavier armor. They have average amount of movement points and withstand good amount of damage. Elite status allows use of underbarrel flamethrowers, which can hit multiple enemies from short range. They carry single grenade (even though their character model shows two). Their weakness is the very limited range for their main weapon.
Scouts has the largest movement range and equipped with semi-automatic rifles. They are generally used to recon the battlefield and if possible capture camps. Their rifles will most likely score a kill if they go for headshots. When reached Elite status, Scout can use underbarrel rifle grenade launchers which will allow them to fire their grenades with a higher parabolic arc and with a longer range. Unfortunately, their usefullness in actual combat is limited.
<pre style="color: green">*Second Highest Health and Armor
*Submachineguns will most likely score a kill at close range, especially if going for headshots
*Elite status allows use of flamethrowers, which will hit enemies behind sandbags.</pre>
<pre style="color: red">*Avergage movement range
*Useless at medium and long ranges</pre>
| title=Lancers
| screenshot=Notavailable.svg
| desc=Lancers are anti-tank and demolition troops. They carry rocket launchers that will cause heavy damage to vehicles and static emplacements. They have the highest health and armor of all classes but have very limited anti-infantry power and carry no grenades. They are have lowest movement range, a disadvantage shared by Snipers and Grenadiers. Elite status allows them to use Mortar Lances but unlike scouts' and shock troopers' secondary weapons, these lances are not switchable. You must manually pick them before battle, basicly trading anti-armor power for anti-infantry, which limits their versatility.
+ Highest movement range of any class
<pre style="color: green">*Highest Health and Armor
*Rocket Launchers can damage and kill enemy vehicles
*Elite status allows equipping Mortar-Lances
*Take very limited damage from explosive projectiles and resist knockdown effects</pre>
<pre style="color: red">*Lowest movement range
*Mortar Lances cannot be switched during the battle
*Limited versatility, either go for anti-tank or anti-infantry role
*Limited ammunition for the main weapon
*No grenades
*No interception fire or counter-attack</pre>
| title=Engineers
| screenshot=Notavailable.svg
| desc=Engineers act as medics and sappers, bringing invaluable support abilities to the field. Their most important ability is to provide ammo to other troops simply by touching them. They are the only class that can repair friendly vehicles. Their Revival Ragnaid's can recover a great deal of health and revive downed characters with single action, unlike regular ones used by other troops. They can repair sandbags, ladders and remove mines as free actions. Trade-off is that they have limited use in actual combat, which is not that of a big deal, considering that they are support personnel. They are equipped with semi-automatic rifles and can somewhat protect themselves in combat.
+ Semi-Automatic Rifles are balanced and has good range and effectiveness
<pre style="color: green">*Can provide ammunation to other units by touching them
*Can repair vehicles (Elite status repairs even more damage)
*Can recover more health than regular troops, and revive incapacitated troops without the need of medical evacuation
*Can remove mines as free action
*Can repair sandbags and ladders
*Carry three hand grenades
*Second highest movement range after Scouts</pre>
<pre style="color: red">*Poor health and armor
*Poor combat stats</pre>
| title=Snipers
| screenshot=Notavailable.svg
| desc=Snipers are equipped with long range, accurate bolt-action rifles and have zooming ability to eliminate enemy troops from extreme range with head shots. They have little more use in the battlefield. They have lowest amount of movement range, health and armor. They must not be used for close combat under any circumstance. Elite status allows them to use interception fire and counter-attack.
+ Carries a single grenade
<pre style="color: green">*Sniper Rifles have very long range and zoom function</pre>
<pre style="color: red">*Very low health and armor
*No grenades
*Lowest movement range
*Limited ammunition for the main weapon
*No interception fire or counter attack until elite status. (And even then it is slow and inaccurate)</pre>
| title=Grenadiers
| screenshot=Notavailable.svg
| desc=A new class to the series, Grenadiers carry mortar to fire heavy shells from a long parabolic arc and hit enemies behind the obstacles. They can be equipped with anti-personnel, anti-armor or balanced mortars. They can set-up or pack mortars anytime as long as they did not spend their action but setting-up takes a bit of time, making them easy targets for interception fire. Their large shells can hit multiple targets at the same time and destory emplacements.
+ Elite status allows use of grenade launchers
<pre style="color: green">*Mortars can hit targets behind obstacles and cause significant damage
*Can hit multiple enemy targets.
*Can use powerful but inaccurate interception fire</pre>
<pre style="color: red">*Limited ammunition for the main weapon
*No counter-attack
*Lowest movement range
*Setting up weapon takes time
*Limited ammunition
*No close combat capabilities</pre>
| title=Hafen
| screenshot=Notavailable.svg
| desc=Main Battle Tank used by Claude, Hafen is a powerful tank that can be upgraded further with researching new parts and upgrades. It can fire anti-armor rounds or short range mortar shells and engage enemy troops with machineguns. Additional research can also unlock smoke rounds to provide cover. Hafen is just like other tanks in the game: Powerful but somewhat slow and vulnerable to anti-tank weapons. It can be killed with a single shot if enemy lancers hit its weak point. Hafen cannot counter-attack but use inteception fire with machineguns.
+ Good at interception fire and counter-attack
<pre style="color: green">*Versatile weapons for most situations
*Smoke rounds can be researched
*Considerable firepower
*High armor and Health
*Decals provide passive bonuses
*Can run over destructible obstacles such as snow or sandbags</pre>
<pre style="color: red">*Large size prevents it from entering tight spaces
*Can be destroyed with concentrated anti-tank fire
*Weakpoint must be protected at all times
*Cannot counter-attack, just like other tanks</pre>
| title=Cactus
| screenshot=Notavailable.svg
| desc=Another new addition to the series, Cactus is an Armored Personnel Carrier that can carry infantry across the battlefield. It practically acts as a mobile camp for soldiers it carries. While its armor is strong against small-arms, anti-tank rounds can cause significant damage to the vehicle. Cactus is only armed with a machinegun and can provide interception fire. Additional research can increase amount of troops to be carried.
- Average combat stats
<pre style="color: green">*Can carry infantry
