HeartBeat Corporation

From Sega Retro

To do


  • Brainstorm how to most clearly approach the issue of the Trainer+Catalyst originally being sold together as the "Personal Trainer" (and the Catalyst not having a proper name), and then when sales were poor, removing the systems from the bundles, chopping $100 bucks off the price, and selling it as the Catalyst. Probably just either the summary or the first section of the Personal Trainer article needs a nice clear explanation of this, and probably a MainArticle to the-- Catalyst? You'll figure it out.
  • Rewrite all the HeartBeat-related summaries. They're accurate and not badly worded, but they're a bit on the chunky side, and could probably use a split into two paragraphs and some further clarification, considering above.
  • Brand confusion stuff, both from company and its legacy.


  • Source the "1000 unit production run" claim.
  • Source as much of Kraken's information as possible, and verify how much of it came from trademark searches.
  • Search YouTube for better images of HeartBeat products.
  • Wikipedia article: Get the refs and source them independently, both for additional information and actual refs.
  • Unseen64 entry: Gather any basic information not already on the article, and again source any additional refs.


  • Personal Trainer price was dropped $100 (to $199.99) by April 95 (was the Catalyst also dropped to $99.99?)
  • Also verify pricing. I believe HeartBeat stuff was priced $XXX.95 each, but verify that.


  • HeartBeat Corporation was an official licensee of Electronic Arts.
  • HeartBeat's (unused?) company slogan was "It's Serious Fun".
  • There was a list of other games the company was producing... I think another+ sports title, a motorcycle racing game, and a few others.
  • J Hall-Tipping and Partners?
  • HeartBeat Corp. a DE Corp. (Look into their Delaware office, see if this is one of those “millions of business incorporate in that one office in Delaware cause its got some cheap tax loophole” situations or something.
  • Also clarify headquarters. There’s Stamford CT, Washington DC, and possibly Lansing MI (or it was their distributor/something). Also maaaybe Delaware. And make sure all this other stuff referencing a New York NY address was just me confusing NY with DC for some reason.
  • Justin Hall-Tipping lived in Royaton, CT at the time of filing. Also, why is HeartBeat noted as being in Washington, DC? Is this where the lawyer/law office who filed it was? (Doesn't appear to be, Droible was in Philly)[1]
  • Address for above, and ref for DE incorporation. And also under Attorneys tab, ref for Droible not being in New York[2]
  • What are “worldwide applications”? These aren’t planned regions, are they?[3][4]
  • Says JP patent was actually published, but depending on what Pending means, it was probably just being filed in case the system really took off.[5]
  • Hm more HB corp stuff from 1994, with the same address (just conjoining street). Crossref the info from that angel investor article. And why does it still appear like its in business? Looks like it was launched shortly after the HeartBeat was... is this date the actual heartbeat launch?? And investigate everything on this page, esp prentice hall[6]
  • More Washington DC address proof, with previous ref first[7][8]
  • Deleware incorporation date, (Still marked as active) (1 person/entity, Prentice Hall)[9]
  • HeartBeat Corporation was a “partner of NEPA Venture Fund”. A very very similar and related “report” (nearly just a reworded copy, maybe an updated archive of whatever report/webpage was preserved here?) contextualizes the relationship as being between NEPA and Justin Hall-Tipping… hm. This looks like it indicates NEPA being HeartBeat’s investor and funding source, among others. Crossref the angel investor article, and see if she invests through/works with/is related to NEPA.[10]
  • This.[11]
  • This is Polar Technology. Maybe it was a patent issue with Polar's heartrate sensor technology? Or if it was friendlier, possibly shared code or improved fitness tracking algorithms?[12]
  • Polar/Steven McIntosh connection?[13]



CartridgeCulture (talk) 01:30, 4 October 2021 (EDT)

List of company staff

  • Adam Benjamin (Product Manager; 1988 to 1994) (personally gives 1991 incorporation as start date)
  • Justin Hall-Tipping (President, CEO; 1988 to 1995-05) (personally gives 1991 incorporation as start date)
  • Nick Burton (Director of Business Development?; 1988 to 199X)
  • Rick Koenig ("Enhancement Programmer"/Programmer; 1993-08 to 1994-04)
  • Jon Paul (Chief Financial Officer (interim); 19XX to 199X)
  • Scott Goodpaster (?)
  • Patricia Males Evanko (?)
  • Jeffrey Smith (?)

