HeartBeat Corporation

From Sega Retro

List of company staff

  • Adam Benjamin (Product Manager)
  • Justin Hall-Tipping (President)
  • Scott Goodpaster (?)
  • Patricia Males Evanko (?)
  • Jeffrey Smith (?)

List of retailers/vendors/stores

  • NordicTrack (selling the Personal Trainer at $350 in January 1994)

Company timeline

Adam Benjamin's LinkedIn says he worked at HeartBeat from 91-94. Now he was one of the main guys. And the angel investor article says there was a date when the company stopped production, but was still legally in business. Even if they weren't doing any business other than just receiving orders/technical support/etc. Which lines up with the information we already know. PPLUUUUSSS, a bigger tipoff is the fact that PGA Tour's manual says it was made in 94, but the game itself was released in 95.

So, sometime in late 1994, the company stopped production, published one final game (with the help of Polar Technology?) in early 1995, and that was pretty much it. Probably. We're learning every day here ;)

To do

  • Find the source for the 1000 unit production run claim.
  • Lansing, Michigan stuff.
  • Brand confusion stuff, both from company and its legacy.
  • HeartBeat Corporation was an official licensee of Electronic Arts.
  • HeartBeat's (unused?) company slogan was ["It's Serious Fun".

CartridgeCulture (talk) 01:30, 4 October 2021 (EDT)


CartridgeCulture (talk) 01:29, 4 October 2021 (EDT)