Double Pack: Robocop v's Terminator and Winter Olympics

From Sega Retro


  • RoboCop
  • Winter Olympics

RvsT Title.png

WinterOlympics title.png

Double Pack: Robocop v's Terminator and Winter Olympics
System(s): Sega Mega Drive
Publisher: Sega Ozisoft
Game total: 2
Genre: Compilation

Number of players: 1-4
Release Date RRP Code
Sega Mega Drive

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Double Pack: Robocop v's Terminator and Winter Olympics is a compilation released for the Sega Mega Drive by Sega OziSoft exclusively in Australia. It contains RoboCop vs. The Terminator and Winter Olympics. The two games are bundled together on separate cartridges.

Magazine articles

Main article: Double Pack: Robocop v's Terminator and Winter Olympics/Magazine articles.

Photo gallery

Physical scans

Mega Drive, AU
RvsT MD AU Cart.jpg
Robocop Vs Terminator Cart
RobocopVTerminator MD AU Manual.jpg
Robocop Vs Terminator Manual
Winter Olympics MD AU Cart.jpg
Winter Olympics Cart
Winter Olympics MD AU Manual.jpg
Winter Olympics Manual


CollapseDouble Packs released by Sega Ozisoft
Sega Master System
Aladdin and GP Rider (199x) | Ayrton Senna and California Games (199x) | Ayrton Senna and Tazmania (199x) | The Jungle Book and Jurassic Park (199x) | Lemmings and Trivial Pursuit (199x) | The Lion King and G-Loc (199x) | Mortal Kombat and Wolfchild (199x) | Road Rash and Asterix (199x) | RoboCop III and Golden Axe (199x) | Sonic 2 and Ayrton Senna's Super Monaco GP II (199x) | Sonic 2 and Secret Command (199x) | Spider Man II and Wanted (199x) | T2 Judgment Day and Laser Ghost (199x)
Sega Mega Drive
Aladdin and Ranger X (199x) | Another World and Arcade's Revenge (199x) | Another World and Wrestle War (199x) | Ballz and Donald Duck (199x) | Bubsy and Jewel Master (199x) | Bubsy II and Shinobi III (199x) | Combat Cars and World Cup Italia '90 (199x) | Davis Cup World Tour and Gunstar Heroes (199x) | Dick Vitale's Basketball and Super Thunder Blade (199x) | Dragon and BattleToads (199x) | Ecco the Dolphin and Ariel the Little Mermaid (199x) | Fantastic Dizzy and Rocket Knight Adventures (199x) | Hulk and Spiderman (199x) | Joe Montana Football 3 and Double Clutch MD (199x) | Lethal Enforcers 2 and Psycho Pinball (199x) | Micro Machines and F1 (199x) | Mortal Kombat II and Revenge of Shinobi (199x) | Quackshot and BattleToads (199x) | Robocop v's Terminator and Winter Olympics (199x) | RoboCop Versus Terminator and Marko's Magic Football (199x) | Rocket Knight and Tiny Toons (199x) | Sonic 2 and Global Gladiators (199x) | Sonic 3 and Mega Games 1 (199x) | The Jungle Book and Columns (199x) | X-Men and Space Harrier 2 (199x)