Duke Nukem 3D (Mega Drive)

From Sega Retro

For the 1997 Sega Saturn game, see Duke Nukem 3D.


Duke Nukem 3D MD title.png

Duke Nukem 3D
System(s): Sega Mega Drive
Publisher: Tec Toy
Genre: Shooter

Number of players: 1

Duke Nukem 3D is a 1998 Sega Mega Drive game by Tec Toy based on the popular PC game of the same name. It was only released in Brazil. The earlier Sega Saturn version was a direct port of the PC game; Tec Toy's version contains graphics and sound effects from the PC version, but has substantially different gameplay mechanics, levels, and a simplified game engine.

It is widely speculated to be an extensive hack of Zero Tolerance, but this remains unconfirmed. The legal status of the remake is disputed; 3D Realms claims that it is not legal while Tec Toy claims that they obtained a license from publisher GT Interactive (now defunct).


Up moves forward, Down backwards, Left/Right rotates. C fires; weapons switch automatically when the currently equipped weapon runs out of ammo. A opens doors.

Physical Scans