*Very long movement range
*Can run over sandbags or snowfields
*Can be used as an mobile camp</pre>
<pre style="color: red">*No anti-armor capabilities
*Weak against anti-armor weapons</pre>
| title=Glory
| screenshot=Notavailable.svg
| desc=Glory is a light tank similar to the Shamrock in VC1. Glory has higher movement points but lower armor and health. It's one advantage is ability to be equipped with different weapons such as cannon, gatling gun or a flamethrower. It still has a machinegun for anti-infantry and interception fire.
- Average health and armor
<pre style="color: green">+ Faster than Hafen
+ Can be equipped with one of the three different main weapons before the battle</pre>
<pre style="color: red">- Shares the same weaknesses with all vehicles</pre>
====Shock Trooper====
Close combat specialists, Shock Troopers are equipped with submachineguns and heavier armor. They have average amount of movement points and withstand good amount of damage. Elite status allows use of underbarrel flamethrowers, which can hit multiple enemies from short range. They carry single grenade (even though their character model shows two). Their weakness is their very limited range for their main weapon.
+ Second Highest Health and Armor
+ Submachineguns will most likely score a kill at close range, especially if going for headshots
+ Elite status allows use of flamethrowers
- Avergage movement range
- Useless at medium and long ranges
Lancers are anti-tank and demolition troops. They carry rocket launchers that will cause heavy damage to vehicles and static emplacements. They have the highest health and armor of all classes but have very limited anti-infantry power and carry no grenades. They are have lowest movement range, a disadvantage shared by Snipers and Grenadiers. Elite status allows them to use Mortar Lances but unlike scouts' and shock troopers' secondary weapons, these lances are not switchable. You must manually pick them before battle, basicly trading anti-armor power for anti-infantry, which limits their versatility.
+ Highest Health and Armor
+ Rocket Launchers can damage and kill enemy vehicles
+ Elite status allows equipping Mortar-Lances
+ Take very limited damage from explosive projectiles and resist knockdown effects
- Lowest movement range
- Mortar Lances cannot be switched during the battle
- Limited versatility, either go for anti-tank or anti-infantry role
- Limited ammunation for the main weapon
- No grenades
- No interception fire or counter-attack
Engineers who act as medics and sappers, bring invaluable support abilities to the field. Their most imporatn ability is to provide ammo to other troops simply by touching them. They are the only class that can repair friendly vehicles. Their Revival Ragnaid's can recover a great deal of health and revive downed characters quickly, unlike regular ones used by other troops. They can repair sandbags, ladders and remove mines as free actions. Trade-off is that they have limited use in actual combat, which is not that of a big deal, considering that they are support personnel. They are equipped with semi-automatic rifles and can somewhat protect themselves in combat.
+ Can provide ammunation to other units by touching them
+ Can repair vehicles (Elite status repairs even more damage)
+ Can recover more health than regular troops, and revive incapacitated troops without the need of medical evacuation
+ Can remove mines as free action
+ Can repair sandbags and ladders
+ Carry three hand grenades
+ Second highest movement range after Scouts
- Poor health and armor
- Poor combat stats
Snipers are equipped with long range, accurate bolt-action rifles and have zooming ability to eliminate enemy troops from extreme range with head shots. They have little more use in the battlefield. They have lowest amount of movement range, health and armor. They must not be used for close combat under any circumstance. Elite status allow them to use interception fire and counter-attack.
+ Sniper Rifles have very long range and zoom function
- Very low health and armor
- No grenades
- Lowest movement range
- Limited ammunation for the main weapon
- No inteception fire or counter attack until elite status. (And even then it is slow and inaccurate)
A new class to the series, Grenadiers carry mortar to fire heavy shells from a long parabolic arc and hit enemies behind the obstacles. They can be equipped with anti-personnel, anti-armor or balanced mortars. They can set-up or pack mortars anytime as long as they did not spend their action but setting-up takes a bit of time, making them easy targets for interception fire. Their large shells can hit multiple targets at the same time and destory emplacements.
+ Mortars can hit targets behind obstacles and cause significant damage
+ Can use powerful but inaccurate interception fire
- Limited ammunation for the main weapon
- No counter-attack
- Lowest movement range
- Setting up weapon takes time
- No close combat capabilities
Main Battle Tank used by Claude, Hafen is a powerful tank that can be upgraded further with researching new parts and upgrades. It can fire anti-armor rounds or short range mortar shells and engage enemy troops with machineguns. Additional research can also unlock smoke rounds to provide cover. Hafen is just like other tanks in the game: Powerful but somewhat slow and vulnerable to anti-tank weapons. It can be killed with a single shot if enemy lancers hit its weak point. Hafen cannot counter-attack but use inteception fire with machineguns.
+ Versatile weapons for most situations
+ Smoke rounds can be researched
+ Considerable firepower
+ High armor and Health
+ Decals can provide passive bonuses
+ Can run over destructible obstacles such as snow or sandbags
- Large size prevents it from entering tight spaces
- Can be destroyed with concentrated anti-tank fire
- Weakpoint must be protected at all times
- Cannot counter-attack, just like other tanks
Another new addition to the series, Cactus is an Armored Personnel Carrier that can carry infantry across the battlefield. It practically acts as a mobile camp for soldiers it carries. While its armor is strong against small-arms, anti-tank rounds can cause significant damage to the vehicle. Cactus is only armed with a machinegun and can provide interception fire. Additional research can increase amount of troops to be carried.
+ Can carry infantry
+ Very long movement range
+ Can run over sandbags or snowfields
+ Can be used as an mobile camp
- No anti-armor capabilities
- Weak against anti-armor weapons
Glory is a light tank similar to the Shamrock in VC1. Glory has higher movement points but lower armor and health. It's one advantage is ability to be equipped with different weapons such as cannon, gatling gun or a flamethrower. It still has a machinegun for anti-infantry and interception fire.
+ Faster than Hafen
+ Can be equipped with one of the three different main weapons before the battle
- Shares the same weaknesses with all vehicles

