Kasou Genjitsu Yuugi Taizen

From Sega Retro

Virtual Reality Game Encyclopedia title.png
Kasou Genjitsu Yuugi Taizen
Number of seasons: 1
Number of episodes: 4
Original airdate: 1992-07-21 — 1992-07-24
Original channel(s): NHK

Kasou Genjitsu Yuugi Taizen (仮想現実遊戯大全) is a gaming documentary series aired in Japan during July 1992.[1] A series of four hour long episodes focused on the early 1990s growth of the Japanese amusement industry, it is notable for featuring interviews with personnel from several companies (including Sega's Yu Suzuki, Hisashi Suzuki, Akira Nagai, and Mitsuo Wachi), in-development prototype footage of Virtua Racing, and glimpses into how amusement facilities were ran and developed, such as Namco's Wonder Eggs theme park and the Sega Ueno Pasela game center.

List of episodes

Episode Video Name Date Airtime Description
1x01 Video Placeholder.svg 1992-07-21 1:00:00
1x02 Video Placeholder.svg 1992-07-22 1:00:00
1x03 Video Placeholder.svg 1992-07-23 1:00:00
1x04 Video Placeholder.svg 1992-07-24 1:00:00
