PicoDrive (Windows)

From Sega Retro

Video game console emulator

System(s): Sega Mega Drive, Pico
OS: Windows
Developer: notaz
Programmed in: C
Last release date: (16 years ago)
Last version: 1.45a

PicoDrive is a Sega Mega Drive and Pico emulator for Windows, based upon the original PicoDrive and GenaDrive. The first PicoDrive was developed by Dave for Pocket PC devices, and was written in ARM assembly. notaz took over the project and rewrote the code in C, allowing for ports for Windows and PlayStation Portable. The first Windows PicoDrive (version 1.40) was created to test Virtua Racing SVP chip emulation, which was then added to the main PicoDrive emulator.[2]

In February 2008, the ROMs for several Sega Pico prototypes were made available, enabling development on a Pico emulator to begin. On 21 May 2008, a new version (1.45) of PicoDrive for Windows was released which runs Pico games, and was the first such emulator. The pen board is a separate window, but by selecting a certain option the game screen itself can be used as the pen board. Players can also turn pages. Pico emulation was not added to the main PicoDrive.


Download.svg Download PicoDrive (Windows)
File: PicoDrive win32 145a.7z (1.07 MB) (info)
Current version: 1.45a

Old versions

External links


  1. http://notaz.gp2x.de:80/pico.php (Wayback Machine: 2008-09-13 09:58)
  2. http://notaz.gp2x.de:80/pico.php (Wayback Machine: 2008-05-01 01:46)