Revision as of 16:28, 1 October 2020


Valkyria Chronicles 4
System(s): PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, Steam
Publisher: Sega
Genre: RPG

Official in-game languages:
  • 日本語
  • English
  • Deutsch
  • Français
  • Español
  • Italiano
  • 한국어
  • 中文
  • Release Date RRP Code
    Sony PlayStation 4
    ¥7,990 (8,629)7,990 (8,629)[1] PLJM-16100
    CERO: C
    Sony PlayStation 4
    (Memorial Pack)
    ¥12,990 (14,029)12,990 (14,029)[1]
    CERO: C
    Sony PlayStation 4
    ¥7,990 (8,629)7,990 (8,629)[1] CUSA-09979
    CERO: C
    Sony PlayStation 4
    FREEfree CUSA-10929
    CERO: C
    Sony PlayStation 4
    ESRB: Teen
    Sony PlayStation 4
    $59.9959.99[10] CUSA-10633
    ESRB: Teen
    Sony PlayStation 4
    FREEfree CUSA-11082
    ESRB: Teen
    Sony PlayStation 4
    PEGI: 16+
    Sony PlayStation 4
    €59.9959.99[16] CUSA-10776
    PEGI: 16+
    Sony PlayStation 4
    FREEfree CUSA-11036
    PEGI: 16+
    Sony PlayStation 4
    (Launch Edition)
    USK: 12
    Sony PlayStation 4
    (Premium Edition)
    USK: 12
    Sony PlayStation 4
    €59.9959.99[18] CUSA-10776
    USK: 12
    Sony PlayStation 4
    FREEfree CUSA-11036
    USK: 12
    Sony PlayStation 4
    (Launch Edition)
    PEGI: 16+
    Sony PlayStation 4
    (Launch Edition)
    PEGI: 16+
    Sony PlayStation 4
    PEGI: 16+
    Sony PlayStation 4
    (Launch Edition)
    PEGI: 16+
    Sony PlayStation 4
    (Premium Edition)
    PEGI: 16+
    Sony PlayStation 4
    £44.9944.99[12] CUSA-10776
    PEGI: 16+
    Sony PlayStation 4
    FREEfree CUSA-11036
    PEGI: 16+
    Sony PlayStation 4
    (Launch Edition)
    PEGI: 16+
    Sony PlayStation 4
    (Launch Edition)
    OFLC: Mature (M)
    Sony PlayStation 4
    (Premium Edition)
    OFLC: Mature (M)
    Sony PlayStation 4
    $99.9599.95[14] CUSA-10776
    OFLC: Mature (M)
    Sony PlayStation 4
    FREEfree CUSA-11036
    OFLC: Mature (M)
    Sony PlayStation 4
    GRB: 15
    Sony PlayStation 4
    ₩59,80059,800[22] CUSA-10590
    GRB: 15
    Sony PlayStation 4
    FREEfree CUSA-10917
    GRB: 15
    Sony PlayStation 4
    GSRR: 15+
    Sony PlayStation 4
    NT$1,6901,690[20] CUSA-10589
    GSRR: 15+
    Sony PlayStation 4
    FREEfree CUSA-10916
    GSRR: 15+
    Xbox One
    (Launch Edition)
    ESRB: Teen
    Xbox One
    (Premium Edition)
    ESRB: Teen
    Xbox One
    ESRB: Teen
    Xbox One
    (Complete Edition)
    ESRB: Teen
    Xbox One
    PEGI: 16+
    Xbox One
    (Complete Edition)
    PEGI: 16+
    Xbox One
    (Launch Edition)
    USK: 12
    Xbox One
    (Premium Edition)
    USK: 12
    Xbox One
    USK: 12
    Xbox One
    (Complete Edition)
    USK: 12
    Xbox One
    (Launch Edition)
    PEGI: 16+
    Xbox One
    (Launch Edition)
    PEGI: 16+
    Xbox One
    (Premium Edition)
    PEGI: 16+
    Xbox One
    (Launch Edition)
    PEGI: 16+
    Xbox One
    (Premium Edition)
    PEGI: 16+
    Xbox One
    PEGI: 16+
    Xbox One
    (Complete Edition)
    PEGI: 16+
    Xbox One
    (Launch Edition)
    PEGI: 16+
    Xbox One
    (Launch Edition)
    OFLC: Mature (M)
    Xbox One
    (Premium Edition)
    OFLC: Mature (M)
    Xbox One
    OFLC: Mature (M)
    Xbox One
    (Complete Edition)
    OFLC: Mature (M)
    Nintendo Switch
    ¥7,490 (8,089)7,490 (8,089)[34]
    CERO: C
    Nintendo Switch
    ¥7,490 (8,089)8,089i[42]
    CERO: C
    Nintendo Switch
    ESRB: Teen
    Nintendo Switch
    (Premium Edition)
    ESRB: Teen
    Nintendo Switch
    ESRB: Teen
    Nintendo Switch
    (ES/IT Launch Edition)
    PEGI: 16+
    Nintendo Switch
    PEGI: 16+
    Nintendo Switch
    (Launch Edition)
    USK: 12
    Nintendo Switch
    (Premium Edition)
    USK: 12
    Nintendo Switch
    USK: 12
    Nintendo Switch
    (Launch Edition)
    PEGI: 16+
    Nintendo Switch
    (Premium Edition)
    PEGI: 16+
    Nintendo Switch
    PEGI: 16+
    Nintendo Switch
    (Launch Edition)
    OFLC: Mature (M)
    Nintendo Switch
    (Premium Edition)
    OFLC: Mature (M)
    Nintendo Switch
    OFLC: Mature (M)
    Nintendo Switch
    Nintendo Switch
    GRB: 15
    Nintendo Switch
    GRB: 15
    Nintendo Switch
    GSRR: 15+
    Nintendo Switch
    (Launch Edition)
    PEGI: 16+
    Nintendo Switch
    (Premium Edition)
    PEGI: 16+
    $59.9959.99[43] 790820
    ESRB: Teen
    €59.9959.99[43] 790820
    PEGI: 16+
    €59.9959.99[43] 790820
    USK: 12
    £49.9949.99[43] 790820
    PEGI: 16+

