Barver Battle Saga: Tai Kong Zhan Shi/Hidden content

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9,999,999 gold

BarverBattleSaga MD MaxGold.png

Let the introduction sequence play until the title screen appears, then press Up Down Left A. When starting the game, you will have 9,999,999 gold instead of just 500.

Maximum stats

BarverBattleSaga MD MaxStats.png

Let the introduction sequence play until the title screen appears, then press Up Down Left Right A. When starting the game, you will be level 99 and have 999 HP and MP.

Company logos

BarverBattleSaga MD Logos.png

On the title screen/main menu, press A+B+C+ START . You may need to reset the console to continue.

These logos are those of Ka Sheng (卡聖) and Shin-Shin Electronics, Taiwanese groups whose role in this game is unknown.


Barver Battle Saga: Tai Kong Zhan Shi

BarverBattleSaga MDTitleScreen.png

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