Gens KMod

From Sega Retro

Video game console emulator

Gens KMod
System(s): Sega Mega Drive, Mega-CD, 32X
OS: Windows
Developer: Kaneda
Programmed in: Assembly, C++
Last release date: (9 years ago)
Last version: 0.7.3

Gens KMod is a modified version of the Sega Mega Drive emulator Gens. It was developed by Kaneda and is based upon the Gens 2.12a source code. The emulator has a number of debugging features, such as real-time viewing of VRAM, palettes, registers and more. It was intended to replace Genecyst for its debugging features.


Download.svg Download Gens KMod
File: Gens KMod v0.7.3.7z (715 kB) (info)
Current version: 0.7.3

Old versions

External links


  1. (Wayback Machine: 2017-08-10 22:17)