Outworld 2375 AD

From Sega Retro

Development schedule

Would have likely been developed alongside Outback Joey (likey by Western). Was likely finished around the same time, or very very close to being finished. The game was probably virtually complete around late 93/sometime into 94, with its release around late 94 or posssibly early 95.

Can anyone find this critical Outworld 2375 AD Nintendo Age thread?

  • Unseen64 references a Nintendo Age thread where a collector posts an image of promotional screenshot films for Outworld 2375 AD, and later another collector (notably from Lansing) states he owns a prototype. While Unseen64 claims they're linking to the Nintendo Age thread, its instead a dead link to some website called GoCollect? It's also unarchived, and I'm not able to locate the original thread. However, I'm pretty unfamiliar with Nintendo Age. Is anyone able to somehow find the original thread, or at least a cached copy of it/some information/the text/anything?

CartridgeCulture (talk) 02:02, 4 October 2021 (EDT)