Dragon Ball Z: Buyuu Retsuden

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DragonBallZ MDTitleScreen.png

Dragon Ball Z: Buyuu Retsuden
System(s): Sega Mega Drive
Publisher: JP Bandai FR ??? PT Ecofilmes
Genre: Action

Dragon Ball Z: Buyuu Retsuden (ドラゴンボールZ 武勇列伝) is a 1994 fighting game by Bandai for the Sega Mega Drive made with the Dragon Ball Z license released exclusively in Japan — and for some odd reason, France, where it was renamed Dragon Ball Z: L'Appel du Destin.

The game was also distributed in Portugal where it is simply called Dragon Ball Z. The distributor, Ecofilmes, would take Japanese copies of the game, replace the cover (but keep the manual and cart), and sell the game as is, promising a free converter cart as the Japanese cartridges cannot fit into European Mega Drives. When the French version came out, they switched to using that version instead.

The game is a typical fighting game. A punches, B kicks, Up jumps, and various combination moves can be done by holding the various controller buttons together. The C button is used to switch between staying on land and flying in the sky.

An unique feature in this game is that both characters will always be on-screen simultaneously — leading to the game doing vertical split-screen with scrolling, rotating split screen, and various other neat tricks the Mega Drive was not known for doing (accomplished using various tricks with VDP layer management). This feature is in fact required by some of the strongest moves (which require both players to be far away from each other).

Physical Scans

Mega Drive, JP
Mega Drive, FR