Sega Sports Challenge

From Sega Retro

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Sega Sports Challenge
Date: 19921992
Location: United Kingdom (various locations)

Sega Sports Challenge was a nationwide contest held in secondary schools across the United Kingdom in 1992. The winning school was Cowley High School in St. Helens, which received a prize of £2,500 of sports gear and unspecified prizes for individual participants. Runners up were High Storrs School in Sheffield and Ryton Comprehensive in Gateshead.[1]


Officially licensed Sega tours
United Kingdom UK Sega in 2 Action! Tour (1995)
United States of America US Cherry Coke/Sega Sonic Shuttle 1993 (1993) | Cherry Coke/Sega Sonic Shuttle 1994 (1994) | Cherry Coke/Sega Saturn Shuttle Sampling Program (1995) | Cherry Coke/Sega Saturn Shuttle Tour '96 (1996) | Sega Dreamcast Mobile Assault Tour (1999)