Dottori Kun
From Sega Retro
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Dottori Kun (ドットリ君) is an arcade maze game developed and manufactured by Sega. A significantly-downscaled port of the company's popular game Head On, it was created in response to Japan's Electrical Appliance and Material Control Law which required arcade cabinets to include a working arcade game at point of sale[1][2][3], and was being included in Sega's JAMMA-compatible arcade machines as early as 1990. Once the cabinet was sold, operators would frequently dispose of Dottori Kun before the game had ever seen the arcade floor.[1]
Gameplay is very similar to Head On. The basic goal of this game is that you are the arrow and you must go around the field collecting the dots and avoiding the X. The only movement restriction is that you cannot turn 180°, and if you hit a corner, the game will automatically turn you. There are two buttons. Button 1 will cause you to move faster when held. Button 2 pauses/unpauses. Hitting the X will kill you and you will have to start back at the first "level". Every few levels, another X joins the board.
As Dottori Kun was intended to both only meet the minimum legal requirement of a game and to be generally disposed of by operators after sale, the PCB uses the most barebones of components for the time, and therefore had a very low manufacturing cost. The PCB itself consists of only a 4Mhz Z80, very limited graphics capabilities (with a 256x192 resolution display capable of drawing three of eight colors), and no sound.
As game author Nicole Branigan frames the game's inception, "in the 1990s, a big part of Sega’s arcade business was selling cabinets like the Astro City that didn’t come with game boards included. Dottori-kun seems to exist primarily to provide a simple game that could be used for assessment in line with Japanese law. It was included with the cabinet as sold (likely because the cabinet had to be in the same state as assessed for it to be valid), but was not usable for an arcade operator beyond basic testing that the game board worked, it would just be thrown away or maybe saved to be scavenged for parts."[1]
External links
- A Lot of Effort to be Thrown Away: Sega's Dottori-kun! article by Nicole Branagan at Nicole Express
Head On games or clones | |
Head On (1979) | Head On 2 (1979) | Car Hunt (1979) | Counter Run (1988) | Dottori Kun (1990) | Head-On (2001) | Sega Fast Lane (2002) | Monita to Rimoko no Head On Channel (Unreleased) | |
Head-On (Game Boy) (1990) |