    This short article is in need of work. You can help Sega Retro by adding to it.

    Valkyria Chronicles 4, known as Senjou no Valkyria 4 (戦場のヴァルキュリア4) in Japan, is a RPG developed and published by Sega for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and Steam.

    On 6 November 2019, the Steam version was updated to include all DLC for free, and was renamed Valkyria Chronicles 4 Complete Edition.[44]


    Valkyria Chronicles 4 takes place in 1935 during the opening phases of the Second Europan War. Players take control of Lieutenant Claude Wallace, commander of the Squad E, an army unit of Kingdom of Edinburgh, an Atlantic Federation member state, which consists of many Gallian nationals who volunteered to fight against Eastern Europan Empire under Federation banner, out of protest for their homeland's passive reaction against Imperial aggressions in the past.

    Squad E takes part in "Operation Northern Cross" a military operation devised by Federation to quickly advance to the Imperial capital of Schwarzgard and end the war as quickly as possible. However, insufficient preparations, underestimating the Imperial soldiers' resolve, overly optimistic predictions and flawed strategy and supply predictions results in a dismal failure with many Federation units are eventually surrounded and destroyed, with some luckier ones are forced to fight their way out.

    After a long and ardous evacuation, Squad E randezvouses with Federation warship Centurion and becomes part of the "Operation Cygnus", a secret mission to end the war.

    Over the course of the story, Claude and Squad E will be forced to fight against not only well-trained and motivated Imperial troops but also experimental weapons of the Empire's secretive "Imperial Science Board" and deal with a possible traitor in their midst.

    Main antagonists of the story are Heinrich Belgar, a pragmatic and callous Imperial researcher, Lt.Col. Klaus Waltz, crude yet likeable commander of the elite Imperial tank battalion Ausburch, Crymaria Levin, an extremely powerful yet emotionally unstable Valkyria, Nikola and Chiara, sadistic enhanced soldiers of Belgar and Ferseti, a cold and mysterious Imperial strategist who seems to have a connection with Squad E.


    Gameplay of Valkyria Chronicles 4 is little different from the first game in the series. As a part of the Atlantic Federation military unit, players must complete various objective in a level (mostly taking control of an enemy position) to progress through the game. Similar to the other games in the series, Valkyria Chronicles 4 is hybrid real-time and turn-based tactics game.

    In addition to the various different unit classes, players can issue special "orders" to give temporary bonuses to the units.

    As a new feature, players can request support from Federation warship "Centurion", such as fire support, recon assistance or rescuing destroyed vehicles or incapacitated allied units.