List of retailers/vendors/stores

  • HeartBeat Corporation (phone or mail order directly from company)
  • NordicTrack (selling the Personal Trainer at $350 in January 1994) (unsure if mail-order or in-store) (probably selling from release)
  • Target (Lansing, Michigan, April 1995) (in-store) (probably selling from post-sister company merger, late 1994/early 1995)
  • Target (Okemos, Michigan, April 1995) (in-store) (probably selling from post-sister company merger, late 1994/early 1995)
  • Target (Jackson, Michigan, April 1995) (in-store) (probably selling from post-sister company merger, late 1994/early 1995)

Production run sizes

  • Personal Trainer set - 1000 (Personal Trainer systems - 500; Catalyst peripherals - 500) (the 1000 count needs citation, but whatever the total run happens to be, it very likely split down the middle; unless they re-manufactured more, and given how these sold and their financial history, that's very unlikely)
  • Outback Joey (original) - 1000 (one cartridge included with purchase of either Personal Trainer/Catalyst. again needs citation, but appears to have been manufactured in an equal production run size as the Personal Trainer set.
  • Outback Joey (Rev. 1) - ??? (Objectively less than 1000, likely less than 500? I think this could have been around 500 given it was produced only a couple months after the company went to market. Probably wasn't super low, as if it was manufactured in response to a critical bug in the original (as some evidence appears to indicate), they'd want to make enough to cover possibly having to replace a bunch of original cartridges, and for future sales of the system (in case business turned around). However, two or three months is a long enough time to see that maybe business wasn't as easy as they'd hoped and even though they should be good and probably do another 1000 cartridges to match each manufactured system, "...ehh sales are starting to look rough, maybe just make half and we'll probably be okay.")
  • NHLPA Hockey - ??? (Like 500 or less, or around that number. Received a lot of promotion, and was one of the more commonly-known HeartBeat titles in the press at the time (and by modern collectors). And from the only known photograph of the box, it appears slightly .... not as shitty as the PGA Tour Golf II box, so I'm seeing either A) Had the same run size as PGA Tour Golf II or B) A slightly-larger run size than Golf. But again, with Golf, some outside company was involved (Polar Technology), so who knows.
  • PGA Tour Golf II (Catalyst) - ??? (Likely 500 or less, maybe closer to 200-100 given it's the last release and the company had all but hollowed itself out as a mail-order company at that point. Appears slightly more than NHLPA Hockey for some reason, but is less commonly known. But given it's the only HeartBeat game we know of with another company on the box (Polar Technology) means this one's up in the air. If Polar was a manufacturer, it might have been higher than 100-200, but I'm wandering into the speculative deep end now)
  • Outworld 2375 AD - ??? (Likely 500 or less, probably closer to 200-100, with logical speculation that it's around 100. This one's a mystery; was probably released around the same time as Hockey, but appears to have been developed alongside Joey. This is the single-rarest; so much so that it was believed to be unreleased, which might be the reason why it's flown under the radar. No one's looking for it. And the very few people who have stumbled across a copy, all from the same city (Lansing, MI), haven't felt any compulsion to document or preserve any of this because of how little awareness there is. So it was probably super dang low, very likely 200 or less, but most of these numbers are purely estimates .)

Can anyone find this critical Outworld 2375 AD Nintendo Age thread?

  • Unseen64 references a Nintendo Age thread where a collector posts an image of promotional screenshot films for Outworld 2375 AD, and later another collector (notably from Lansing) states he owns a prototype. While Unseen64 claims they're linking to the Nintendo Age thread, its instead a dead link to some website called GoCollect? It's also unarchived, and I'm not able to locate the original thread. However, I'm pretty unfamiliar with Nintendo Age. Is anyone able to somehow find the original thread, or at least a cached copy of it/some information/the text/anything?
