Sega Freaks

From Sega Retro

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Sega Freaks (セガフリークス) is a set of Sega-related trading cards released in Japan between 1996 and 1998.

Selection 1

Selection 2

Lunar: Silver Star Story MPEG-ban First Press Bonus Cards

Selection 3

Selection 3 Limited Deluxe Prism Cards

Magic School Lunar! First Press Bonus Cards

Unknown Cards

Blue Breaker: Ken yorimo Hohoemi wo First Press Bonus Cards

Note: Interestingly, only 6 of the 9 cards were actually included inside the packaging of this edition of the game (199, 201, 202, 204, 205 & 207). The missing Prism cards (200, 203 & 206) had to be sent away for with a small paper form found only inside of this edition of the game.

The instructions were to send the form back to the address listed on the back of the paper form, along with 90 Yen (‎¥‎90) attached to cover shipping costs, and a return address before New Years Eve 1997 (1997.12.31) to be eligible to have the missing cards sent to you. After this date, it may have been impossible to get them.

The above mentioned paper form is pictured below:

Lunar 2 Eternal Blue First Press Bonus Cards

Sega Freaks Special Lucky Card

Magazine articles

Main article: Sega Freaks/Magazine articles.