    Scouts have the largest movement range and equipped with semi-automatic rifles. They are generally used to recon the battlefield and if possible capture camps. Their rifles will most likely score a kill if they go for headshots. When reached Elite status, Scouts can use underbarrel rifle grenade launchers which will allow them to fire their grenades with a higher parabolic arc and with a longer range. Unfortunately, their usefulness in actual combat is limited.
    *Highest movement range of any class
    *Semi-Automatic Rifles are balanced and has good range and effectiveness. They don't require ammunition
    *Carries a single grenade
    *Elite status allows use of grenade launchers
    *Good at interception fire and counter-attack
    *Average combat stats
    *Average health and armor


    Shock Troopers
    Close combat specialists, Shock Troopers are equipped with submachineguns and heavier armor. They have average amount of movement points and withstand good amount of damage. Elite status allows use of underbarrel flamethrowers, which can hit multiple enemies from short range. They carry single grenade (even though their character model shows two). Their weakness is the very limited range for their main weapon.
    *Second Highest Health and Armor
    *Submachineguns will most likely score a kill at close range, especially if going for headshots
    *Elite status allows use of flamethrowers, which will hit enemies behind sandbags.
    *Avergage movement range
    *Useless at medium and long ranges


    Lancers are anti-tank and demolition troops. They carry rocket launchers that will cause heavy damage to vehicles and static emplacements. They have the highest health and armor of all classes but have very limited anti-infantry power and carry no grenades. They are have lowest movement range, a disadvantage shared by Snipers and Grenadiers. Elite status allows them to use Mortar Lances but unlike scouts' and shock troopers' secondary weapons, these lances are not switchable. You must manually pick them before battle, basicly trading anti-armor power for anti-infantry, which limits their versatility.
    *Highest Health and Armor
    *Rocket Launchers can damage and kill enemy vehicles
    *Elite status allows equipping Mortar-Lances
    *Take very limited damage from explosive projectiles and resist knockdown effects
    *Lowest movement range
    *Mortar Lances cannot be switched during the battle
    *Limited versatility, either go for anti-tank or anti-infantry role
    *Limited ammunition for the main weapon
    *No grenades
    *No interception fire or counter-attack


    Engineers act as medics and sappers, bringing invaluable support abilities to the field. Their most important ability is to provide ammo to other troops simply by touching them. They are the only class that can repair friendly vehicles. Their Revival Ragnaid's can recover a great deal of health and revive downed characters with single action, unlike regular ones used by other troops. They can repair sandbags, ladders and remove mines as free actions. Trade-off is that they have limited use in actual combat, which is not that of a big deal, considering that they are support personnel. They are equipped with semi-automatic rifles and can somewhat protect themselves in combat.
    *Can provide ammunation to other units by touching them
    *Can repair vehicles (Elite status repairs even more damage)
    *Can recover more health than regular troops, and revive incapacitated troops without the need of medical evacuation
    *Can remove mines as free action
    *Can repair sandbags and ladders
    *Carry three hand grenades
    *Second highest movement range after Scouts
    *Poor health and armor
    *Poor combat stats


    Snipers are equipped with long range, accurate bolt-action rifles and have zooming ability to eliminate enemy troops from extreme range with head shots. They have little more use in the battlefield. They have lowest amount of movement range, health and armor. They must not be used for close combat under any circumstance. Elite status allows them to use interception fire and counter-attack.
    *Sniper Rifles have very long range and zoom function
    *Very low health and armor
    *No grenades
    *Lowest movement range
    *Limited ammunition for the main weapon
    *No interception fire or counter attack until elite status. (And even then it is slow and inaccurate)


    A new class to the series, Grenadiers carry mortar to fire heavy shells from a long parabolic arc and hit enemies behind the obstacles. They can be equipped with anti-personnel, anti-armor or balanced mortars. They can set-up or pack mortars anytime as long as they did not spend their action but setting-up takes a bit of time, making them easy targets for interception fire. Their large shells can hit multiple targets at the same time and destory emplacements.
    *Mortars can hit targets behind obstacles and cause significant damage
    *Can hit multiple enemy targets.
    *Can use powerful but inaccurate interception fire
    *Limited ammunition for the main weapon
    *No counter-attack
    *Lowest movement range
    *Setting up weapon takes time
    *Limited ammunition
    *No close combat capabilities


    Main Battle Tank used by Claude, Hafen is a powerful tank that can be upgraded further with researching new parts and upgrades. It can fire anti-armor rounds or short range mortar shells and engage enemy troops with machineguns. Additional research can also unlock smoke rounds to provide cover. Hafen is just like other tanks in the game: Powerful but somewhat slow and vulnerable to anti-tank weapons. It can be killed with a single shot if enemy lancers hit its weak point. Hafen cannot counter-attack but use inteception fire with machineguns.
    *Versatile weapons for most situations
    *Smoke rounds can be researched
    *Considerable firepower
    *High armor and Health
    *Decals provide passive bonuses
    *Can run over destructible obstacles such as snow or sandbags
    *Large size prevents it from entering tight spaces
    *Can be destroyed with concentrated anti-tank fire
    *Weakpoint must be protected at all times
    *Cannot counter-attack, just like other tanks


    Another new addition to the series, Cactus is an Armored Personnel Carrier that can carry infantry across the battlefield. It practically acts as a mobile camp for soldiers it carries. While its armor is strong against small-arms, anti-tank rounds can cause significant damage to the vehicle. Cactus is only armed with a machinegun and can provide interception fire. Additional research can increase amount of troops to be carried.
    *Can carry infantry
    *Very long movement range
    *Can run over sandbags or snowfields
    *Can be used as an mobile camp
    *No anti-armor capabilities
    *Weak against anti-armor weapons


    Glory is a light tank similar to the Shamrock in VC1. Glory has higher movement points but lower armor and health. It's one advantage is ability to be equipped with different weapons such as cannon, gatling gun or a flamethrower. It still has a machinegun for anti-infantry and interception fire.
    + Faster than Hafen
    + Can be equipped with one of the three different main weapons before the battle
    - Shares the same weaknesses with all vehicles


    Main article: Valkyria Chronicles 4/Achievements.


