Pirate Dragon
From Sega Retro
Pages with quotation marks broke?
- http://segaretro.org/Evander_Holyfield%27s_%22Real_Deal%22_Boxing
- http://segaretro.org/James_%22Buster%22_Douglas_Knockout_Boxing_%28Mega_Drive%29
--Pirate Dragon (talk) 15:00, 10 April 2013 (CDT)
This is still an issue, can anyone fix it?
--Pirate Dragon (talk) 08:11, 27 April 2013 (CDT)
for bogus pages use {{delete}} - Andlabs (talk) 21:16, 2 August 2013 (CDT)
- Thanks. --Pirate Dragon (talk) 04:29, 3 August 2013 (CDT)
About those Sega Power covers?
I was SO excited to see those as long as I'm a Sega Power fan (cause that was the longest running Sega mag ever). Anyway, about the low quality of those covers, of course I can read whatever's on them, but not everyone can read that. Also, there are some texts that can be barely seen on the very edges of each SP mag. I'm not criticizing, I'm just advising you if you could reupload them in a much higher quality and a longer width and length. OK, understand? Good.
-The low quality ones are from issues I do not own, they are scanned from small images in the back issues page of later magazines. Like most British magazines Sega Power was larger than A4 size, thus do not fit my A4 scanner, which explains the blurred and missing edges. If I ever get an A3 scanner I will rescan and upload all my larger than A4 scans, but until then I think this is better than nothing. --Pirate Dragon (talk) 14:59, 9 September 2013 (CDT)
Hey, Pirate Dragon. How are you getting down what issue and pages of Sega Power are the games reviewed when no true pdf full-issue scans of Sega Power have been found on the Internet?
-From my personal magazine collection. --Pirate Dragon (talk) 09:49, 23 January 2014 (CST)
Wow! By the way, as long as you got the whole Sega Power collection, would you be able to upload those full-issue pdf scans for everyone else who also wants to read them like the entire Mean Machines Sega collection at the texts section from archive.org? I mean really, am I the only one who wants to read Sega Power so badly?
-I don't have a complete collection of Sega Power yet, basically the ones marked off of the magazine reviews are the ones I own. Scanning all of them would take forever on my A4 scanner, and most of them are too big for it anyway.
I scanned and uploaded issue 10 here; http://forums.sonicretro.org/index.php?showtopic=32134&view=findpost&p=774377
I may scan more issues of S as they don't have too many pages and even though they are oversized the cropped edge is usually just a wide border with no content. Issues 13-22 are A4 sized so I may scan those at some point.--Pirate Dragon (talk) 08:38, 25 January 2014 (CST)
Uh, how much Sega Power issues are you gonna do for the game reviews?
-Those are all of the issues I currently have, when I get some new issues I'll add the reviews from them--Pirate Dragon (talk) 14:57, 27 February 2014 (CST)
Bad Influence
I'm behind the times - I just learnt today there was a magazine
The TV show did reviews. Not very good ones, but do you think we should care? -Black Squirrel (talk) 13:23, 26 February 2014 (CST)
-You've probably already found it, but Bad Influence scans and TV shows are available here; bad-influence.co.uk/mag.htm
I guess we could also include TV show reviews. Other British gaming shows were Games Master (126 episodes), Games World (800+ episodes!), Movies, Games and Videos (Tons of episodes), Ben the Boffin on The Big Breakfast (probably tons of these too), and likely several others just from the UK alone. There was also the teletext service Digitiser (updated daily 1993-2003), and similar teletext gaming pages on other channels such as MTV. The vast majority of these teletext services were never archived though. Then we have radio station gaming programmes, I those would probably be difficult to come by too. I guess the ratings template would need to be adjusted to somehow incorporate broadcasts alongside publications. Many of these were mentioned in magazines, I'll see if I can collate some kind of a list. --Pirate Dragon (talk) 15:23, 27 February 2014 (CST)