
From Sega Retro


Geraldhino title.png

System(s): Sega Master System
Publisher: Tec Toy
Genre: Action

Number of players: 1
Release Date RRP Code

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Geraldinho is a retooled version of Teddy Boy, released by Tec Toy for a Brazillian audience.

Physical Scans

Master System, BR
<div style="margin:auto; max-width:Expression error: Unexpected < operator.px"> 320x120px
Geraldinho SMS BR Cart.jpg

CollapseGames rebranded by Tec Toy
Mônica no Castelo do Dragão (Wonder Boy in Monster Land) (1991) | Chapolim x Drácula: Um Duelo Assustador (Ghost House) (1993) | Turma da Mônica em: O Resgate (Wonder Boy III: The Dragon's Trap) (1993) | Geraldinho (Teddy Boy) (199x) | Turma da Mônica na Terra dos Monstros (Wonder Boy in Monster World (1994) | Sapo Xulé Vs Os Invasores do Brejo (Psycho Fox) (1995) | Sapo Xulé O Mestre do Kung Fu (Kung Fu Kid) (1995) | As Aventuras da TV Colosso (Astérix and the Secret Mission) (1996) | Sapo Xulé: S.O.S. Lagoa Poluida (Astro Warrior) (1996)