    Localised names

    Also known as
    Language Localised Name English Translation
    English Valkyria Chronicles 4 Valkyria Chronicles 4
    English (US) Valkyria Chronicles 4 Valkyria Chronicles 4
    Japanese 戦場のヴァルキュリア4 Senjou no Valkyria 4
    Korean 전장의 발큐리아 4
    Chinese (Traditional; Taiwan) 戰場女武神4

    Version history

    Main article: Valkyria Chronicles 4/Changelog.
    System Version Size Date Comment Ref Icon
    000003000000000000000000000000Patch 3 201810152018-10-15 [45]
    000002000000000000000000000000Patch 2 201810012018-10-01 [46]
    0000010000010000000000000000001.01 201809272018-09-27 [47]

    Downloadable content

    Main article: Valkyria Chronicles 4/Downloadable content.

    Magazine articles

    Main article: Valkyria Chronicles 4/Magazine articles.

    Promotional material


    Physical scans

    PlayStation 4 version

    PlayStation 4, JP
    VC4 PS4 JP cover.jpg
    PlayStation 4, JP (Memorial Pack)

    PlayStation 4, US
    VC4 PS4 UK cover.jpg
    PlayStation 4, US (Premium Edition)
    VC4 PS4 US pe front.jpg
    PlayStation 4, EU (Promo)

    VC4 PS4 EU promo disc.jpg
    PlayStation 4, UK
    VC4 PS4 UK cover.jpg
    PlayStation 4, UK (Launch Edition)
    VC4 PS4 UK le cover.jpg
    PlayStation 4, UK (Premium Edition)
    VC4 PS4 UK pe back.jpgNospine.pngVC4 PS4 UK pe front.jpg
    PlayStation 4, FR (Launch Edition)
    VC4 PS4 FR le cover.jpg
    PlayStation 4, DE (Launch Edition)
    VC4 PS4 DE le cover.jpg
    PlayStation 4, DE (Premium Edition)
    VC4 PS4 DE pe back.jpgNospine.pngVC4 PS4 DE pe front.jpg
    PlayStation 4, ES (Launch Edition)
    VC4 PS4 ES le cover.jpg
    PlayStation 4, IT (Launch Edition)
    VC4 PS4 IT le cover.jpg
    PlayStation 4, AU (Launch Edition)
    VC4 PS4 AU le cover.jpg
    PlayStation 4, AU (Premium Edition)
    VC4 PS4 AU pe cover.jpg
    PlayStation 4, KR

    PlayStation 4, TW
    VC4 PS4 TW cover.jpg

    Xbox One version

    Xbox One, US (Launch Edition)
    VC4 XB1 US le cover.jpg
    Xbox One, US (Premium Edition)
    VC4 XB1 US pe front.jpg
    Xbox One, UK (Launch Edition)
    VC4 XB1 UK le cover.jpg
    Xbox One, UK (Premium Edition)
    VC4 XB1 UK pe front.jpg
    Xbox One, FR (Launch Edition)
    VC4 XB1 FR le cover.jpg
    Xbox One, FR (Premium Edition)
    VC4 XB1 FR pe front.jpg
    Xbox One, DE (Launch Edition)
    VC4 XB1 DE le cover.jpg
    Xbox One, DE (Premium Edition)
    VC4 XB1 DE pe front.jpg
    Xbox One, ES (Launch Edition)

    Xbox One, IT (Launch Edition)

    Switch, AU (Launch Edition)
    VC4 XB1 AU le cover.jpg
    Xbox One, AU (Premium Edition)
    VC4 XB1 AU pe front.jpg

    Nintendo Switch version

    Switch, JP
    VC4 Switch JP cover.jpg
    Switch, US
    VC4 Switch US cover.jpg
    Switch, US (Premium Edition)
    VC4 Switch US pe front.jpg
    Switch, EX (Launch Edition)
    VC4 Switch EX le cover.jpg
    Switch, EX (Premium Edition)
    VC4 Switch EX pe back.jpgNospine.pngVC4 Switch EX pe front.jpg
    Switch, FR (Launch Edition)
    VC4 Switch FR le cover.jpg
    Switch, FR (Premium Edition)
    VC4 Switch FR pe front.jpg
    Switch, DE (Launch Edition)
    VC4 Switch DE le cover.jpg
    Switch, DE (Premium Edition)
    VC4 Switch DE pe front.jpg
    Switch, ES/IT (Launch Edition)
    VC4 Switch ES-IT le cover.jpg
    Switch, AU (Launch Edition)
    VC4 Switch AU le cover.jpg
    Switch, AU (Premium Edition)
    VC4 Switch AU pe front.jpg
    Switch, KR

