HeartBeat Corporation

From Sega Retro

To do

  • Lansing stuff.
  • Post-discoveries edits. Namely, they made more than 1000 Joeys, and Joey wasn't the only game to use the Catalyst.
  • Really get something in these summaries about how the company confused the eff between their two products, to the point where they had to put "Personal Trainer and Catalyst" on the Joey box. And them treating the Catalyst like it both needed the Trainer, and at times that it WAS the trainer. This is a company that spelled a single game name FOUR different ways on the same package, so hey, not the best with consistency. And so inconsistent that literally the crux of their whole system, the Catalyst, was practically forgotten about. And how both were treated as the same platform. AND how certain system marketing implies you need the Trainer to use the Catalyst. Despite them literally selling and advertising the Catalyst by itself. Also, they spell workout as "work-out", like as a noun. gross.
  • HeartBeat Corporation was an official licensee of Electronic Arts.
  • Alt hardware names: HeartBeat System, HeartBeat control deck
  • Stores HeartBeat products were sold in/distributed through: NordicTrack (which sold the Personal Trainer at $350 in January 94)
  • They credited Western right on the Joey cartridge, good of them.
  • Per a warning card shipped with the system, plugging two "microprocessors" into the Mega Drive could cause it damage. I'm assuming they mean two Catalyst adapters.
  • An "updated version" of Outback Joey was supposedly due in early January 1994, per a letter which shipped with the system from the company president. It's contextualized as "We're proud to show this Sega seal of quality, and to insure that quality, we're shipping an updated version etc". Reading between the lines, are they saying "Hey uhh, there's a significant enough bug or issue with Outback Joey that we're going out of way to let you know, HEY, we've got another revision coming so don't worry." Maybe not, but dang. Now that it's been dumped, someone needs to give it a few look-overs to see what might be up. (EDIT: Looks like it was actually released, and legitimately in early January 1994 too, right on the dot. Check the Joey page.)
  • Link HeartBeat's (unused?) company slogan was "It's Serious Fun".

CartridgeCulture (talk) 01:30, 4 October 2021 (EDT)

Can anyone find this critical Outworld 2375 AD Nintendo Age thread?

  • Unseen64 references a Nintendo Age thread where a collector posts an image of promotional screenshot films for Outworld 2375 AD, and later another collector (notably from Lansing) states he owns a prototype. While Unseen64 claims they're linking to the Nintendo Age thread, its instead a dead link to some website called GoCollect? It's also unarchived, and I'm not able to locate the original thread. However, I'm pretty unfamiliar with Nintendo Age. Is anyone able to somehow find the original thread, or at least a cached copy of it/some information/the text/anything?

CartridgeCulture (talk) 02:02, 4 October 2021 (EDT)

Legal names?

So it appears the legal name is "Heartbeat Corporation" with a lowercase B. Now this is SUPER not important, but just for the sake of accuracy: Is this their actual legal name, or is this just something like "It's okay if you wanna stylize it HeartBeat, but for this, you just gotta write it as Heartbeat cause legal reasons?" I doubt we'll change much, they pretty much stylized it HeartBeat everywhere (even outside of logos), but if it REALLY IS "Heartbeat" on a legal level, it might be worth making a note of- for this and other articles. Anyway.


  • Adam Benjamin (Co-founder) (Head?)
  • Justin Hall / Justin Hall-Tipping (Producer?)


CartridgeCulture (talk) 01:29, 4 October 2021 (EDT)