Fantasy Zone II: The Tears of Opa-Opa (System 16)

From Sega Retro

Where does the name DX come from? I don't see it anywhere on the actual collection... the box? - Andlabs 22:57, 31 May 2012 (CDT)

12-year late response (what a shock), but going through the collection including its manual, there is no mentioning of the "DX" in the title - it has always been referred to as "Fantasy Zone II (System 16)". The 3DS port doesn't even use the "DX" moniker anywhere! So for all we know the "DX" moniker is an unofficial term to distinguish this from the Master System and System E versions, so for all intents and purposes I have renamed the page to go by official terminology. --SorachiJirachi (talk) 17:13, 23 January 2024 (EST)