    Switch, TW
    VC4 Switch TW cover.jpg

    External links


    1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 https://www.jp.playstation.com/games/valkyria-4-ps4/ (Wayback Machine: 2018-04-20 15:25)
    2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 File:VC4 Launch Edition PR.pdf
    3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 File:VC4 MULTI LE ARRAY FR.jpg
    4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 File:VC4 MULTI LE ARRAY GE.jpg
    5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 File:VC4 MULTI LE ARRAY SP.jpg
    6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 File:VC4 MULTI LE ARRAY UK.jpg
    7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 File:VC4 MULTI LE ARRAY IT.jpg
    8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 File:VC4 MULTI LE ARRAY AU.jpg
    9. 9.0 9.1 https://www.playstation.co.kr/game/5253
    10. 10.0 10.1 PlayStation Store (en-us; UP0177-CUSA10633_00-BFVALKYRIE000100) (Wayback Machine: 2018-10-26 04:49)
    11. PlayStation Store (en-us; UP0177-CUSA11082_00-BFVALKYRIE000100) (Wayback Machine: 2019-01-08 22:59)
    12. 12.0 12.1 PlayStation Store (en-gb; EP0177-CUSA10776_00-BFVALKYRIE000100) (Wayback Machine: 2019-01-08 23:02)
    13. PlayStation Store (en-gb; EP0177-CUSA11036_00-BFVALKYRIE000100) (Wayback Machine: 2019-01-08 23:02)
    14. 14.0 14.1 PlayStation Store (en-au; EP0177-CUSA10776_00-BFVALKYRIE000100) (Wayback Machine: 2019-01-08 23:03)
    15. PlayStation Store (en-au; EP0177-CUSA11036_00-BFVALKYRIE000100) (Wayback Machine: 2019-01-08 23:03)
    16. 16.0 16.1 PlayStation Store (fr-fr; EP0177-CUSA10776_00-BFVALKYRIE000100) (Wayback Machine: 2019-01-08 23:05)
    17. PlayStation Store (fr-fr; EP0177-CUSA11036_00-BFVALKYRIE000100) (Wayback Machine: 2019-01-08 23:05)
    18. 18.0 18.1 PlayStation Store (de-de; EP0177-CUSA10776_00-BFVALKYRIE000100) (Wayback Machine: 2019-01-08 23:06)
    19. PlayStation Store (de-de; EP0177-CUSA11036_00-BFVALKYRIE000100) (Wayback Machine: 2019-01-08 23:06)
    20. 20.0 20.1 PlayStation Store (en-tw; HP0177-CUSA10589_00-ASIAPLACEHOLDER0) (Wayback Machine: 2019-01-08 23:07)
    21. PlayStation Store (en-tw; HP0177-CUSA10916_00-BFVALKYRIE000100) (Wayback Machine: 2019-01-08 23:07)
    22. 22.0 22.1 PlayStation Store (ko-kr; HP0177-CUSA10590_00-BFVALKYRIE000100) (Wayback Machine: 2019-01-08 23:09)
    23. PlayStation Store (ko-kr; HP0177-CUSA10917_00-BFVALKYRIE000100) (Wayback Machine: 2019-01-08 23:09)
    24. 24.0 24.1 https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/p/valkyria-chronicles-4/c4rqnbksljg7 (Wayback Machine: 2018-10-26 04:49)
    25. 25.0 25.1 https://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/p/valkyria-chronicles-4/c4rqnbksljg7 (Wayback Machine: 2019-02-12 08:31)
    26. 26.0 26.1 https://www.microsoft.com/en-au/p/valkyria-chronicles-4/c4rqnbksljg7 (Wayback Machine: 2018-12-12 13:50)
    27. https://www.microsoft.com/fr-fr/p/valkyria-chronicles-4/c4rqnbksljg7 (Wayback Machine: 2019-09-03 19:23)
    28. https://www.microsoft.com/de-de/p/valkyria-chronicles-4/c4rqnbksljg7 (Wayback Machine: 2019-09-03 19:24)
    29. 29.0 29.1 https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/p/valkyria-chronicles-4-complete-edition/9n62db7w4dq2 (Wayback Machine: 2019-09-03 19:26)
    30. 30.0 30.1 https://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/p/valkyria-chronicles-4-complete-edition/9n62db7w4dq2 (Wayback Machine: 2019-09-03 19:27)
    31. 31.0 31.1 https://www.microsoft.com/en-au/p/valkyria-chronicles-4-complete-edition/9n62db7w4dq2 (Wayback Machine: 2019-09-03 19:28)
    32. 32.0 32.1 https://www.microsoft.com/fr-fr/p/valkyria-chronicles-4-complete-edition/9n62db7w4dq2 (Wayback Machine: 2019-09-03 19:29)
    33. 33.0 33.1 https://www.microsoft.com/de-de/p/valkyria-chronicles-4-complete-edition/9n62db7w4dq2 (Wayback Machine: 2019-09-03 19:30)
    34. 34.0 34.1 http://portal.valkyria.jp/vc4/ (Wayback Machine: 2019-05-26 18:48)
    35. 35.0 35.1 https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/valkyria-chronicles-4-switch (Wayback Machine: 2019-06-10 22:00)
    36. 36.0 36.1 https://archive.is/8Ah1Y
    37. https://archive.is/db8WJ
    38. https://archive.is/FXsoa
    39. https://archive.is/Mdqsk
    40. 40.0 40.1 https://store.nintendo.co.kr/70010000009718 (Wayback Machine: 2019-06-10 22:12)
    41. 41.0 41.1 https://store.nintendo.com.hk/70010000009718 (Wayback Machine: 2019-06-10 22:14)
    42. 42.0 42.1 https://ec.nintendo.com/JP/ja/titles/70010000009719 (Wayback Machine: 2019-02-15 05:18)
    43. 43.0 43.1 43.2 43.3 43.4 43.5 43.6 43.7 https://steamdb.info/app/790820/ (Wayback Machine: 2018-10-21 07:34)
    44. https://steamdb.info/app/790820/history/?changeid=U:13539764
    45. https://steamcommunity.com/app/790820/eventcomments/1634166237650041629/ (Wayback Machine: 2019-11-29 20:06)
    46. https://steamcommunity.com/app/790820/eventcomments/1634166237650041635/ (Wayback Machine: 2019-11-29 20:08)
    47. https://steamcommunity.com/app/790820/eventcomments/1634166237650041640/ (Wayback Machine: 2019-11-29 20:10)

    Games in the Valkyria Chronicles/Senjou no Valkyria Series
    Sony PlayStation 3
    Valkyria Chronicles (2008)
    Sony PlayStation Portable
    Valkyria Chronicles II (2010) | Senjou no Valkyria 3 (2011) | Senjou no Valkyria 3 Extra Edition (2011)
    Windows PC
    Senjou no Valkyria Duel (2012) | Valkyria Chronicles (2014) | Valkyria Chronicles 4 (2018)
    Pachislot Senjou no Valkyria (2017)
    Sony PlayStation 4
    Valkyria Chronicles (2016) | Valkyria Revolution (2017) | Valkyria Chronicles 4 (2018)
    Sony PlayStation Vita
    Valkyria Revolution (2017)
    Xbox One
    Valkyria Revolution (2017) | Valkyria Chronicles 4 (2018)
    Nintendo Switch
    Valkyria Chronicles 4 (2018) | Valkyria Chronicles (2018)
    Valkyria Chronicles related media
    Senjou no Valkyria Original Sound Track (2008) | Senjou no Valkyria TV Animation Original Soundtrack (2009) | Senjou no Valkyria 2: Gallia Ouritsu Shikan Gakkou Limited Soundtrack (2010) | Senjou no Valkyria 2: Gallia Ouritsu Shikan Gakkou Original Soundtrack (2010) | Senjou no Valkyria Song Collection (2010) | Senjou no Valkyria 3 Original Soundtrack (2011) | Senjou no Valkyria 3 Sound and Song Collection (2011) | Senjou no Valkyria Piano Pieces (2011) | Best of the Valkyria Chronicles (2012) | Aoki Kakumeki no Valkyria Original Soundtrack (2017) | Valkyria Revolution Soundtrack Selections (2017)
    Senjou no Valkyria (2009) | Document of Gallia 1936 (200x) | 戦場のヴァルキュリア3 誰がための銃瘡 前編 (2011) | 戦場のヴァルキュリア3 誰がための銃瘡 後編 (2011)
    Senjou no Valkyria Drama CD The First Chapter (2009) | DJCD Senjou no Valkyria GBS Dainana Shoutai Bunkyoku (2009) | Senjou no Valkyria Drama CD The Second Chapter (2009) | DJCD Senjou no Valkyria 2 Lanseal Kou Housoubu (2010)
    Senjou no Valkyria Saisoku Guide Book (2008) | Senjou no Valkyria Complete Guide (2008) | Valkyria Chronicles Official Strategy Guide (2008) | Senjou no Valkyria (2008) | Senjou no Valkyria: Wish Your Smile (2009) | Senjou no Valkyria Settei Shiryoushuu (2009) | Senjou no Valkyria Anthology Comic (2009) | Valkyria Chronicles: Design Archive (2010) | Gallian Journal 1936 (2010) | Senjou no Valkyria 2: Gallia Ouritsu Shikan Gakkou Heika Shoukou Yousei Dokuhon (2010) | Senjou no Valkyria Animation Fan Book (2010) | Senjou no Valkyria 4 Koma Anthology (2010) | Senjou no Valkyria 2 Gallia Ouritsu Shikan Gakkou Complete Guide (2010) | Valkyria Chronicles 2: World Artworks (2010) | Senjou no Valkyria 2 (2011) | Senjou no Valkyria 2: Soukou no Alias (2011) | Senjou no Valkyria 3 Starting Guide: Senjutsu Shireisho (2011) | Senjou no Valkyria 2: Our Only Days (2011) | Senjou no Valkyria 3 Gokuhi Taiin File (2011) | Senjou no Valkyria 3 Complete Guide (2011) | Senjou no Valkyria 3: Na mo Naki Chikai no Hana (2011) | Valkyria Chronicles 3: Complete Artworks (2011) | Senjou no Valkyria 3: Akaki Unmei no Ikusaotome (2012) | Senjou no Valkyria Duel Visual Book & Loretta Card (2013) | Aoki Kakumeki no Valkyria Settei Shiryoushuu (2017) | Senjou no Valkyria 4 The Complete Guide (2018) (+a bunch of comics)